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FTAA Miami - Bienvenidos a Miami, Scum...
Me, Myself, and I
| 11/23/03
| Stephen O. Starr
Posted on 11/22/2003 9:11:40 PM PST by Sledge
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I finally got through with selecting and Photoshopping the photos I took at the FTAA protest. Presented for your enjoyment and education.
Steve AKA Sledge
posted on
11/22/2003 9:11:40 PM PST
To: Sledge
posted on
11/22/2003 9:20:05 PM PST
Congressman Billybob
( Visit. Join. Help. Please.)
To: Sledge
Too many Marxists in that crowd to make it something pro-freedom.
Too many open-border, unlimited-population advocates to make it something pro-environment.
To protest more credibly against creeping world government, someone should organize totally separate events that exclude the wacko far-left.
posted on
11/22/2003 9:23:47 PM PST
(Stop immigrating Islam. Don't let France happen to America.)
To: Sledge
Damn, I was hoping for some more cracked skulls.
posted on
11/22/2003 9:23:51 PM PST
(Some people say you shouldn't kick a man when he's down. I say there's no better time to do it.)
To: Sledge
Here's the problem(I oppose NAFTA, GATT, and FTAA BTW).
Perception is reality. I've tangled with some anarchist pukes before. If you get 100 nuts and 2000 average joes at a rally, the 100 nuts are going to be on TV and paint the crowd. At a gun rally, it's the stereotypical 'Militia types' that get the coverage.
Those types marginalize those like us that oppose FTAA.
posted on
11/22/2003 9:29:33 PM PST
Dan from Michigan
("Today's music ain't got the same soul. I like that old time Rock N Roll" - Bob Seger)
To: Sledge
Nice report, however I can't seem to figure out one thing - why would Illegal Immigrants (the Freedome Ride or whatever, that were particpating) would be protesting against the "loss of our sovereignty", when they VIOLATE that sovereignty by their very presence here.
You got suckered by leftists, Che.
posted on
11/22/2003 9:32:00 PM PST
Chad Fairbanks
(All I want is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power.)
To: Lurker
Yeah, where were the cracked sculls. The next time one of them is the victim of a crime, I wonder if they will call the police storm troopers.
Immigrant workers rights? I'll give them immigrant workers rights. Go home.
posted on
11/22/2003 9:33:00 PM PST
doug from upland
(Why aren't the Clintons living out their remaining years on Alcatraz?)
To: Sledge
Too bad you left out the ugly images of the anarchists, punks and thugs all the other media sources managed to capture .
posted on
11/22/2003 9:35:00 PM PST
(cum puella incedit minore medio corpore sub quo manifestus globus, inflammare animos)
To: Sledge
posted on
11/22/2003 9:36:17 PM PST
(cum puella incedit minore medio corpore sub quo manifestus globus, inflammare animos)
To: Lurker; Congressman Billybob; dagnabbit; Sledge; GatorGirl; maryz; *Catholic_list; ...
Wait a second. Protests versus police force are critical parts of our form of government. Steve did a bangup job of documenting factually what happened. To abuse him seems wrong to me. It smacks of "shooting the messenger".
posted on
11/22/2003 9:36:20 PM PST
("The do-it-yourself Mass is ended. Go in peace" Francis Cardinal Arinze of Nigeria)
To: pacman50
Dude check out the pics........LOL!!!!
posted on
11/22/2003 9:36:46 PM PST
(Why don't you settle down and go buy a Juice Newton Album...)
To: Sledge
You left some stuff out, man:
Protestors trying to pull down the fence that surrounded the meeting area. Gee, why would they want to do that?

And a cop making an inventory of various items found on several of these non-violent, peaceful protestors...
posted on
11/22/2003 9:43:12 PM PST
Chad Fairbanks
(All I want is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power.)
To: narses
I don't think I abused him at all. I certainly didn't pull some ad-hominem about go to DU etc. I think his points about the 1st Ammend. and excess policing were well-made, as was his broader point about creeping global government (I also appreciated the shots of commie babes).
That said, that crowd was one in which supporters of a sovereign and free America should not have felt comfortable. The enemy of our enemy is sometimes just another enemy.
posted on
11/22/2003 9:52:13 PM PST
(Stop immigrating Islam. Don't let France happen to America.)
To: Sledge
It's nice to see the authorities protecting the rights of the people to peacefully assemble and petition the government. It's doubly nice to see that the authorities protect life, limb and property from those who wanted violence not a peaceful demonstration.
America is a beautiful thing.
To: Sledge
I was there as well and your perceptions mirror mine. Too much force, not enough friendly. I didn't agree with a lot of the messages that I heard that day, but the intimidation was way beyond what I expect to see in the United States.
posted on
11/22/2003 9:55:04 PM PST
To: Sledge
The level of force and intimidation present at the protest were altogether uncalled for. Gee, I can't imagine why they'd want a large show of force...

posted on
11/22/2003 10:08:33 PM PST
Choose Ye This Day
(Feet firmly planted in flyover country. And proud of it.)
To: Sledge
If there aren't enough police and property is destroyed or people are hurt (as has happened too often with these protests), the police are wrong. If there are a lot of cops and the demonstrators feel "intimidated", then the police are also wrong.
Its a no win situation for the cops, but you can bet the local property owners supported their actions in this case. Their stores and homes were protected from the whims of the travelling anarchist-leftist circus.
posted on
11/22/2003 10:11:54 PM PST
To: dagnabbit
To protest more credibly against creeping world government, someone should organize totally separate events that exclude the wacko far-left.As the Unabomber said, reasonable social activists ought to know better than to collaborate with leftists, and planners of revolutions should exclude leftists from said plans.
To: Sledge
To the protesters I would suggest that politics be left out of events like this one. All day I was assailed by chants of "Bush's FTAA". The growing trend toward globalization and the subjugation of the our country to these Trans-National organizations is not a manifestation of the desires of any particular political party, and Party Politics should not intrude when we are discussing these matters. Whether Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or Green, all Americans lose when these organizations win. The Union speeches were little more than Democratic campaign speeches, and the chants in the streets blamed it all on G.W. and Jeb Bush. We need to put aside party politics in these matters and together we can defeat globalization.We should organize a pro-Bush, anti-FTAA march.
To: Chad Fairbanks
"Protestors trying to pull down the fence that surrounded the meeting area. Gee, why would they want to do that?"
because they are being made subject to sweeping changes to the economic and social paradigm of the western hemisphere and yet are given no say in how these changes will occur. because in a "democratic" country that is "hated for its freedom," citizens are being entirely left out of crucial decision-making. because the "president" who is pushing the FTAA was not elected. because they are being treated like cattle and they don't like it. because once we f*ck up this planet, we don't get another one.
it's called class war. your government is waging it in your name with your money -- you really should educate yourself about it.
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