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Islamic rappers' message of terror
The Observer ^
| February 8, 2004
| Antony Barnett
Posted on 02/08/2004 4:23:50 PM PST by sarcasm
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posted on
02/08/2004 4:23:50 PM PST
To: sarcasm
posted on
02/08/2004 4:24:47 PM PST
To: Howlin
Did you see this thing aired last week on Fox? My daughter and I both saw it. It looks terrifyingly effective for recruitment.
posted on
02/08/2004 4:27:29 PM PST
(in the event of the rapture.......the Bush White House will be unmanned)
To: sarcasm
He said: 'I believe the lyrics are only metaphorical. I think we should execute Mr. al-Massari and all of his followers and blow up his mosque .
Metaphorically speaking, of course.
posted on
02/08/2004 4:58:22 PM PST
To: sarcasm
These radical muzzies (with apologies to the "good" muslims)sure are getting all the glory they can eke out of the WTC atrocity.It's a long time between the big'uns.
posted on
02/08/2004 5:01:59 PM PST
(In the know on the border)
To: sarcasm
He said that it was an effective way of attracting young Muslims who had been put off by other Islamic sects such as the Taliban, which banned music and dancing
how can they dance and have music after they destroy things and people? ... so they're recruiting a more moderate jihadist who can accept music and dancing? ... what a confused and twisted group this is ... the inevitable culture clash approaches ...
posted on
02/08/2004 5:29:02 PM PST
To: sarcasm
Hopefully he will fall under a gasoline truck and taste his own blood.
posted on
02/08/2004 5:34:26 PM PST
(Thats my story, and I'm sticking to it.)
To: sarcasm
I knew these people were scum, but rap? At least the Nazis had good enough taste to appreciate Wagner and Bach.
posted on
02/08/2004 8:45:04 PM PST
(Death before dishonor, open bar after 6:00)
To: CrazyIvan
The Nazis used swing music to broadcast propaganda to Americans too (antiAmerican/antisemitic messages were in the lyrics and some were "parodies" of American hits).
posted on
02/08/2004 11:04:02 PM PST
To: Bobby777
John Lindh Lennon DooDoo Walker, the American Taliban, reportedly came to Islamofascism through rap music. His usenet discussions from years ago can still be found online; he slowly was told to abandon music and instruments.
posted on
02/08/2004 11:06:34 PM PST
To: sarcasm
Locked duplicate thread
here Contains links to the actual video in lo and hi resolution.
posted on
02/08/2004 11:11:04 PM PST
To: sarcasm
Looks like it contains footage of the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan too.
posted on
02/08/2004 11:21:51 PM PST
To: Howlin
Whether CNN wants to validate the existance of this recruitment music video, it does a lot to show that "aid and comfort" that CNN gives to the enemies of the West.
posted on
02/08/2004 11:25:32 PM PST
To: weegee
interesting ... well, whatever dope they're putting in the water in PLO-occupied Israel in the West Bank sure seems to attract 'em ... mebbe if we used Vanilla Ice it would turn them away? (LOL)
posted on
02/09/2004 12:11:37 AM PST
To: texasflower; KC Burke; swarthyguy; SandRat; All
I sat in a pub last night in Kuala Lumpur and watched a American visitor here deride his own country in front of his Malaysian hosts.
He went on and on about how the USA is pretty much the cause of all the world's problems, that the United States deserved the terrorist attacks of 9/11 because of all the injustice we do and how much he hated George Bush, it went on and on.
He later went to the toilet and one of his hosts started laughing and called him a "kurang ajar" (uncouth person).
I don't know the guy at all, but was later was asked by someone there ~ "How can your friend crap on himself like that and expect anyone to like him?" "Is he stupid?"
Many Americans I suppose dont understand the damage they are doing. If you dont respect yourself, how can you expect anyone else to respect you?
You are an American. You are NOT a "citizen of the world" or a small cog in the wheel of humanity. You are an American and people will identify you as an American. To make it simple ~ YOU ARE AMERICA!!! Deriding your own country is akin to crapping in your own pants. No one respects you and you will INVITE hostility.
And then there are some who will say stupid things like "Oh I don't hate America, I just hate our President." To many foreigners, that is like saying "I dont hate my family I just hate my father" or you give the impression that you yourself are a sore loser or have no respect for Democracy.
I run into situations like this ALL the time. Americans overseas who deride their own country and go on about how much they hate America. This is the fuel of hatred. This is what creates little Osama Bin Ladens.
What message does "the music indistry" send out? Look at yourself and then ask "Why do they hate us?" ~ They hate you because "You hate yourself" ~ How many times have we been told that if you want someone to love you then you first have to love yourself?
In my 20 years overseas I have NEVER seen a group of people who seem to hate their own country as much as Americans. Everyone else always has something nice to say about their country, but not Americans... never. Always something bad.
My previous rant on the same subject
posted on
02/09/2004 12:29:28 AM PST
To: expatguy
You are obviously upset but I'm not sure what you saw posted on this thread that would have inspired that.
I certainly said nothing of the sort, but this was addressed to me as well as the others. I love America more than I could ever express.
In fact I said something about being grateful to live in this country last night here on FR and had quite a long conversation with my anti-Bush ex-husband yesterday countering the very things you were talking about.
Will you tell me what inspired this rant?
I too am concerned about those that run down this country. There are certainly some on here that hate Bush and complain without end about this and that, but I am not one of them.
My posting history would certainly tell you where I stand.
I think what you have written is very interesting and probably very enlightening. I would like to know more, because I would like to help find a way to counter that type of trash here on FR.
It's not clear to me by your post whether you are an American or not. It sounds as though you live overseas at least.
Anyway, I would like to know what inspired this rant and why I was included.
No flaming! I am truly interested in your perspective.
posted on
02/09/2004 12:45:17 AM PST
(in the event of the rapture.......the Bush White House will be unmanned)
To: sarcasm
What's next? Suicide strippers?
posted on
02/09/2004 12:46:25 AM PST
(Democrats are just not capable of defending our nation's security. It's that simple!)
To: expatguy
After reading your vanity post, I understand more about what you were getting at and certainly got the answer to my questions about your citizenship.
If you did feel that I said something that may have sounded bad, I would like to discuss, but I don't think I did.
Perhaps it was just something you wanted to get spread around to as many freepers as possible.
Your vanity was well written and I am glad that I read it.
posted on
02/09/2004 1:00:47 AM PST
(in the event of the rapture.......the Bush White House will be unmanned)
To: expatguy
This is why I say that Michael Moore is the new face of the "Ugly American". He is rich, morbidly obese, a loudmouth (who is a known liar and fraud), he has poor hygiene/grooming, and derides his "home". He has made a fortune selling antiAmericanism overseas (many of his videos and books have alternate Red White and Blue designs over their American counterparts). Even a Malaysian review of Dude Where's My Country that I read pointed out some of the fraud and how the book seems designed to cash in on antiAmericanism (and that critic liked some of what the book was pointing out).
posted on
02/09/2004 1:15:30 AM PST
To: sarcasm
Labour MP Andrew Dismore said he was 'disgusted' by the video and is to refer it to the Home Office and ask the police to investigate if any offence has been committed. No offence, merely joking, right? /sarcasm>
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