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USO Canteen FReeper Style ~ Ancient Greek Military:Mercenaries ~ December 16, 2003
Warfare in Hellas ^ | december 16, 2003 | LaDivaLoca

Posted on 12/16/2003 1:19:32 AM PST by LaDivaLoca

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Part III: Ancient Greek Military:

Struggle for Hegemony


Mercenaries were very important in the ancient history. The Greek armies did not need them at first, but later on they were even used in Hellas. Mercenaries were normally used because they were capable of doing something which the army could not do. That is why the Greeks hired Scythic archers, why the Persians used Greek hoplites during the wars against Macedon, and why the Thracian peltast was the beginning of a new type of forces.

The Scythic archer.
Here you see a typical Scythic archer. The Scythes, or Sakae, were extremely good archers. That is the reason why the Athenian tyrant Pisistratus hired them in the middle of the sixth century. As mercenaries they participated in the battles besides the Athenian phalanx, but inside the city they also were used to maintain the order. They are quite often seen in paintings on Attic vases. However, they were of no use for Athens during the battle of Marathon. They refused to fight their Asiatic brothers, and a group of Sakae even joined the Persian side during the battle. In the fifth century the king of Persia also hired Scythic mercenaries to teach his warriors the art of archery.

The equipment of the Scythic archer.

The Scythe in the picture is wearing the typical long conical cap, the loose tunic and pants. In his hands he is holding a composite bow which is quite small, but nevertheless was it capable of shooting the arrows over a large distance because of its excellent construction. The bow has a wooden core which is entwined with tendon at the front, and reinforced with horn in the back. When the bow was used the tendon and horn both created both fields of tension which had the same purpose: shooting away the arrow. The tips of the bow are also made of horn, and the string of the bow is attached to these tips. His quiver, or gorytos, is decorated with patterns and he is ready to shoot a three-feathered arrow. He has no armor as he normally could not be found in the front of the battle. Instead he stayed behind and fired his arrows at the enemy, while the heavy armored troops were positioned between him and the opposing forces.

The Scythic way of archery.

The Greeks never saw much use in the bow as a weapon until the end of the Peloponessian wars. This is most likely because they used the bow in a different way than the Scythes did. The Scythes pulled the string back with the index finger and the middle finger of their right hand while the end of the arrow rested between these two fingers. This method was mostly used through the Mediterranean. The Greeks on the other hand held the end of the arrow between the thumb and the index finger, and pulled the string back with the end of the arrow. This way they could not pull back the string as much as the Scythes could. As a result of this they could aim not so well, they were not able to shoot as far as the Scythes, and the arrow had less energy to penetrate armor.


The Thracian peltast.

Here we see a Thracian peltast. The Greeks saw the importance of these light troops relatively late. During the Persian wars they noticed how strong the combination of heavy armed hoplites and light armed peltasts and archers was. Originally only the members of Thracian tribes were called peltasts, but later on the word peltast was given to a special form of infantry. Often they opened the battle by throwing their javelins at the enemy. Then they retreated behind the phalanx which was advancing in open formation. The phalanx switched to a closed formation once all peltasts were in safety, and attacked the hostile phalanx. The peltasts advanced again, and pursued the enemy once his lines were broken by the phalanx.

The equipment of the Thracian peltast.

The name peltast comes from the shield that the Thracian tribes used: the traditional pelte. It often was shaped like a partial moon, but it could also be oval or circular. It was made of osier and covered with the skin of a goat or a sheep. The usage of the pelte instead of the heavy hoplon, and the lack of any further armor, made the peltast much lighter and mobile than a hoplite, but it still gave him and advantage when he had to face lighter armed troops like archers in a man to man combat. Another advantage was that they were much cheaper to equip and maintain than a hoplite.
The peltasts were armed with a bundle of javelins. They are normally portrayed with only two javelins, but several descriptions of battles prove that he carried more than two in reality. The actual number depended on the length of the javelins which ranged from one meter to one and a half meter. The javelins were thrown in a very special way which enabled the peltasts to throw their javelins much further. He held the javelin lightly with his fourth and fifth finger, while the second and third finger were hooked around a noose which was attached to the javelin. When the javelin was above his head he released it and gave it a final swing with the noose. In the picture we see a typical Thracian peltast. He is wearing the characteristic high boots and cap made out of the skin of a fox. His colorful cape and tunic are pulled up and tied around his waist to give him more freedom to maneuver.

