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GOP: Ruling ammo vs. Dems (Same Sex Marriage)
New York Daily News ^ | 2/05/04 | THOMAS M. DeFRANK

Posted on 02/05/2004 2:56:58 AM PST by kattracks

WASHINGTON - Republicans say yesterday's Bay State boost for gay marriage hurts Democratic front-runner John Kerry and reinforces their argument that he's a classic Massachusetts limousine liberal.

But Democrats counter that Kerry has limited the political backblast by skillfully straddling the volatile issue - and even some White House political advisers believe President Bush could come off as a gay-basher if he tries to exploit the explosive court decision.

Like Bush, Kerry opposes gay marriage, even though the senator opposed the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act signed by President Bill Clinton.

"I voted against gay bashing on the floor of the United States Senate," Kerry explained in a CNN interview after winning five of Tuesday's seven Democratic contests.

White House strategists, however, say yesterday's ruling makes it harder for Kerry to have it both ways politically.

"He'll be explaining how he voted one way but actually believes another way, and he'll look pretty craven," a senior GOP strategist said, adding that Kerry will now be forced to say whether he supports an amendment to his state's Constitution undoing the ruling.

Even if Kerry wiggles off the hook, Bush strategists are counting on the court's support for same-sex marriage - which polls say is opposed by two-thirds of Americans - to energize millions of Republicans who did not vote in 2000.

In his Jan. 20 State of the Union speech and again last night, Bush warned he may pursue a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

"Marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman," he declared. "We must do what is legally necessary to defend the sanctity of marriage."

Bush political aides say the President is walking a political tightrope. Espousing traditional values is an electoral winner, Bush believes. But a constitutional amendment or legislative remedies could backfire.

"There's a live-and-let-live attitude out there," a Bush political source noted. "Strengthening marriage is great for us. But when you start talking about what you're going to do about it, your opponents will make it look like you're punishing gays, which isn't great."

Originally published on February 5, 2004

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Front Page News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Massachusetts
KEYWORDS: 2004; gwb2004; issues; kerry; massachusettsliberal; samesexmarriage
If this were reversed and the Dims opposed SSM the headline would read something like;

DEMS: Ruling Campaign Issue vs GOP

1 posted on 02/05/2004 2:56:58 AM PST by kattracks
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To: kattracks
This was engineered to help Democrats,
and by the New York Times's Anthony Lewis's Massachusetts-Judicial Bed-Connection.
2 posted on 02/05/2004 3:01:44 AM PST by Diogenesis (If you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us)
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To: kattracks
Expect a lot of media propaganda "warning" the Republicans that they'll be seen as mean, nasty "gay bashers" if they try to stop the courts from imposing gay marriage on our country.

Note Kerry's phony position. He claims to oppose gay marriage, but then claims that efforts to block it are "gay bashing".

BTW, on this "gay bashing" deal, here are three possible occurrences:

A) A homosexual is attacked and murdered because he is gay.

B) A child is raped and murdered by a homosexual.

C) A homosexual dies from a disease he contracted through gay sex.

Of those three occurrences, which is most likely and which is least likely? I would submit that, in descending order from most likely to least likely, it's C, B, and A.

For every gay who dies from "gay bashing", many thousands die from the very behavior John Kerry wants to sanction. That should make us think about who the real "gay bashers" are. Not to mention that gays seem more likely to bash than be bashed. For every Matthew Shepherd, how many kids are raped and murdered by gay sickos?
3 posted on 02/05/2004 3:27:01 AM PST by puroresu
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To: kattracks
White House strategists, however, say yesterday's ruling makes it harder for Kerry to have it both ways politically.

"He'll be explaining how he voted one way but actually believes another way, and he'll look pretty craven,"

Let's see, Kerry voted against DOMA but he's really for it. He voted for the war but he's really against it. He voted for the Patriot act but he's against that too. And he voted for No Child Left Behind but he really doesn't like that one either.

And that's just off the top of my head. There's also all those intelligence cuts and regulations he wanted. Of course the intelligence failures are George Bush's fault. And then there's the military spending he voted against but he thinks that because he was in Vietnam (did you know that?) he's more qualified than W to be commander in chief. Ignore the fact that as CiC George Bush won 2 wars in less than 2 years.

And the Dems are voting for Kerry because they think he can beat Bush? I realize the election will be tight like last time but, come on, if Bush can't beat Kerry he doesn't deserve the presidency.

4 posted on 02/05/2004 3:50:51 AM PST by NEPA
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To: puroresu
"For every Matthew Shepherd, how many kids are raped and murdered by gay sickos?"

This is a question that needs to be asked in every debate with homosexual activitists. There used to be a Detroit area radio talk show host who would ask the question of homosexual activists everytime he got the opportunity, "Do you repudiate the position and activities of NAMBLA and groups like NAMBLA?" or words to that effect. He never ever got a strong position from the homosexual activist that was asked the question. What he got was the pap about how homosexuals are contributing members of the community, they're teachers, your kids (not mine), loving partners, just regular people and blah, blah, blah.

