To: blam
Sounds to me like the researcher just ignored some data to make the explosion seem deadlier, but still it would have been a hell of a blast.
To: DeuceTraveler
Is it Guy Fawkes Day already ?
To: DeuceTraveler
Gunpowder Plot Would Have Devastated Northern Europe First, the amount of material is determined to calculate the energy of the explosion. In the Gunpowder Plot, an estimated 2500 kilograms of gunpowder had been amassed. As a working assumption, Thomas's team supposed this would have the same power as an equivalent amount of plutonium.
4 posted on
11/05/2003 6:34:21 AM PST by
(Pining for the fjords.)
To: DeuceTraveler
I never heard of Guy Fawkes until my first year assigned at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk. The bonfire in my little village of Munford was centrally located so that everyone could see the effigy of Guy burning. Afterwards I discovered what it was all about. It struck me as interesting that the Brits still burned a traitor to their nation yearly four centuries later. This during the miserable klinton rule in America impressed me as a lesson we could learn. But of course the Brits actually are actually proud of their heritage and have not been taught to be ashamed of their history. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson