Posted on 08/13/2023 12:40:07 PM PDT by bluescape
There was one a couple weeks ago. Not sure if it went into 2000 posts.
I remember it. That was long ago. Back when FR seemed to be a more interesting place for serious discussion. :-)
C,mon, man. Memes are funny. And gifs!
I participated in those discussions on a large scale back in the day. A Freeper, Balrog66 (sp?) was a staunch advocate for evolution.
The net effect of those discussions was to crystallize for me the concept that the best evidence against intelligent design is chaos. Information and arrangement of matter are hallmarks of intelligent design.
Of course, a certain portion of Congress these days does very well at demonstrating chaos.
FR is shrinking, and has been for some time.
That people would assert as “settled science” historic processes outside of direct observation has always been a sticking point for me. Don’t tell me “billions of years” is a fact. I’ll accept that figure only as an arbitrary assumption.
My recollection is that the owners of FR banned several posters who mocked others for their faith in an Almighty Creator.
That’s all *your* fault!
Believe it or not, my first thought after reading the OP post was that Fester Chugabrew could probably address the question. Then started reading the comments and there you were! I seem to recall that Patrick Henry and some side kick of his (can’t remember the poster’s name but I believe it started with a ‘V’) were huge proponents of evolution and you guys got into more than few huge (hugh ??) discussions.
Nietzsche said that out of chaos, comes order.
VadeRetro was the other guy. Apparently quite rabid.
Oh, yes. Our discussions evolved bigly. We tested each other’s mettle almost minute by minute. Both sides of the argument made their case with vigor. I would venture to say those discussions were formative, if not enhancing of, my stance on that subject.
I was in the pool.
Oh, yeah! I remember that name. Those lively exchanges dissipated, as it should be, and the history is out there for anyone who is interested in seeking.
I do not wish ill upon anyone who subscribes to the notion all things just popped up without intelligent intervention, but I *do* wish they would disabuse themselves of the notion that they, and they alone, can claim the mantle of science.
As I recall, you made some sound contributions to the subject. A few of us wrestled with the adherents of materialist philosophy.
Just stirring the pot a little....
“Creationism is an insult to the glory of God. How dare people say that God, being all knowing and all powerful, could not design and implement a dynamic system but had to settle for a simple static one.”
— arthurpaliden. /.
The random mutation model would be a lot more fun to watch.
Last I heard God does have a sense of humor.
There used to be a “crevolist” (creation-evolution list), but it seems to have petered out.
To set
The record straight
Fr - evos were banning Christians ( me )
Eg. Gore3000 ( Carlos )
I blew a gasket
Until ann coulter wrote a book
Had an olive garden meeting
About it
For 10 years
The priveleged evos posted on
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