Peltast against phalanx.

During the Corinthian war the peltasts became so dangerous that they even were capable of fighting an unit of hoplites. The battle of Lechaien gives a good example of this. The Spartans escorted a convoy and met an Athenian group of hoplites. Once they had passed the Athenians they turned around to prevent that the Athenians would attack the convoy in the back. During this maneuver they exposed the unprotected right side of their phalanx to Athenian peltasts. The Athenian peltasts managed to break the Spartan phalanx, and the Athenian phalanx finished the job when the Spartans re-establishing their phalanx again on a small hill.

However, the peltasts had some important advantages during this battle. First of all they caught their enemy in the most vulnerable position, and there was no hand-to-hand combat between the different armies. Normally the losses would be high at the side of the peltasts once they got in hand-to-hand combat with a trained phalanx, and most likely would they not stand a chance, but this battle definitely has shown the increasing ineffectiveness of the phalanx against new and more versatile forces.


The Struggle for hegemony

During the Peloponessian war no really significant battles took place. This was completely different during the period after this war: Sparta was the leader of Hellas, Athens wanted to restore her leadership, and the aspirations of Thebes did not end any longer in Boeotia. Needless to say that this resulted in several conflicts. Thebes was superior on the battlefield, but its hegemony did not last for long. Philip of Macedon ended the conflicts

The battle of Leuctra, 371 BC.

A violent antipathy to Sparta in the Greek world at large was created after the Spartans had destroyed the power of Athens in 404. Sparta, under the command of Lysander, had established oligarchies and installed garrisons in several cities. They even raised taxes to afford combined taxes, so they claimed. This way they repeated the huge mistakes Athens had made with her Delian League in the previous century. The only difference had been that Athens had installed democratic puppet governments while Sparta had installed oligarchic ones.

Sparta made another big mistake when it suddenly seized the Theban citadel in 383 and installed yet another puppet government. They now installed a government after the Athenian model as they knew that Thebes would not accept an oligarchy, but this attempt was so clumsy that it soon had turned against Sparta. The citadel was liberated again in 379 with the help of Athens, but Thebes was determined to get revenge while the rest of Hellas had even more reasons to doubt Sparta's role as guarantor of the King's peace. Thebes was even more humiliated by this peace as it had to give up its dominance over the other cities in Boeotia just to please Sparta.

Athens founded her second Athenian Naval Confederacy in 378. The official goal of this second Delian League was a democratic freedom-fight against the Spartan oppressor. It was more likely that Athens simply used the anti-Sparta attitude in the hope of reviving her once formidable empire. The democratic coalition seemed to have lost all its justification when Thebes reclaimed its leadership of Boeotia by reviving the Boeotian League.

Thebes also started to rebuild its army after the Spartan government had been liquidated, and the Spartan garrison had been defeated. Remarkable was that the Theban army only consisted of citizens at the first stage of the Theban hegemony, while the rest of the ancient world became more and more dependant of mercenaries. This was also the time that the famous elite corps of Thebes was founded by Gorgidas: the devoted brothers in arms. Traditionally this corps consisted of 150 homosexual male couples. You should realize that there was nothing perverse about homosexuality in the Greek world, unlike as in many other ancient civilizations. Homer had already mentioned in the Iliad that such a unit could be very useful, and Plato mentions it also as the men would try to compete with their partners in bravery, but they would also be determined to protect their partners.

The commanders.

