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Long, this is excerpts. Whole article worth reading, imho. Hmm, hard to excerpt very much. Sorry about length...

A Virus, or a Metaphor?
Decoding Donald Trump’s COVID Comms


There are a few things most people in MAGA agree on about Trump: he’s a really smart guy, his messages can be very confusing at times, and he probably loves his country more than any other politician today.

Some understand that many of the things he says have double meanings. One meaning could be for one audience, and one for another audience, and a third for an entirely different audience. One audience might be completely asleep, fully brainwashed. Another audience might be half-awake, aware that something isn’t right about our current society, but is easily manipulated, discouraged or sucked back into the conditioning. A third audience might be awake and entirely aware of all the manipulation that occurs, and rarely falls prey to the traps that are set, avoiding the rabbit holes dug to distract the extremely motivated away from finding truth. Many times, the fourth audience may be the Deep State.

Some people had supported Trump but no longer do, because they think he pushed the ‘jab’ on Americans. They think he is a bad judge of character based on how many people within his inner circle seem to have ‘turned’ on him. They think his ego is too big. They believe, ultimately, he is controlled by the same people who control the Liberals, RINOs and Neocons.

They don’t see enough of a difference between Trump and the other politicians to justify the issues that come along with supporting him. But they never seem to answer the questions, ‘why is Trump attacked so much if he is, in fact a member of the Deep State? Why would Trump and his family endure so much abuse if he wasn’t really trying to make a difference, if he wasn’t really trying to take down the Deep State Cabal?’

The man is a billionaire married to a super model, and has a well-adjusted family who adores him. He doesn’t need to spend the twilight years of his life being abused from every angle.

Why would Trump and his family endure what they endure if it was about making money? Why did his net worth go down after becoming POTUS. Why is the SEC taking the unprecedented step of holding up the merger between DWAC and Trump Media, keeping him from growing his media, including injecting money into Truth Social. Why does everyone in the mainstream media demonize him? If Trump is corrupt and a part of the Deep State, he doesn’t appear to be benefiting from his membership in this elite group in any way whatsoever.

system. In order to believe there is no hope, one must also believe that Trump isn’t really fighting to save America.


Of all the attacks on Trump by the people who once backed, or in theory, should back Trump, the vaccine is by far the most prominent reason for not supporting him. These Trump detractors say Trump told people to get vaccinated knowing the Covid vaccines are dangerous, therefore, he must be a part of the Deep State. I get it—on the surface, it doesn’t look good—but sometimes one needs to compromise in order to get things done.

I firmly believe Trump knew the plan of the Cabal was to keep America and the world shut down and locked down for a much longer period of time, maybe up to five years. The length of time would be whatever was necessary to destroy the middle class, creating a two-tier society: the working-class poor and the elite. I believe the lockdowns would have lasted until the Deep State had complete control of everything. A one world, totalitarian government.

I believe Trump forced Big Pharma to speed up their process of developing a vaccine for Covid, knowing this was the only thing that would allow the lockdowns to end before permanent damage was done to society. I believe Big Pharma would have spent years developing vaccines in order to keep everything shut down longer. I believe Trump weighed the possible damage done from vaccines with the damage done by extended lockdowns and came to the conclusion that the lockdowns were significantly worse. Trump made it clear he thought vaccines should be a choice, not a requirement. This was a tough choice to make, but a decision that had to be made, there was no alternative.

In fact, if Trump hadn’t completely embraced vaccines, the media would have accused him of millions of deaths for not supporting them. He couldn’t just allow them; he had to appear to support vaccines.

The thing many people don’t understand is that this was a situation where we were required to read between the lines. Trump had to publicly support vaccines, but at the same time, he said they should be a choice and not a requirement. If Trump truly believed vaccines were effective and completely safe, he would have required they be taken by everyone. He didn’t do this. Why not?

Everyone else in government, and corporate America was forcing vaccines on people, but not Trump. I believe Trump had to appear to support vaccines, and it was our job to decode the message he was sending us. When you are fighting a war, sometimes you can’t avoid casualties; sometimes the best you can do is to minimize them.

Now I’m going to go somewhere I’m sure a lot of people have never considered, and our initial reaction to things we had never considered is usually to reject it, but here goes …

Most in the Truth Community have heard of Q, some have read the Q drops and some have simply heard Q referenced by other people in the community. Besides Trump himself, Q is probably the most attacked and vilified entity on the planet. For those who don’t know anything about Q, Q is believed to be a small group of patriots that were/are working behind the scenes to support Trump and assist him in the destruction of the Deep State. Q communicated with Anons on 4 Chan, then 8Chan in a very cryptic way in order to not illegally divulge classified information. Q asked a lot of questions and led Anons to investigate topics and people. Q followers believe Trump is Q+ and lead(s) the Q team, but that he and his team have to feign ignorance on the whole Q subject. The Q drops are used to pass on information as well as disinformation.

I’m not here to convince anyone that the Q team is real or that they are important, but just to connect some dots. As I mentioned, Trump is known to speak in codes, to have multiple meanings in his messages, as well as multiple audiences he is speaking to. This seems very similar to what is said of the Q team, cryptic messages, multiple meanings, multiple audiences.

Anyone who has followed Q has heard about The Hunt for Red October. The Q team has posted many references to this story. Most reading this understand it is in reference to the Clancy novel and later movie about a Soviet submarine captain who defects with his crew to the US.

What is Red October? It refers to the 1917 Bolshevik uprising that overthrew and later murdered the Russian Monarch and ushered in a state of Communism, the Soviet Union. I’ve referred to this as a ‘color revolution’ where a small group takes over the control of a country by creating propaganda and chaos, through funding violence in the streets, buying off the media, and rigging elections.

