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To: All
These are the Killer Links- the best ( or worst ) I could locate. The videos are particularly damning:
Have you heard of taqiyya?) Taqiyya and kitman - lying for the sake of Islam  Finally, enter your zip code, or ANY zip code, in Islamic Finder and I bet you'll see your 'hood a bit differently.

Here is another FR post with pointers to, and comments about, Obsession.

Here is the Obsession movie website.

Here is **another video** of interest: Faith, Hate and Charity

Islam, a religion of peace? Video Gallery

I'm following Michelle Malkin's lead on "First, they came for..." which is a short video clip on the atrocities of Islamic extremist hate and control. Below I have a list of video links regarding Islam, Muslims and terrorists.

Submission, Part I - Film Clip from short Submission (2004). This metaphorical look at the harsh realities of the lives of Muslim women in the Netherlands got filmmaker Theo van Gogh assassinated November 2, 2004 for producing this clip. Clip is 3 minutes long. (Or download the complete version here - 15.5MB, 11min 34 seconds).

Muslim community in America - Take a look at the Muslim community in Bloomington, a few weeks after a hate crime and the wave of extremist actions in London. Your average red headed, caucasian American could be a Muslim follower. See how the Muslim community has infiltrated America. There are an estimated 6-8 million Muslims embracing over 300 community organizations and professional organizations in North America according to Islamic Society of North America. 4min and 50 seconds long. RealPlayer required.

Muslims in America shortly after 9/11 and how many fear for their lives. Some take up self defense class. In this clip, one Muslim condemned the 9/11 attack. 21MB, 1 min and 47 seconds.

Jews for Allah. How one Jewish person converted to Islam. Claims that Islam is the one perfect religion for everyone. Hold on to your lunch. 2MB, 7min 48seconds.

Stones for Apostates (WARNING! VERY GRAPHIC!). Stoning to death is a cruel insane Islamic punishment given to people who are married but still voluntarily have sex outside marraige. This punishment was ordered by the "merciful" Prophet, who ofcourse was the messenger of the "merciful" Allah. Many hadith, including Sahih Bukhari give proof that Stoning was ordered and practiced by Muhammed, for example: Volume 2, Book 23, Number 413: Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar : The Jew brought to the Prophet a man and a woman from amongst them who have committed (adultery) illegal sexual intercourse. He ordered both of them to be stoned (to death), near the place of offering the funeral prayers beside the mosque." 2.2MB - 15 minutes, 30 seconds

Remember the London and Madrid attack. 1min and 32sec

Remember 9/11. Videos...take your pick.

Religion of peace? Until Pigs Fly, Protect America and the world's freedom of speech.
Reading Up on Islam (Stocking Up on Intellectual Ammunition vs. the Islamofascists. GREAT List!)
The coming wars

The column of the day is Caroline Glick's "The coming wars." Supplementary reading includes Roger Kimball's "The rich variety of Muslim immigration" at Armavirumque, Daniel Johnson's open letter to Günter Grass (part 1 and part 2) in the New York Sun, and Leora Falk's "Washington Post editor rebukes his reporter for television comments on Israel," also in the Sun.

Posted by Scott at 07:53 AM | Permalink 
Toronto Terror Suspects Were ClearGuidance Kids

In the early days of Little Green Footballs, following the 9/11 attacks, we discovered an incredibly vile Islamic discussion forum known as ClearGuidance, self-described as “a resource guide for Muslim American teenagers,” where Muslim kids traded decapitation videos and jihad talk.

Today the Globe and Mail reports that at least two of the suspects accused of plotting massive terror attacks in Canada were regular posters on

Previous LGF entries about

What Is 'Islamofascism'? A history of the word from the first Westerner to use it.
Hitler, the Mufti of Jerusalem, and Islamic Fascism

I’ve read about the alliance between Adolf Hitler and Muslim Arab leaders in World War II, and seen still photographs, but this is the first time I’ve seen actual video of Hitler meeting with the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Muhammed Amin al-Husseini—Yasser Arafat’s alleged uncle. From a German TV documentary, with English subtitles. (Hat tip: Justify This, who also created the Azzam Tamimi “shrieking jihad” video.)  link: 142 comments


Shows that modern Islamism and the Palestinian movement are the DIRECT descendent of Nazism. More connections here:


Found your post and link to vid at YouTube:
Hitler, The Mufti Of Jerusalem And Modern Islamo Nazism

Lot's of Key Nazi's photoed with Husseini and his "Hanzar Nazi/Muslim troops"

A good poster showing Nazi salutes then and now.

