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KERRY IS TOAST! - Nichols Notes(Hillary Gets Ready to Spread the Jam!)
Larry Nichols Notes ^ | February 14, 2004 | Larry Nichols

Posted on 02/14/2004 11:04:23 PM PST by Joy Angela



Volume II - Issue 07 - February 14, 2004


With the Clintons around, nothing is ever as it seems.

As most of you know by now, Senator Kerry looks like he
is the obvious winner of the Democratic Party's Primary
for this election season. Unfortunately, it will not
work out that way.

As I told you last week, Kerry is nothing but a player
in a theatrical event for the sole purpose of
furthering Hillary Clinton's personal agenda.

Last week I told you that Kerry would be the leader and
that others would start dropping out and once that was
done then Hillary would be free to attack Kerry, which
would of course knock him out and leave the party in a

At that point, the Democrats would be forced into the
position of having to select someone that could field a
national campaign in short order. That would lead then
to the only person that would be able to start up a
national campaign with an organization in place that
could defeat George Bush in the fall.

As I told you would happen, once Kerry became the clear
leader some scandal would leak out "accidentally on
purpose" that would lead to his demise. This week, we
find that process has started.

It turns out that a story is surfacing that Kerry had
a "fling", apparently with one of his interns, creating
a tremendous amount of nervous tension within the
Democratic Party as to his electability in November.
This turn of events now has all of the pundits
clamoring about the possibility of Hillary entering the

What is funny to me is that they are just now starting
to realize what you have known for months now. This is
humorous because they are paid to be pundits, which
means they are supposed to know this stuff. We are not
pundits, which means, we are not supposed to be smart
enough to figure this stuff out. But there is one
thing that you have going for you this political

You know me, and while I make no claims to being a
pundit, I do know the Clintons. You have an advantage
that very few people in this country have. You
understand that everything that is going on today
within the Democratic Party revolves around Hillary and
Bill and their plans for the future of this country,
and you know as well that I intend to stop them.

Hillary cannot win if she is not allowed to go forward
with the tricks that they have had planned for this
election year for a long time. I know those tricks, I
have gone to great lengths to share them with you and
now you will start seeing what I have been telling
you start to unfold.

Hillary is going to be the Democratic Party's candidate
for the Presidency for 2004 and if that reality comes
to pass, George Bush will not be able to defeat her.

Therefore, we might as well go ahead and say that if
Hillary gets in the race, she will win.

And it's because we should all know this, that we
should be able to know what has to be done to stop
her. I would love to tell you that once Hillary's in
the race that the information I know about her would be
enough to keep her from winning, but folks, it won't.

They are far too entrenched with the media to be caught
like Bill was during his time as President. They are
much smarter now than they were during Bill's time.

Many of the vehicles that we used to hold the Clinton
Administration in check will be cut off from us this

Many of the problems Bill has that made him vulnerable,
Hillary does not have. Bill was a "good timer" and for
all of his outward appearance of being smart, he really

Hillary on the other hand is very intelligent. in a
sinister way. and is much more discreet and will be
harder to expose.

She will have more money than Bush in this race. She
has a better greased machine than the Republicans could
possibly amass against her, and most importantly, she
has a plan that will be meticulously carried out.

Now as I have told you in past articles, they will keep
attacking Bush and will keep him and his campaign team
on their heels. Thus they will control the dynamics of
not only their campaign, but that of the Bush campaign
as well.

I must remind you again that the Clintons will make
Bush be, in the eyes of the public, whatever they need
him to be to defeat him. Conversely, they will become,
in the eyes of the public, whatever they need to become
to win. It is this ability to create images that will
make her unstoppable and as I have said earlier, the
media will be a willing accomplice in this scam that
will allow Hillary to become President of the United
States and the most powerful person in the world.

You should also remember that once Hillary becomes
President, she will appoint Bill Clinton as the Head of
the United Nations and their power will be solidified
throughout the world. I wish could tell you a
different story. I wish there was some way to paint a
brighter picture for the future of our nation and the
world. But I am honor bound to be candid and truthful
in this matter.

I wish there was something I could tell you that I had
up my sleeve that would, with certainty, stop her. But
I can't. Better still, I wish there was something I
could tell you that George Bush and his campaign team
had in their bag of tricks that could stop the Hillary
juggernaut from winning the election between them. But
they don't.

I would be happy just to be able to tell you that the
Bush campaign team had the ability to defeat Hillary.
But they don't.