So why did the Q team constantly bring up Red October? For years, I couldn’t understand the significance, fairly recently I came to the conclusion that the story represents Trump and his defection from a corrupt system. I believed it represents Trump trying to bring the truth to the public while he was attacked from all sides. This may still be one meaning, but now, I believe the true meaning of Red October, the bigger meaning, is likely referring to Communism.

Q was telling us we were experiencing a Communist takeover. America was being taken over by Communists. Like the far-left Bolsheviks of 1917, America is being taken down by narratives and agendas that divide and discourage and demoralize the country. It’s all around us—anyone can now see this. But it’s not the movie plot as much as it is the title, Red October.

Another Tom Clancy novel and later movie that Q referenced a lot is Sum of All Fears. What is the premise of this novel?

A group of modern-day Nazis are playing Russia against the US. The Nazis unleash a bioweapon on Ukraine, they attack a US Naval ship, and detonate a nuclear bomb in Baltimore, all in the hopes of getting the US and Russia to destroy each other. Q is telling us the real modern-day Nazis are trying to create a war between Russia and the US. Don’t fall for it. The two people the Nazis have never been able to control are Trump and Putin.

I believe Trump has been placing a double meaning on the word ‘virus.’ The hidden meaning here is again, Communism. I believe that, at least sometimes when Trump talks about the Covid virus, he is communicating to us that Communism is like a virus. Communism has been unleashed on the US to destroy it from within. It is not organic; it is a contrived plan. Trump has said Covid was intentionally created in a lab and released on the world. Like the idea of Covid, the narratives and agendas we are experiencing were essentially created in a lab and dropped on us with the intention of destroying America and the world.

Hopefully everyone reading this is open-minded enough to consider Trump is a genius and is humble enough to occasionally play ‘the fool’ in order to further his cause of taking back America from its captors. During the Covid Plandemic, Trump said it was the worst thing to happen to America since the Spanish Flu in 1917. Trump was viciously mocked for his ignorance about history, because the Spanish Flu occurred in 1918. Even after being publicly ridiculed, Trump continued to mention the Spanish Flu of 1917.

Like Covid, the ‘Spanish Flu’ was sold to us as a deadly virus. As I mentioned, I believe Trump uses ‘virus’ references to refer to ‘Communism.’ But what about the year 1917? What happened in 1917?

In October of 1917, the Bolshevik uprising occurred. The far-left Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian Monarch and murdered his family. This brought about Communism and the formation of the Soviet Union, largely accomplished through the use of propaganda and chaos. By dividing the country between the ‘whites’ and the ‘reds’, a civil war was fomented in Russia. I believe these comms are Trump letting us know what is really happening in America.


When Trump refers to where Covid came from, or rather, the Covid narrative, he says it came from ‘Chyna,’ and he refers to it as the ‘Chyna virus.’ Trump was called racist for calling the virus the ‘Chyna Virus,’ and insinuating it came from a lab in China. While I do believe that some sort of bioweapon was released from a lab in Wuhan, China, I don’t think this is where it originated. I think it originated in a lab in North Carolina and was moved to Wuhan to maintain secrecy and control. I believe Obama and Fauci funded and ran this program, and with Trump coming into office, they had to move it overseas. I believe other bioweapons were being created in other biolabs around the world as well, specifically in Ukraine, and possibly Taiwan.


I believe when Trump refers to the ‘Chyna Virus,’ he’s often times referring to Communism. China obviously is a communist country. I believe Trump is again using a double meaning: he is saying the CCP is infiltrating America. They have forced a bioweapon on the world, which wasn’t as deadly as they hoped it would be, but if the communist-controlled media and government officials continued to push the narrative that it was extremely deadly, it would have the same destructive effect.

The Covid narrative forced lockdowns, creating an overreaching control of people, and an abandonment of human rights, as well as a justification for mail-in ballots. Through the work of these communists, a duly-elected President was overthrown and removed from power.

Consider the possibility that Trump is telling us that what we are experiencing in America is like a man-made virus, designed to destroy everything and everyone. If you replace the word ‘virus’ with ‘communism,’ you understand the message Trump is possibly trying to tell us and has been trying to tell us for quite some time. There is a Communist plot that has been put into action to destroy America.

With Communism, you have a ruling elite and a working-class poor—there is nothing in the middle. You are the ‘served’ or the ‘server.’ You are the slave or the master. If you were not considered an ‘essential’ worker during the lockdowns, it might be an indicator the ruling elite have no place for you in their two-tiered system. When they no longer had a place for people in the Soviet Union, they faced a firing squad.



Believing now that Trump uses ‘virus’ as a metaphor for Communism, it will be interesting to go back and listen to his past speeches and read some of his past posts, replacing the word ‘virus’ with ‘Communism.’ It will be interesting to find other places where Trump could be sending messages through hidden meanings. Sometimes it’s obvious he is sending a message when the message is so random or strange; it’s much harder to find a hidden or double meaning in messages that appear to be very straightforward.

I should point out that Communism is just a tool—a tool used by the Cabal to control. It’s like an axe that is being swung by an axe-murderer. The real enemy is the person swinging the axe, in this case, the Cabal, who are modern-day Nazis.

By fighting Communism, we are keeping the Cabal from getting their hands on the axe. We are keeping the Cabal from being able to use this tool to destroy us.

1,852 posted on 07/17/2023 3:23:39 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Never worry about anything. Worry never solved any problem or moved any stone.)
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1,943 posted on 07/17/2023 8:22:54 PM PDT by Bigg Red (Trump will be sworn in under a shower of confetti made from the tattered remains of the Rat Party.)
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