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The Soros Threat
The American Enterprise ^ | 12/20/03 | James K. Glassman

Posted on 12/20/2003 8:58:34 AM PST by bdeaner

Forward Observer
By James K. Glassman

The Soros Threat

George Soros, the 38th richest person in the world according to Forbes, says that defeating President George W. Bush in 2004 is "the central focus of my life." In an eye-popping interview recently with the Washington Post, he argued that "America under Bush is a danger to the world."

"When I hear Bush say, 'You're either with us or against us,' it reminds me of the Germans." It evokes memories, he says, of the Nazi rhetoric of his childhood in Hungary.

This wild antipathy toward the President is making Soros--who earned his $7 billion as a hedge-fund buccaneer--the single biggest funder of efforts to get Bush out of the White House. The Post figures he has spent over $15 million so far, and he is ready to give more. The 2004 Presidential race, he told the Post, is "a matter of life and death."

In early November, Soros and a partner donated $5 million to the liberal, anti-Bush He also gave $10 million to a similar organization, America Coming Together, which aims to mobilize voters in 17 battleground states. And he has promised $3 million to the
Center for American Progress, a new Democratic think tank started by former Clinton aide John Podesta.

Soros has always fancied himself an intellectual as well as a moneymaker, and he wants desperately to be taken seriously.
His first attempt came in 1997 with a weird, discursive article in the Atlantic Monthly called "The Capitalist Threat." He argued that "the spread of market values into all areas of life" is now the main threat to "open and democratic society."

The man-bites-dog nature of the anticapitalist article from the capitalist mogul brought it attention, but it was so appallingly stupid that it provoked the ire of even the typically mild-mannered, centrist journalist Robert Samuelson of Newsweek. He called Soros "a crackpot" and his essay "gibberish" akin to the "Unabomber's manifesto in its sweeping, unsupported, and disconnected generalizations."

Now Soros is back in the Atlantic with a piece called "The Bubble of
American Supremacy." Here the problem is not so much incoherence as hysteria: "The Bush administration proceeded to exploit the terrorist attack for its own purposes," he writes of the 9/11 terrorist murder of innocents. "It fostered the fear that has gripped the country…and it used the war on terrorism to execute an agenda of American supremacy."

What does Soros propose? Not military action, but "preventive action of a constructive and affirmative nature. Increased foreign aid or better or fairer trade rules," and, of course, "international cooperation."

All of this would be harmless if Soros didn't have billions to spend and the intention to manipulate our politics with them. In the past, it was enough for him to lavish money on leftish causes like drug legalization through the Soros Foundations Network. But a more strident, ideological tone has now become evident.

Soros dubbed his main charity the "Open Society Institute," a reference to the 1945 book, The Open Society and Its Enemies, by Karl Popper (1902-94), who was driven out of his native Austria by the
Nazis. Popper's ideas are complicated, but he stood for what Jonathan Rauch, in a perceptive essay following 9/11, called a free society's "irrepressible effervescence and astonishing durability." These truly are American traits, and ones that the Bush administration has tried to preserve and promote through the kinds of activities that Soros appears to detest: tax cuts, regulatory restraint, and yes, overthrowing tyrants in other parts of the world.

There is irony in Soros's simultaneous embrace of Popper and of the American Left. And hypocrisy in his attitude toward campaign finance regulation: In his foundation's annual report, Soros lauds the McCain-Feingold law limiting donations as an antidote to "a fundamental crisis in democratic self-government." Yet he pours millions into a loophole that lets nonparty groups accept funds without limit.

Let me be clear: Soros earned his money, and he can spend it on whatever he wants. What concerns me is the monstrous hatred Soros has developed toward the President of the United States--hatred shared by others in his social circle.

My guess is that the $15 million Soros has spent is just the beginning. Most voters are blessedly immune to dumb arguments even when they are well-funded. Nevertheless, it would be foolish to take Soros lightly. He is emerging as a great threat not just to the re-election of George Bush, but to our truly open society as well.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2004; cfr; georgesoros; georgewbush; jamesglassman; jameskglassman; johnpodesta; karlpopper; mccainfeingold; moveon; moveonorg; presidentialrace; soros
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1 posted on 12/20/2003 8:58:36 AM PST by bdeaner
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To: bdeaner
Why are all lefties such hypocrites?
2 posted on 12/20/2003 9:08:31 AM PST by observer5
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To: observer5
"The man-bites-dog nature of the anticapitalist article from the capitalist mogul brought it attention, but it was so appallingly stupid that it provoked the ire of even the typically mild-mannered, centrist journalist Robert Samuelson of Newsweek. He called Soros "a crackpot" and his essay "gibberish" akin to the "Unabomber's manifesto in its sweeping, unsupported, and disconnected generalizations."