In Thebes two strong men had come to the front: Pelopidas and Epaminondas. Especially Epaminondas was a brilliant leader and general who was a very flexible person in a rapidly changing world of warfare. The Spartan army was commanded by one of its two kings: Cleombrotos.

The battle.
The Battle at Leuctra, 371 B.C.
Sparta Thebes
10000 6500
1100 1000
1000 1500

The Spartans marched into Boeotia under the command of their king Cleombrotos and stopped at Leuctra, not far from Thebes. Epaminondas knew that his army was severely outnumbered, but realized that he had to face the Spartans nevertheless. He managed to convince his men that an open battle was their only hope and together with their elite unit 'the Devoted Brothers in Arms', under the leadership of Pelopidas, they entered the plains. Cleombrotos placed his army in a half-moon 12 men deep phalanx , with peltasts covering both sides of the phalanx. Epaminondas had completely different ideas. His strategy was based on two principles.

The first principle that a direct fight between two phalanxes could end up in two different ways of fighting. The hoplites could attack each other with their spears, or they could end up with their shields pressed against each other. Two completely different ways with the same result: the phalanx that would loose its formation would become an easy target and would most likely loose the battle. When the hoplites ended up with their shields against each other the battle looked a bit like a rugby match: the side who could press the hardest would break the enemy formation. Epaminondas realized that he could gain an advantage with a deeper phalanx. For the Spartans this tactic was new as they always relied on their spears, but the Thebans had already defeated Athens at Delium with a phalanx of 25 men deep.

The second principle was that one of the main problems of the phalanx had been to keep it going straight forward. It always tended to curl to the right, as the hoplite instinctive moved to the right to gain more protection from the shield of the hoplite beside them. Epimondas used a sloped phalanx with the strong left wing moved forwards. The left wing would destroy the right wing of the enemy, which traditionally consisted of the strongest and most experienced fighters, creating confusion among the enemy and breaking open the right wing. Now the left wing could break through the formation and attack the rest of the hostile phalanx in the side or in the back while the rest of the friendly phalanx got close enough to attack the enemy.

Epaminondas thus placed his army in the formation of a sloped phalanx. The left side of his phalanx was 50 men deep, but because of this he did not have enough men left to form a right wing. Peltasts would cover the right side of his phalanx, while the cavalry and the 'Devoted Brothers in Arms' would protect the left side.

Cleombrotos orders his troops to attack, and his cavalry charges forward. Epaminondas also directs his cavalry to the front where they clash into the Spartan cavalry. The Spartans are outnumbered but manage to hold their position nevertheless until a charge of the 'Devoted Brothers in Arms' forces them to retreat. Now the Theban cavalry can attack on its turn, and they pin down the peltasts and a part of the phalanx down on the Spartan right wing. This way they prevented that the Spartan phalanx would move aside so they keep the strong right wing in place for a direct attack of the 50 men deep Theban left wing.

Cleombrotos finally realizes Epaminondas' plans when the Theban phalanx moves in for the kill. He attempts to reinforce his right wing but the well timed charge of the 'Devoted Brothers in Arms', who form the front of the Theban left wing, leaves him no time for this. Confusion sets in among the Spartans when the Theban shields clashes onto theirs. Cleombrotos is killed in the first stage of the struggle and the confusion among Sparta and its allies becomes even bigger when the weight of the Theban phalanx pushes the Sparta phalanx back.

The Thebans push back the Spartans even further, while the peltasts are destroyed by the cavalry. The Spartan formation breaks in their right wing, but the whole phalanx is so scared at this time that it completely retreats before the Spartan left wing and the Theban right wing had even participated in battle! Pursued by the Theban cavalry the Spartans and their allies flee to their camp. Sparta had lost about 500 men during the battle, while another 500 were killed during the retreat to their camp.  Thebes only lost 300 men.

The results of the battle.

