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The golden egg that awaits liberals in legalized gay marriage
| 19 Feb 2004
| trueblackman
Posted on 02/19/2004 6:17:10 PM PST by Trueblackman
I am the kind of person, who hates to see a person or a group of people be openly used for the selfish benefit of a few elites who are seeking power.
I am here to warning the gay community that if you allow liberal judges and activists to legalize gay marriage in key states you will end up just like the black community did after the 1960s civil rights movement.
Wealth gays are growing segments of inner cities as whites; blacks and other have abandoned the city for suburbs, gays have been attracted to cities as real estate prices have fallen, properties have become easy to come by and in some cities groups of gays have bought up and renovated whole blocks of row homes in several large cities.
These facts has not been lost on mayors and city-council members of large cities, which have seen their tax bases pretty much dry up over the years as those left in major cities either live on fixed incomes or some type of public welfare.
Liberals elected officials are well aware of the fact that, if gays were legally allowed to marry, then they would fall under the marriage tax, death tax and a whole host of other taxes that married heterosexuals currently face under local, state and federal tax codes.
Liberals elected officials and activist judges have sought to override the will of the voters in their drive to full their coffers with the wealth of the gay community. Gay activists have allowed their community to be used openly and many city councils have extended benefits to gay couples in their drive to get an opening foothold in the untapped resources of the gay community.
San Francisco activist mayor and city officials defied the will of the voters of California and issued marriage licenses to gay couples. Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley has stated his support of such a move in his city as well.
I am positive that mayors and city councils from other large cities facing their own budget crisis are looking to San Franciscos activism as a blueprint to follow.
Election year politics have allowed liberals to mask their true purpose of supporting gay marriage behind their need for power and look to the gay community to tip the scaled in their favor to put them back in power nationally as they have done with the black community for years on a local and state level.
Liberal Democrats will charge they are fight to provide gay couples with the same rights and benefits as heterosexual couples and that amendments to the Constitution to define marriage are unneeded in this day and age as they seek to pander to the gay community nationally, while taking in massive donation to their political machine to smear and spread fear.
Liberal Democrats have fought for years to extend minority status to the gay community in a hope of obtaining a foothold on the political and wealth resources (the golden egg) of the community and the concept of gay marriage is the latest red herring that they are offering to the gay community to come over to their side.
The gay community for its part have often compare their movement to that of the civil rights movement and if that is indeed true then as a member of the black community it is my duty to forewarn the gay community that once you allied yourself with liberals you tend to have your leaders picked and chosen for you and lose community dignity all together. Trust me this is something my community has found out the hard way.
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Editorial; Front Page News; Government; Politics/Elections; Unclassified; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: anarchy; homosexualagenda; marriage; samesexmarriage
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Freeper your thoughts as usually on this rough of my latest Op-Ed.
To: Trueblackman
Right on point!
posted on
02/19/2004 6:26:14 PM PST
(Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.)
To: Trueblackman
plus all the lawyer fees for their divorces...
To: CharlotteVRWC
Thanks I will have to add that in my final cut.
posted on
02/19/2004 6:27:33 PM PST
(My lastest bumper sticker..."Support terrorism, Vote Democrat in 04.")
posted on
02/19/2004 6:27:49 PM PST
(My lastest bumper sticker..."Support terrorism, Vote Democrat in 04.")
To: Trueblackman
"I am here to warning the gay community that if you allow liberal judges and activists to legalize gay marriage in key states you will end up just like the black community did after the 1960s civil rights movement."
Pls define what/how.
Be more specific. I am interested but not engaged. Engage me.
Go for it - hook me - you have a powerful point to make - make it!
posted on
02/19/2004 6:32:47 PM PST
To: Trueblackman
It always comes down to money. Not just the for the SF government, but for the same sex couples as well.
posted on
02/19/2004 6:33:29 PM PST
To: Bobibutu
The black community after the 1960's civil rights movement had our leaders picked for us, a select few reaped the rewards of sellout their community and we were give the illusion of power.
posted on
02/19/2004 6:35:14 PM PST
(My lastest bumper sticker..."Support terrorism, Vote Democrat in 04.")
