If my memory serves me correctly, there was no female pilot captured in the Persion Gulf War. There were two female prisoners. One was an Army enlisted truck driver who made a wrong turn and was captured. I never heard anything about her captivity. The other was Major Rhonda Cornum, a medical doctor who was injured and captured when the helicopter in which she was riding was shot down. Both of Major Cornum's arms were broken in the crash. In her book, She Went To War, she said she was vaginally fingered but mentioned no rape. (After the war, feminists changed the definition of rape to include fingering.) I saw Major Cornum on TV saying that she was well-treated. She said, "Look at my broken arms. I could not go to the bathroom without the help of my guards." Then she described how they discretely kept her covered and helped her when she had to urinate or defecate.
However Fox News reported a little while ago that Jessica is upset that the military publicize this story, she did not think that it was right for the military to video tape her rescue and if they had to, they did not have to expose it to the media.