5 posted on 02/05/2004 4:01:49 AM PST by RushLake (Permission from the UN...we don't need no stinking permission slip from the UN.)
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To: kattracks
Democrats counter that Kerry has limited the political backblast by skillfully straddling the volatile issue<{>

Kerry is a master at straddling the issues, one day his stance will leave his cajones (or lack of) wide open to attack.

6 posted on 02/05/2004 4:17:09 AM PST by mylife
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Let's see, Kerry voted against DOMA but he's really for it. He voted for the war but he's really against it. He voted for the Patriot act but he's against that too. And he voted for No Child Left Behind but he really doesn't like that one either.

Funny how he keeps voting for things he opposes!

I expect some wag will compile a full list of his hypocrisy so it can be exposed.
7 posted on 02/05/2004 4:24:04 AM PST by George W. Bush (It's the Congress, stupid.)
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To: kattracks
Kerry said he was opposed to GY marraige, but for civil unions. The MA Supreme Court now does not give that option to Kerry. Kerry must now backup his words or go the other way. So the premise of this reporters arguments are wrong. Kerry is in a bind.
8 posted on 02/05/2004 4:45:02 AM PST by sr4402
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To: puroresu
I would submit that, in descending order from most likely to least likely, it's C, B, and A.

Now if you had left off the "murder" in option B and it read " A child is raped by a homosexual" then the order would be B,C,A

According to the "Gay Report" discussed here previously 73% of male homosexuals admit to molesting children

For every gay who dies from "gay bashing", many thousands die from the very behavior John Kerry wants to sanction. That should make us think about who the real "gay bashers" are.

Points that can't be made often enough. It is far better to bash them here and have them seek the cure than to have them roast in hell after an early death

Not to mention that gays seem more likely to bash than be bashed. For every Matthew Shepherd, how many kids are raped and murdered by gay sickos?

Remember Jesse Dirkhising who was brutally raped, tortured and murdered by a monogamous 'gay' couple. [Never, never, never let them forget. Whenever they mention shepherd remind them of Jesse Dirkhising who was truly innocent.]

Also remember Mary Stachowicz who was bludgeneoned to death by a sodomite renter because she cared enough to tell him that what he was doing was wrong

There are far more victims of 'homosexuals' then there are 'homosexuals' who are victims

9 posted on 02/05/2004 4:48:56 AM PST by John O (God Save America (Please))
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I realize the election will be tight like last time but, come on, if Bush can't beat Kerry he doesn't deserve the presidency.

The election will only de tight if we let the rats get away with massive vote fraud again. The 2000 election was a huge landslide victory for Bush, So huge in fact that the dems miscalculated how many fraudulent votes they needed to win and ended up losing. Why else would they fight so hard using crooked judges to try to steal the election? because they failed to steal it by stuffing the ballot box.

10 posted on 02/05/2004 4:53:45 AM PST by John O (God Save America (Please))
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To: Diogenesis
This was engineered to help Democrats, and by the New York Times's Anthony Lewis's Massachusetts-Judicial Bed-Connection

To expand upon your comment: Chief Justice Margaret Marshall, the South African born head of the Massachusetts Supreme court who has spearheaded this campaign is married to Anthony Lewis of the New York Time's. Who's pulling who's string in the lit conjugal is anyone's guess but I do believe that they still hadn't bothered to get a legal occupancy permit for their "little" beach house down on Martha's Vineyard as of last summer.

11 posted on 02/05/2004 5:01:20 AM PST by ninonitti
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To: kattracks
I fear the nation is as predisposed to roll over and comply
with the Mass.courts' invalid mandate. Even as they rolled
over and blindly accepted the invalid court mandate to remove Roy Moores monument in Alabama. Even as too many will
hold their noses and continue to vote for the corruption
and abuse --because they have been beat up with the notion
that we have a two Party system -and a vote for anybody but
the chosen of the two Parties is a waste.To restore the
Constitution-and Rule of Law -we must be resolute in what
we will accept from our government in any of the three branches.
12 posted on 02/05/2004 6:34:15 AM PST by StonyBurk
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To: StonyBurk
Disagree..this is gonna come together as a big isue for the GOP..renegade marriage, and the PBA vote....
13 posted on 02/05/2004 7:14:57 AM PST by ken5050
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To: kattracks
If the Republicans play this right, they can put the 'Rats in a pickle. However, Americans are more concerned by unpatriotic corporations outsoursing jobs overseas.
14 posted on 02/05/2004 10:07:38 AM PST by Clintonfatigued
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To: kattracks
But Democrats counter that Kerry has limited the political backblast by skillfully straddling the volatile issue - and even some White House political advisers believe President Bush could come off as a gay-basher if he tries to exploit the explosive court decision.

Skillfully straddling=talking out of both sides of his mouth!

15 posted on 02/06/2004 12:46:45 AM PST by NYCVirago
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