To: Trueblackman
The gay wants to be accepted more than anything else. They truly believe that once they get a paper document from the gov't that their goal of acceptance will be met. It is this strong desire that sets them up for being used and abused and as we know the rats want power and could care less about the person they make promises too.
posted on
02/19/2004 6:35:23 PM PST
(Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and most are right)
To: Trueblackman
You conclusion, that liberal politicians are using the gay issue to get votes, is very plausible. But, I am inclined to believe that those people who take advantage of illegal mayoral prerogative (e.g., giving marriage licenses to same-sex couples) are already liberal and prefer liberal politicians. That is to say, the people your piece would aim to influence away from liberalism, don't want to be influenced away from liberalism.
posted on
02/19/2004 6:35:27 PM PST
To: sixmil
You are right on point and that is the point I seek to make here with this Op-Ed.
posted on
02/19/2004 6:36:00 PM PST
(My lastest bumper sticker..."Support terrorism, Vote Democrat in 04.")
To: Trueblackman
If any state in the US allows gay marriage, such as Massachusetts, won't that create a situation that allows any foreign gay to apply for asylum in the US where they are denied that right in their own country?
To: Trueblackman
At least in the case of death, the married are generally better off. Spouses can inherit estate-tax-free from deceased spouses, so being married is one way of keeping the governments mitts off, at least until the second person dies. I have a good friend who features prominently in my bequests. If I have sufficient warning of my demise and am single at the time, I'm going to marry her in order to effect the transfer without estate taxes taking away a big chunk.
To: wilmington2
posted on
02/19/2004 6:40:12 PM PST
(My lastest bumper sticker..."Support terrorism, Vote Democrat in 04.")
To: VRWC_minion
The gay wants to be accepted more than anything else. They truly believe that once they get a paper document from the gov't that their goal of acceptance will be met. I wonder about that. My wife said a similar thing, that being married "legitimizes" them. When probed, her first reaction to the meaning of "legitimize" was to make more firm the commitment between the couple. But neither she nor I would change our opinion of a gay couple just based on a government issued piece of paper. What's weird is that in SF, domestic partners already get, by force of law, the financial benefits offered by employers.
I think the route to acceptance that is being pursued is not "willing acceptance," but rather either acceptance at the force of law, for this generation, or acceptance in the long run (over several generations) using the gentle force provided by government imprimateur.
posted on
02/19/2004 6:40:31 PM PST
To: Trueblackman
"The black community after the 1960's civil rights movement had our leaders picked for us, a select few reaped the rewards of sellout their community and we were give the illusion of power."
Name names - give an example.
posted on
02/19/2004 6:42:49 PM PST
To: John Jorsett
Spouses can inherit estate-tax-free from deceased spouses, so being married is one way of keeping the governments mitts off, at least until the second person dies. There are other ways to accomplish this goal, and if your net worth is such that estate tax will kick in, you are well advised to seek out competent legal help to prepare suitable trusts and/or foundations. As married people are viewed as a single unit in the eyes of the law, the estate tax views the value of the combined individual assets when the "unit" dies.
posted on
02/19/2004 6:44:09 PM PST
To: Bobibutu
Jesse Jackson for one, the Congressional Black Caucus is another.
posted on
02/19/2004 6:46:10 PM PST
(My lastest bumper sticker..."Support terrorism, Vote Democrat in 04.")
To: Trueblackman
"Jesse Jackson for one, the Congressional Black Caucus is another."
Then call them on it. No pitty pats - a solid right hook.
And make sure your research backs you up.
Go for it. Let us read your passion! vs. Oh this - oh that...
posted on
02/19/2004 6:51:05 PM PST
To: Trueblackman
At the risk of sounding like an "Extremist", I must ask what other laws the California activists are prepared to shuck. Maybe hate crimes against homosexuals should be deemed ok. What If we just made a blanket ruling in which anything that feels goos is ok. These idiots are the facists they speak so strongly against. They (liberals) are ultimately anarchists who's utmost goal is to destroy the very fabric of our great Nation.
I say if we're not going to adhere to the law, let's kick thier asses. Of course I'm only illustrating ubsurdity by being ubsurd!
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