With the destruction of the Spartan power at the battle of Leuctra the decade of Theban hegemony had begun. Leuctra was a defeat for Sparta, but it was not this military defeat which resulted in the end of Sparta. Thebes undertook several offensive actions in the Peloponese during its leadership of Hellas. This resulted in the founding of an Arcadian League under the leadership of the new found city of Megalopolis. Most important however was that Thebes refounded Messenia as an independent state in 369 after many years of helotage. Sparta sank to second-class among the Greek Poleis, and this allowed Thebes and Athens to pursue their rivalry in the vacuum created by the sudden disappearance of Sparta.


The battle of Mantinea, 362 BC.

Hellas cheered when the Thebans miraculously defeated the Spartans during the battle at Leuctra. Every city was happy, except Athens. The power of Sparta, the traditional competitor of Athens for hegemony of Hellas, might have been broken and its forces were no longer invincible, but the result of the battle was a very strong Thebes. The Spartan hegemony was over, but the Theban hegemony had only just started while the Athenians firmly believed that their city was the only city that could rightfully claim hegemony over Hellas.

The abuse of the temple fundings of Olympia was in 363 the reason for a conflict between two cities in Arcadia: Mantinea and Tegeia. Mantinea choose the side of Sparta, while Tegeia asked Thebes for support. This resulted in yet another conflict, an ideological one this time, between oligarchic and democratic sympathies. The choice of Athens to openly support oligarchic Sparta shows us how determined the Athenians were to gain control over Hellas again.

Epaminondas hoped to ambush the Athenian forces on the Isthmos when they would march towards Sparta, but Athens decided to transport her forces over the sea. Epaminondas had gathered his army from Boeotia and other northern areas in Hellas, and he had chosen Tegeia as his headquarters. This position was very well chosen as Tegeia had city walls and more than enough provision to support all the forces. On top of that was it situated between Sparta and Mantinea

The commanders.

Thebes was still lead by her greatest leader: Epaminondas. The Coalition on the other hand was lead by a man who was at least as capable as Epaminondas: one of the two Spartan kings called Agesilaos. This man was the successor of the great man of Sparta: Lysander. Lysander wanted to use Agesilaos in his political games, but soon Agesilaos had more power than Lysander and he became the most important leader of Sparta. Lysander had sold the freedom of the Greek colonies in Asia Minor to the high king of Persia in return for support in his struggle against Athens, but Agesilaos did the opposite: he invaded the Persian empire and conquered the same cities. He did not stop there, but entered Asia Minor even further and conquered the area which once had been the old kingdom of Lydia. When he heard that Thebes formed a threat in Hellas he marched back in 30 days, using exactly the same road as Xerxes had used more than a century before him, and defeated the Thebans during the battle of Coronae at 394. Agesilaos was not like any other Spartan king had been before him. His methods were very unconventional for a Spartan king, and he had enormous faith in the power of cavalry.

Phase one: preparations for the battle.
The Battle at Leuctra, 371 B.C.
Coalition Thebes
20000 26000
1000 4000
2000 3000

Epaminondas did not try to force a battle when Agesilaos, one of the two Spartan kings, moved northwards with his army via Pelele in Laconia. Instead he moved his army around the advancing forces, right towards Sparta which was extremely vulnerable without walls and an army to defend it. Unfortunately for him was Agesilaos informed by a deserter, and he had managed to arrive in Sparta just in time. Epaminondas had lost his element of surprise and decided not to attack the city. He turned his army around and now suddenly picked Mantinea as a target.

Lady Luck was also this time not at the side of Epaminondas as the spearhead of his army was suddenly spotted by Athenian cavalry. He had lost his element of surprise again, but what was even worse was that the Athenians managed to stop the spearhead of his army, which consisted of Theban and Thessalian cavalry. This gave Agesilaos time enough to place his army in on the road to Mantinea, just in front of Mantinea. Here the plains were only a mile wide because there were mountains at both sides of the road. Epaminondas had no choice: he had to defeat this army in order to attack Mantinea.