So where does that leave us? What options do we have
to once and for all stop the Clintons and their lust
for power?

Guys, it boils down to this: we have to prevent Hillary
from becoming the Democratic Party's candidate for
President in 2004.

If it is any comfort to you, I want you to know this: I
have been planning and preparing for this eventuality
for years now. I know how to stop her, but I need your

If my plan is to have a chance of thwarting their plan
I will need an army of people dedicated to the
preservation of our way of life. People that believe
in the wisdom of our forefathers and the sanctity of
our Constitution. People that understand the value of
the way our government was designed to work and if
allowed to work will provide protection against the
deception and destructive powers of the Clintons.

If you as a reader of Nichols Notes believe that you
can meet the standards I have just proposed then you're
exactly what we need to join in our army. Our army,
just so that you'll know, will be for any person in
this country, regardless of your race, your wealth (or
lack thereof), or your position or station in life.

All that will be required of any soldier in our army is
that you'll be willing to stand up to the enemies of
this nation, whether they be foreign or domestic, that
you will stand up for the preservation of our
Constitution, and that you will believe the plan that
our forefathers gave us years ago to protect us from
the day that they knew would come eventually and is
here now.

Look around you, as I have told people all over this
country through talk radio, and find something that you
value enough to give you strength in this upcoming

As for me, I didn't have to look very far. I simply
had to look into the eyes of my daughter and see
the dreams that she has for her life and hear the plans
that she's making for her family and the excitement in
her voice, as she gets ready for her life's journey.
Then I know why I am here and why I will fight. She's
my reason.

And I'll bet if you look around, you'll find a reason
of your own.

It's her future. Not our future. those of us who are
grown, who have lived the better part of our lives,
blessed with a country that made our dreams possible.
It's the future of our children and our grandchildren
that we have to make safe. Now I know this all seems
kind of theatrical, maybe even to some, emotional. But
it is true.

I believe that the election in 2004 is a defining
moment for our nation. If enough people join the army
to preserve the values given us by our forefathers, we
can pass on a better life for our children than even we
had, then we will win. If people decide to sit back
and do nothing, we will surely lose. And our country
will be gone forever.

Be careful, all of you. Because we have a tendency in
this country to believe that we will always have the
greatness that this country has always had. But the
history books are full of nations that thought the same
thing, only to find that nothing is forever and we
could go the same path of too many nations for me to
mention in this article.

In my case, I pledge to all of you that I will fight, I
will use the plan and try to stop Hillary. But I do
know that without your help, I'm doomed to fail.

So I beg all of you, think hard about what I've told
you today. I would even ask that you might pray and
ask for God's help in this defining moment and I hope
that you will join our army to save this country. By
the way, you'll notice I said "Our" army. It's not mine.
I'm just a soldier like you.

Oh, yeah. If you are wondering what all of this has to
do with the title of this article about Kerry being
toast, well, let me explain.

Senator Kerry is between Hillary and something she
wants. Something that she and Bill have plotted and
planned for for years and they will see to it that he
is destroyed so that they can get what they have
considered their destiny.

So I say to you without any doubt: Senator Kerry and
his dreams of being President and probably even his
political career as Senator are indeed toast. But the
point of this article is that even though Kerry is
toast, our nation doesn't have to be.

See You Next Week and May God Bless,

Larry Nichols

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Extended News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Arkansas; US: New York
KEYWORDS: 2004; bush; clinton; hillary; keptman; kerry; larrynichols; paranoia; stophillary; tinfoil
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Count me in, Larry.

We have to do whatever it takes to ....


1 posted on 02/14/2004 11:04:24 PM PST by Joy Angela
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To: Joy Angela
I think for you and the author, it is long past your bedtime. You really need sleep.
2 posted on 02/14/2004 11:12:14 PM PST by Pukin Dog (Sans Reproache)
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To: Joy Angela
Of course Rush has been on this scenerio for weeks.
3 posted on 02/14/2004 11:12:57 PM PST by js1138
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To: Pukin Dog
it's not nearly as far-fetched as you think...

I hope you're not putting it PAST the old bag.
4 posted on 02/14/2004 11:13:26 PM PST by bigghurtt (Terrorists don't care who did what in Vietnam...they just want W out.)
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To: Pukin Dog
it's not nearly as far-fetched as you think...