Hezbollah's Nazi roots (the left's common ground with Islamofascism)

Islam is a Death Cult

 Why Islam is the new Marx

The Third Terrorist (OKC)

CAIR's Dreams of American Sharia (Required reading for American Patriots!)

‘12th Imam,’ Key Facet Of Islamic Prophecy, Fueling Middle East Turmoil

Islam truth and myth (VERY GOOD READ)

Fjordman: The Fall of France

At the Gates of Vienna, Fjordman has an essay on The Fall of France and the Multicultural World Warlink: 122 comments

Muslim blogs are calling for violence against the Jews, the whites and the well-to-do. They say, “We must burn France, as Hamas will burn Israel.” As stated in the book “Eurabia” by Bat Ye’or, the merger of Europe and the Arab-Islamic world has been encouraged by the French political elite in particular at least since the early 1970s... Bruce Bawer’s book “While Europe Slept, How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within”

Fjordman’s latest is a massive essay on Political Correctness — The Revenge of Marxism.

Alt.Muslim "reviews" Islam: What the West Needs to Know

When I wrote my book Islam Unveiled in 2001, I hoped that thoughtful Muslims would address the points I raised in it, and that we could open up a dialogue that might be useful in illuminating what could be done about the elements of Islam that give rise to fanaticism and violence. In that I was naive. The response by critics to that book as well as to every other book that I have written has consisted only of vague assertions that I am ignorant of Islam, without ever providing a single substantive refutation of anything I wrote.

It's the same with this Alt.Muslim review of the documentary in which I appear, Islam: What The West Needs To Know. Reviewer Zahir Janmohamed seems to think that sneering is a good substitute for argumentation. He raises not a single substantive point to attempt to show that what the movie says is wrong. Posted by Robert at 12:28 PM | Comments (26)

UPDATE: In a related item, Cathy Seipp has thoughts on the media, immigration, and Islam.


Islamasoft Solutions has a downloadable qur'an (Pickthall translation) as well as hadith software. Both are searchable. Unfortunately, the latter does not include Ishaq. Nonetheless, it does include the more accepted collections, enough of them to give one a pretty clear impression of their brutish, megalomaniacal "prophet". I came across the Hilali-Khan version online. 10 Qur’an translations

1,110 posted on 08/19/2006 10:53:09 AM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 800 | View Replies ]

To: All
These are the Killer Links- the best ( or worst ) I could locate. The videos are particularly damning:
Have you heard of taqiyya?) Taqiyya and kitman - lying for the sake of Islam  Finally, enter your zip code, or ANY zip code, in Islamic Finder and I bet you'll see your 'hood a bit differently.

Here is another FR post with pointers to, and comments about, Obsession.

Here is the Obsession movie website.

Here is **another video** of interest: Faith, Hate and Charity

Islam, a religion of peace? Video Gallery

I'm following Michelle Malkin's lead on "First, they came for..." which is a short video clip on the atrocities of Islamic extremist hate and control. Below I have a list of video links regarding Islam, Muslims and terrorists.

Submission, Part I - Film Clip from short Submission (2004). This metaphorical look at the harsh realities of the lives of Muslim women in the Netherlands got filmmaker Theo van Gogh assassinated November 2, 2004 for producing this clip. Clip is 3 minutes long. (Or download the complete version here - 15.5MB, 11min 34 seconds).

Muslim community in America - Take a look at the Muslim community in Bloomington, a few weeks after a hate crime and the wave of extremist actions in London. Your average red headed, caucasian American could be a Muslim follower. See how the Muslim community has infiltrated America. There are an estimated 6-8 million Muslims embracing over 300 community organizations and professional organizations in North America according to Islamic Society of North America. 4min and 50 seconds long. RealPlayer required.

Muslims in America shortly after 9/11 and how many fear for their lives. Some take up self defense class. In this clip, one Muslim condemned the 9/11 attack. 21MB, 1 min and 47 seconds.

Jews for Allah. How one Jewish person converted to Islam. Claims that Islam is the one perfect religion for everyone. Hold on to your lunch. 2MB, 7min 48seconds.

Stones for Apostates (WARNING! VERY GRAPHIC!). Stoning to death is a cruel insane Islamic punishment given to people who are married but still voluntarily have sex outside marraige. This punishment was ordered by the "merciful" Prophet, who ofcourse was the messenger of the "merciful" Allah. Many hadith, including Sahih Bukhari give proof that Stoning was ordered and practiced by Muhammed, for example: Volume 2, Book 23, Number 413: Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar : The Jew brought to the Prophet a man and a woman from amongst them who have committed (adultery) illegal sexual intercourse. He ordered both of them to be stoned (to death), near the place of offering the funeral prayers beside the mosque." 2.2MB - 15 minutes, 30 seconds

Remember the London and Madrid attack. 1min and 32sec

Remember 9/11. Videos...take your pick.