Phase two: the battle.

The Thebans realized that they had no choice and marched towards the waiting army. They entered the plans, and Epaminondas placed his army in the characteristic sloped phalanx with enforced left wing. After this was done he suddenly moved his army a little bit to the west, until he reached the foothills. Once they were on the foothills he gave his troops the order to lay down their weapons. The Spartans were convinced that Epaminondas did not want to fight that day as both parties were tired after marching long distances, and why else would he choose a defensive position in the foothills and lay down his weapons?

Agesilaos commanded his troops to take ease and made himself comfortable. He did not expect that this was exactly what Epaminondas had been hoping for. All of a sudden the Thebans grabbed their weapons and stormed forwards. The irony was that Epaminondas had used exactly the same trick as the Spartans had used during the battle of Aigospotamoi against Athens in 405 BC.

The Thebans used the same strategy as during the battle of Leuctra, and the Spartans had obviously learned nothing of this last battle. The Theban cavalry and peltasts moved forwards at both sides of the phalanx and attacked the cavalry and peltasts of the Coalition. The Theban cavalry and peltasts outnumbered the enemy on the flanks and after a while the Theban cavalry managed to defeat the peltasts and cavalry on the right wing of the enemy. They did not pursue the fleeing peltasts but attacked the right wing of the Coalitions phalanx in the side while the massive Theban left wing crashed into it at the same time.

The Coalition did not expect this maneuver and was not able to hold the formation together. Again the massive Theban left wing pushed the enemy back, just like during Leuctra, and the formation of the Coalition collapsed under this force and the continuous attacks of the Theban cavalry. Unfortunately got Epaminondas injured during this last phase of the battle. He died, but not before he had told the other Thebans that they should make peace with the other Poleis. The Thebans were shocked by his sudden death and did not attack the fleeing enemy anymore.

The results of the battle.

Thebes had defeated the enemy again, but the victory was turned into a defeat with the death of the great leader Epaminondas. From that moment on the political power, aspirations at sea, and the political power of Thebes disappeared in no time. For a strong, and consequent policy, a Polis needed a strong leader who could stand the envy of his fellow citizens. Only a few men were capable of this in ancient Greece: men like Pericles in Athens, Lysander and Agesilaos in Sparta, and Epaminondas in Thebes.

Thebes was no longer the city which it had been under the command of Epaminondas and Pelopidas. The strategy of Epaminondas had always been that the attack was the best defense for Thebes, but after his death they returned to their traditional strategy: they were happy with the control over a few small cities in Boeotia. The remains of her once formidable military power were completely diminished during several small, but exhausting, skirmishes with other cities in northern Hellas. The hegemony of Thebes had not even lasted for a decade...


Next Tuesday, continuation of Ancient Greek Military:

Alexander The Great

TOPICS: Front Page News; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Political Humor/Cartoons
KEYWORDS: archery; arrow; arrows; bowandarrow; godsgravesglyphs; greekmilitary; mercenaries; michaeldobbs; neolithic; sarmatians; scythia; scythian; scythians
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To: LaDivaLoca
Thank You for today's thread and for everything you do for the military and the Canteen.
21 posted on 12/16/2003 4:56:00 AM PST by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub (Season's Greetings)
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To: LaDivaLoca; All

22 posted on 12/16/2003 5:01:48 AM PST by Soaring Feather (I do Poetry.)
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To: LaDivaLoca; 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub; tomkow6; Kathy in Alaska; MoJo2001; bentfeather; ...

MILITARY and our allies.

Diva I like you new vehicle. You look fashionable in it.

I don't know about the rest of you but I am still floating on cloude nine after this weekend's major event! And, I can hear the liberals moanin' and groanin' all the way over here.....he..he...he.......

Gotta run for now. Will check in later.

23 posted on 12/16/2003 5:13:11 AM PST by beachn4fun ( are next!)
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To: scouse

Good morning.