I hope you're not putting it PAST the old bag.
5 posted on 02/14/2004 11:13:40 PM PST by bigghurtt (Terrorists don't care who did what in Vietnam...they just want W out.)
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To: Joy Angela
Excuse me, but how can Hilary run, let alone win, when she has refused and will continue to refuse to answer questions from the press? Even if she should relent, the American public will NOT like what she has to say and will be put off by her calculatingly cold style. Hillary is NOT inevitable but it seems that something about her causes some to feel helpless. Happy Valentine's Day.
6 posted on 02/14/2004 11:15:21 PM PST by Meredith
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To: bigghurtt
The "old bag" is coming in as Edwards' VEEP. She cannot win the Presidency in this country. Not yet. Not until they get a chance to change the rules of the Electoral College under an Edwards administration.
7 posted on 02/14/2004 11:15:38 PM PST by Pukin Dog (Sans Reproache)
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To: Joy Angela
she will appoint Bill Clinton as the Head of the United Nations

I don't believe an American can be Secretary General of the UN.

8 posted on 02/14/2004 11:15:43 PM PST by Prodigal Son
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To: Prodigal Son
Also, the article says Hillary will have more money than Bush to campaign with. I don't believe that's so.
9 posted on 02/14/2004 11:17:57 PM PST by Prodigal Son
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To: Joy Angela
I'll be praying Larry is right about Kerry and wrong about Hitlery.
10 posted on 02/14/2004 11:18:11 PM PST by Indie (That earthling has stolen the Imudium 238 explosive space modulator!!)
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To: Prodigal Son
You are correct. No member of UN Security Counsel can also have someone from their country as Secretary General.
11 posted on 02/14/2004 11:18:55 PM PST by Pukin Dog (Sans Reproache)
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To: Joy Angela
There is just one little thing wrong with the scenerio, and that is, Bush will stanu up during the debates and ask about the "law enforcement" model of fighting terrorism. For example, in 1993 the terrorists tried to blow up the trade center. We tracked them down, arrested them and jailed them. Did that solve the problem? How about the Cole? How about the barracks in Saudi Arabia? How about the embassy bombings? Is it true that you were co-president when these policy decisions were made?
12 posted on 02/14/2004 11:19:34 PM PST by js1138
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To: Pukin Dog
The "old bag" is coming in as Edwards' VEEP. She cannot win the Presidency in this country. Not yet. Not until they get a chance to change the rules of the Electoral College under an Edwards administration.

Even if Edwards and Shillary won, it would require amending the Constitution to change the electoral college. There is no way in heck that 38 states would go along with it.

13 posted on 02/14/2004 11:20:17 PM PST by COEXERJ145
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To: Joy Angela
Rantings of a delusional paranoid, so consumed with hatred for the wicked witch that he grants her near deity status & can't even see straight.

I couldn't even stomach finishing reading this conspiratorial tripe. Unless Hitlery turns out to be the anti-christ, she couldn't possibly follow through with this nonsensical scenario.

14 posted on 02/14/2004 11:20:25 PM PST by MCH
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To: Pukin Dog
she won't be looking for veephood.

she will be 62, I believe, in way she's waiting that long.
15 posted on 02/14/2004 11:20:41 PM PST by bigghurtt (Terrorists don't care who did what in Vietnam...they just want W out.)
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To: Joy Angela
This is a realistic scenario, I'm sorry to say. I'll fight.
16 posted on 02/14/2004 11:21:19 PM PST by I'm ALL Right!
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To: js1138
Of course Rush has been on this scenerio for weeks.

Weeks? LOL.
When I have time I'll go digging around in my bookmarks and show you posts from a year ago (by me and others), where the exact same scenarios were thoroughly laid out.

I disagree with Larry, however, that Hillary would beat Bush.

17 posted on 02/14/2004 11:21:20 PM PST by Lancey Howard
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To: bigghurtt
Hillary knows that she cannot win in 04. She will not win a single southern state, so the Electoral College will go to Bush even if she gets the popular vote. If she gets in as VEEP, she can work to change the law, while working to get Rat Poison into Edwards' cornflakes.
18 posted on 02/14/2004 11:23:57 PM PST by Pukin Dog (Sans Reproache)
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To: Joy Angela
19 posted on 02/14/2004 11:25:46 PM PST by John Lenin (Just because there is no draft does not mean there are no draft dodgers)
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You are forgetting the Liberal Justice System. One change on the Supreme Court, and they sue the Electoral College over "Equal Protection".
20 posted on 02/14/2004 11:25:51 PM PST by Pukin Dog (Sans Reproache)
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