1 posted on
11/05/2003 6:19:40 AM PST by
To: blam
Sounds to me like the researcher just ignored some data to make the explosion seem deadlier, but still it would have been a hell of a blast.
To: blam
Lemme guess, Guy Fawkes was a white guy in a van.
5 posted on
11/05/2003 6:35:41 AM PST by
(SSDD - Same S#it Different Democrat)
To: blam
I once asked a British friend whether they had such a big celebration on Guy Faulkes Day because the plot failed or to celebrate that someone tried. I knew the answer, of course, but thought the question could illustrate to him the American perspective on oppressive government.
6 posted on
11/05/2003 6:37:05 AM PST by
To: blam
Please to Remember
The Fifth of November
Gunpowder, Treason and Plot
9 posted on
11/05/2003 6:44:02 AM PST by
(Ceterum Censeo [Gallia][Germania][Arabia] Esse Delendam --- Select One or More as needed)
To: blam
As a working assumption, Thomas's team supposed this would have the same power as an equivalent amount of the standard explosive TNT. What's up with this? Black powder is readily available today, why not base it on the real thing?
11 posted on
11/05/2003 6:49:43 AM PST by
TC Rider
(The United States Constitution © 1791. All Rights Reserved.)
To: blam
Europeans have too much history. Navel-gazing is proportional to the size of the navel times the lack of engagement with current crises.
16 posted on
11/05/2003 3:55:27 PM PST by
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