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Military begins huge rotation of forces in Iraq and Afghanistan / San Francisco Chronicle ^
| (01-08) 15:00 PST
Posted on 01/09/2004 12:06:19 AM PST by Cannoneer No. 4
Edited on 04/13/2004 2:45:25 AM PDT by Jim Robinson.
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Rarely in the course of human events has so much been expected by so many of so few. We have never tried to maintain an operational tempo like this without conscription and full mobilization. The US armed forces will be dealing with the effects of this for the next 20 years.
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posted on
01/09/2004 12:06:43 AM PST
Support Free Republic
(I'd rather be sleeping. Let's get this over with so I can go back to sleep!)
To: Cannoneer No. 4
Bump for all our troops,"dealing with the effects of this for the next 20 years'.
Why do you write this?
posted on
01/09/2004 12:19:39 AM PST
(Karen leaves 6AM tom for Iraq 4ID-Prayers for my granddaughter please.Thank you.Go Eagles Go.)
To: fatima
I wrote it because I am concerned for the future of our armed forces, particularly the Army. We are working them to death. Many will not reenlist. Units returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are not mission capable for months. We are in danger of breaking our fine Army.
posted on
01/09/2004 12:41:37 AM PST
Cannoneer No. 4
(Brave Rifles! You have been baptised in fire and blood and come out steel.)
To: fatima
posted on
01/09/2004 12:43:59 AM PST
Cannoneer No. 4
(Brave Rifles! You have been baptised in fire and blood and come out steel.)
To: Cannoneer No. 4
Thanks for the great post. My prayers for the young men rotating in
posted on
01/09/2004 12:44:02 AM PST
(Jer 23:29)
To: Cannoneer No. 4
My graddaughtr is there,You are saying your Opinion-not inside knowledge.
posted on
01/09/2004 12:52:04 AM PST
(Karen leaves 6AM tom for Iraq 4ID-Prayers for my granddaughter please.Thank you.Go Eagles Go.)
To: Cannoneer No. 4
Rarely in the course of human events has so much been expected by so many of so few.
We have never tried to maintain an operational tempo like this without conscription and full mobilization.
The US armed forces will be dealing with the effects of this for the next 20 years. Bump!!
The military has begun a rotation of forces in Iraq and Afghanistan . . .
Then no mention of the units in and out of Afganistan?
posted on
01/09/2004 1:18:04 AM PST
To: fatima
God Bless your grand daughter. My opinion that we must take care not to wreck our Army through overwork is not mine alone.
An Army of Lots More Than One
posted on
01/09/2004 1:30:56 AM PST
Cannoneer No. 4
(Brave Rifles! You have been baptised in fire and blood and come out steel.)
posted on
01/09/2004 2:04:11 AM PST
Cannoneer No. 4
(Brave Rifles! You have been baptised in fire and blood and come out steel.)
To: leadpenny
posted on
01/09/2004 2:13:33 AM PST
Cannoneer No. 4
(Brave Rifles! You have been baptised in fire and blood and come out steel.)
To: Cannoneer No. 4
You do good work. Thanks.
To: Cannoneer No. 4
We've heard from several who won't sign up again. Those who plan to resign have 11 yrs or less to retire except one. He's in pilot training. Can we avoid a draft? Isn't this the beginning of second rotation to Asia/ME in less than 2 yrs for 1st MEF? (don't flame me, I know they love it)
SAN DIEGO (NNS) -- More than 200 Marines and 900 Sailors embarked aboard USS Boxer (LHD 4) will deploy Jan. 14 from San Diego to the Central Command (CENTCOM) area of responsibility (AOR) in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom II (OIF II). Force rotation: 1st Marine Expeditionary Force (1 MEF) stationed at Camp Pendleton, Calif., and 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing stationed at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar, Calif.
The majority of Marines deploying from 1 MEF will depart later in the spring via air transport to join the equipment. Military Sealift Command is transporting additional equipment. The ability to deploy to points around the globe on short notice highlights the inherent flexibility of naval forces.
Boxer is scheduled to return to San Diego at the end of April after offloading embarked Marines and equipment in the CENTCOM AOR
posted on
01/09/2004 2:57:30 AM PST
(candle in the window 'till they ALL come home.)
To: getgoing
"resign" = sign up again-Sorry!
posted on
01/09/2004 2:59:44 AM PST
(candle in the window 'till they ALL come home.)
To: getgoing
"resign" = sign up again-Sorry!School of the Patriotic Civilian Who Supports The Troops But Doesn't Really Know What They Do Mil-Speak Tip:
Try "re-up" or "re-enlist."
posted on
01/09/2004 5:27:54 AM PST
Cannoneer No. 4
(Brave Rifles! You have been baptised in fire and blood and come out steel.)
To: Cannoneer No. 4
posted on
01/09/2004 5:59:05 AM PST
(Der Elite Møøsënspåånkængrüppen ØberKømmååndø (EMØØK))
To: getgoing
Can we avoid a draft?I sincerely hope so. I am not sure that bringing back the draft is a workable solution. Conscription is a form of involuntary servitude, after all. Our Army has been all volunteer for 30 years. Only the oldest soldiers have any recollection of dealing with draftees. Turning people who don't want to be soldiers into competent combat infantrymen would be much harder now, I think, than it was last time we had to do it. We don't have the social cohesion we had then. The majority of draftees of the Vietnam era stoically accepted their plight and tried to make the best of it. They recognized their duty. And there would be consequences back home if they shirked it. I am not so confident that 19-year old draftees in 2005 would see things the same way. Neither would many of their mothers. The Democrats would love a draft with which to beat the President about the head and shoulders.
I greatly respect the sacrifices made by Americans drafted into the service of their country in previous wars, but I think the era of industrial age warfare requiring large masses of conscripts is over.
posted on
01/09/2004 5:59:26 AM PST
Cannoneer No. 4
(Brave Rifles! You have been baptised in fire and blood and come out steel.)
To: mike1sg
Take a look...the *surge* has begun....see ya in a few months.
posted on
01/09/2004 6:05:04 AM PST
(Mike...we are entering the home stretch)
To: Cannoneer No. 4; MJY1288; Calpernia; Grampa Dave; anniegetyourgun; Ernest_at_the_Beach; ...
Awesome post. Thank you, Cannoneer No. 4.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The military has begun a rotation of forces in Iraq and Afghanistan that amounts to the largest movement of American troops in decades, Army officials said Thursday.
The changes present an enormous logistics challenge not only for the Army and Marine Corps, but also for the Air Force and Navy, whose planes and ships are ferrying the troops to and from Iraq.
Details of the rotation, where our troops are heading, and when.
No Wimps Allowed
Keep our Troops forever in Your care
Give them victory over the enemy...
Grant them a safe and swift return...
Bless those who mourn the lost.
To: BlueLancer
They called the V Corps shoulder patch the Klingon Patch when I was in.
posted on
01/09/2004 6:11:14 AM PST
Cannoneer No. 4
(Brave Rifles! You have been baptised in fire and blood and come out steel.)
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