24 posted on 12/16/2003 5:14:30 AM PST by beachn4fun ( are next!)
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To: Looking for Diogenes

Good morning.

25 posted on 12/16/2003 5:14:49 AM PST by beachn4fun ( are next!)
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To: 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub

Good morning.

26 posted on 12/16/2003 5:15:14 AM PST by beachn4fun ( are next!)
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To: Aeronaut

Good morning.

27 posted on 12/16/2003 5:15:34 AM PST by beachn4fun ( are next!)
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To: JohnHuang2

Good morning.

28 posted on 12/16/2003 5:15:53 AM PST by beachn4fun ( are next!)
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To: Radix

Good morning.

29 posted on 12/16/2003 5:16:13 AM PST by beachn4fun ( are next!)
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To: aomagrat

Good morning.

30 posted on 12/16/2003 5:16:38 AM PST by beachn4fun ( are next!)
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To: The Mayor

Good morning.

31 posted on 12/16/2003 5:17:12 AM PST by beachn4fun ( are next!)
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To: E.G.C.

Good morning.

32 posted on 12/16/2003 5:17:36 AM PST by beachn4fun ( are next!)
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To: bentfeather

Good morning Ms. Feather. How are you today?

33 posted on 12/16/2003 5:19:27 AM PST by beachn4fun ( are next!)
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To: beachn4fun
Did I post these?


They found him in a spider hole,
Just like we knew they would.
Though we are glad I'm sure the Dems,
Feel this is not too good.
I'm sure they all are saddened now,
For Saddam's in our hand.
The French, the Germans, chant along,
The Russians lead the band.
They want the contracts to rebuild,
The Dems want Bush to fail.
Death for Saddam is too swift,
Let’s let him rot in jail.
Congratulations to our troops,
And to our leader here.
George Bush is still the man to lead,
He gets my vote next year.

Conspiracy Guy 12/14/03


They recently found Saddam,
Hiding in his pit.
I hope this is a warning,
Cowards are not fit.
They do not lead but threaten,
Their people to obey.
They rape and kill their people,
All to get their way.
But take away that power base,
Watch the roaches slide.
Death is for their underlings,
Cowards, they just hide.

Conspiracy Guy 12/15/03
34 posted on 12/16/2003 5:21:13 AM PST by Conspiracy Guy (Clues for sale, 20 % off through Christmas. Don't be clueless, buy yours today.)
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To: tomkow6

Good morning. I have an important announcement for you this morning. According to an article in Reader's Digest.......Medical studies indicate most people suffer a 68% hearing loss when naked.

35 posted on 12/16/2003 5:22:59 AM PST by beachn4fun ( are next!)
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To: LaDivaLoca; *all

36 posted on 12/16/2003 5:26:02 AM PST by SheLion (Curiosity killed the cat BUT satisfaction brought her back!!!)
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To: beachn4fun

Good morning beachn!
Moving slow.

37 posted on 12/16/2003 5:26:39 AM PST by Soaring Feather (I do Poetry.)
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To: Conspiracy Guy

Good morning.

No, I hadn't seen those yet. Thanks for adding them here.

Another thing I heard which I had to laugh at was that the leader of the Hamas was very upset that Saddam didn't go out in a blaze of glory, instead of being captured! We'll see if him and BinLaden will go out the same as they send those young men to their deaths, when the time comes.

38 posted on 12/16/2003 5:27:51 AM PST by beachn4fun ( are next!)
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To: SheLion

Good morning.

39 posted on 12/16/2003 5:28:25 AM PST by beachn4fun ( are next!)
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To: bentfeather
Ha...ha...that reminds me of the article in RD, titled, "Why do you think they call it Floriduh?" Snip...."the state that will issue a driver's license to anybody, including people who steer by leaning out of the car window and tapping their canes on the roadway?"...end snip. Even Santa, I guess! ha...ha...
40 posted on 12/16/2003 5:32:27 AM PST by beachn4fun ( are next!)
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