Religion of peace? Until Pigs Fly, Protect America and the world's freedom of speech.
Reading Up on Islam (Stocking Up on Intellectual Ammunition vs. the Islamofascists. GREAT List!)
The coming wars

The column of the day is Caroline Glick's "The coming wars." Supplementary reading includes Roger Kimball's "The rich variety of Muslim immigration" at Armavirumque, Daniel Johnson's open letter to Günter Grass (part 1 and part 2) in the New York Sun, and Leora Falk's "Washington Post editor rebukes his reporter for television comments on Israel," also in the Sun.

Posted by Scott at 07:53 AM | Permalink 
Toronto Terror Suspects Were ClearGuidance Kids

In the early days of Little Green Footballs, following the 9/11 attacks, we discovered an incredibly vile Islamic discussion forum known as ClearGuidance, self-described as “a resource guide for Muslim American teenagers,” where Muslim kids traded decapitation videos and jihad talk.

Today the Globe and Mail reports that at least two of the suspects accused of plotting massive terror attacks in Canada were regular posters on

Previous LGF entries about

What Is 'Islamofascism'? A history of the word from the first Westerner to use it.
Hitler, the Mufti of Jerusalem, and Islamic Fascism

I’ve read about the alliance between Adolf Hitler and Muslim Arab leaders in World War II, and seen still photographs, but this is the first time I’ve seen actual video of Hitler meeting with the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Muhammed Amin al-Husseini—Yasser Arafat’s alleged uncle. From a German TV documentary, with English subtitles. (Hat tip: Justify This, who also created the Azzam Tamimi “shrieking jihad” video.)  link: 142 comments


Shows that modern Islamism and the Palestinian movement are the DIRECT descendent of Nazism. More connections here:

Found your post and link to vid at YouTube:
Hitler, The Mufti Of Jerusalem And Modern Islamo Nazism

Lot's of Key Nazi's photoed with Husseini and his "Hanzar Nazi/Muslim troops"

A good poster showing Nazi salutes then and now.

Hezbollah's Nazi roots (the left's common ground with Islamofascism)

Islam is a Death Cult

 Why Islam is the new Marx

The Third Terrorist (OKC)

CAIR's Dreams of American Sharia (Required reading for American Patriots!)

‘12th Imam,’ Key Facet Of Islamic Prophecy, Fueling Middle East Turmoil

Islam truth and myth (VERY GOOD READ)

Fjordman: The Fall of France

At the Gates of Vienna, Fjordman has an essay on The Fall of France and the Multicultural World Warlink: 122 comments

Muslim blogs are calling for violence against the Jews, the whites and the well-to-do. They say, “We must burn France, as Hamas will burn Israel.” As stated in the book “Eurabia” by Bat Ye’or, the merger of Europe and the Arab-Islamic world has been encouraged by the French political elite in particular at least since the early 1970s... Bruce Bawer’s book “While Europe Slept, How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within”

Fjordman’s latest is a massive essay on Political Correctness — The Revenge of Marxism.

Alt.Muslim "reviews" Islam: What the West Needs to Know

When I wrote my book Islam Unveiled in 2001, I hoped that thoughtful Muslims would address the points I raised in it, and that we could open up a dialogue that might be useful in illuminating what could be done about the elements of Islam that give rise to fanaticism and violence. In that I was naive. The response by critics to that book as well as to every other book that I have written has consisted only of vague assertions that I am ignorant of Islam, without ever providing a single substantive refutation of anything I wrote.

It's the same with this Alt.Muslim review of the documentary in which I appear, Islam: What The West Needs To Know. Reviewer Zahir Janmohamed seems to think that sneering is a good substitute for argumentation. He raises not a single substantive point to attempt to show that what the movie says is wrong. Posted by Robert at 12:28 PM | Comments (26)

UPDATE: In a related item, Cathy Seipp has thoughts on the media, immigration, and Islam.


Islamasoft Solutions has a downloadable qur'an (Pickthall translation) as well as hadith software. Both are searchable. Unfortunately, the latter does not include Ishaq. Nonetheless, it does include the more accepted collections, enough of them to give one a pretty clear impression of their brutish, megalomaniacal "prophet". I came across the Hilali-Khan version online. 10 Qur’an translations

1,112 posted on 08/20/2006 2:52:37 AM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
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