Says it all...
3 posted on 12/20/2003 9:10:13 AM PST by observer5
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To: bdeaner
I quite agree, this Soros has become quite frightening. He shows an increasing tendency to demigogory. In combination with the fascistic tendencies of those he funds their success could be devastating.
4 posted on 12/20/2003 9:10:46 AM PST by jocon307 (The dems don't get it, the American people do!)
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To: bdeaner
Soros...the sugar daddy for the pro-dope crowd.
5 posted on 12/20/2003 9:13:37 AM PST by CWOJackson
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To: observer5
Why are all lefties such hypocrites?

Because they only have one principle: Power at all costs.
6 posted on 12/20/2003 9:13:42 AM PST by bdeaner
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To: bdeaner
"Most voters are blessedly immune to dumb arguments even when they are well-funded."

Wish I could agree with this. At least the "most" part. However, this is a society where whoever has the most yard signs wins.
7 posted on 12/20/2003 9:14:57 AM PST by Conservateacher
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To: Conservateacher
However, this is a society where whoever has the most yard signs wins.

Yes, unfortunately, we live in a society where the great majority of people are clueless when it comes to politics. Fortunately, there is a trend in the opposite direction, as recent research has suggested.
8 posted on 12/20/2003 9:17:58 AM PST by bdeaner
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To: observer5; bdeaner
Why are all lefties such hypocrites?

They just want to h'ep us, don't ya know. Blech. What is it about massive amounts of money that corrupts so deeply?? Perhaps it's the Faustian bargains they make to acquire the money that pushes their behavior.

9 posted on 12/20/2003 9:19:58 AM PST by fortunecookie
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To: bdeaner
Because they only have one principle: Power at all costs.

And absolute power corrupts absolutely.

10 posted on 12/20/2003 9:20:57 AM PST by fortunecookie
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To: bdeaner
"Fortunately, there is a trend in the opposite direction, as recent research has suggested."

I see this too. It's good news. But I am always amazed by intelligent friends who are totally oblivious where it comes to politics.

Ask them about entertainment or sports and they are "up to speed". Politics - forget it.
11 posted on 12/20/2003 9:21:54 AM PST by Conservateacher
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To: bdeaner
It's funny, I'm reading a book called "Wittgenstein's Poker" right now. It's an account of the one-time, highly emotionally charged confrontation between the charismatic, subjectivist Wittgenstein and the low-key, objectivist Popper at Oxford University's philosophy club's weekly meeting. It was October 25th, 1946, and the two had a face-off. Wittgenstein may have brandished a poker at Popper, depending on whose account you hear. It's a fascinating book.

I'm only a quarter of the way through it, but from what I'm understanding so far, Popper and Soros are NOT compatible. I suspect Soros isn't terribly intellectual.

12 posted on 12/20/2003 9:22:42 AM PST by wizardoz ("Let's roll!" ........................................................ "We got him!")
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To: bdeaner
These millions Soros is pouring into this draws into question his competency as an investor because this is a sure loser if I ever saw one. He is p!$$ing his money away here.
13 posted on 12/20/2003 9:23:13 AM PST by Prodigal Son
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To: wizardoz
WHOOPS! Not Oxford, King's College at Cambridge. Sorry, all!
14 posted on 12/20/2003 9:25:07 AM PST by wizardoz ("Let's roll!" ........................................................ "We got him!")
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To: bdeaner
this Soros thing is of no surprise. The Devil needs
people in the field , we know this or as they say
"it is written". Soros is today's face of deceit and intent
insulated with enuf money to provide lifetime protections.

The bigger sadness is the bread crumbs trail of
birds who eat his offerings.
15 posted on 12/20/2003 9:25:34 AM PST by cars for sale
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To: bdeaner; Grampa Dave
1. Popper is revolving in his grave.
2. AINO ping.
16 posted on 12/20/2003 9:30:07 AM PST by aculeus
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To: bdeaner
This is a superb article with a short history of this dangerous and evil/vile anti American, George $oreA$$.

Thanks for posting it, and I have bookmarked it.

My tagline shows a little of how I feel about this evil/vile POS, who should be flushed into the cesspool of those who have hated America and failed.
17 posted on 12/20/2003 9:35:03 AM PST by Grampa Dave (George $orea$$ has owned and controlled the Rats for decades!)
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To: bdeaner
Rich useful idiot bump!
18 posted on 12/20/2003 9:36:20 AM PST by MonroeDNA (Soros is the enemy.)
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To: aculeus
Thanks for the ping about this vile/evil AINO POS!
19 posted on 12/20/2003 9:36:52 AM PST by Grampa Dave (George $orea$$ has owned and controlled the Rats for decades!)
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To: bdeaner
Soros has no room to talk. He himself reminds me of the Nazis. Typical sociopath....he uses his own accusations against others.

Soros is the single largest menace to the world. I am waiting for his transition to the next life with great impatience.

Soros funded more death culture activity in his lifetime than we can overcome in ten lifetimes.

20 posted on 12/20/2003 9:38:23 AM PST by MarMema
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