To: 2banana; chrisser; Mrs. Don-o; Chode; All
This article did not come from my usual pro life sites but I was impressed on how it was written so I decided to post it.
I thought this person did an excellent job of presenting the facts and feelings of both sides which in this day and age is RARE.
6 posted on
09/26/2019 12:17:30 PM PDT by
( Always a bit of truth in dark humor.)
To: Morgana
I agree! It was amazingly full and clear about the actually stabber-slasher details.
And the fact that they put the term "anti-choice" in the headline probably got some people on the other side to start reading it, not realizing it was going to lead them further and further into the actual truth.
11 posted on
09/26/2019 2:05:53 PM PDT by
Mrs. Don-o
(Philosophy isa battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language. Wittgenstein)
To: Morgana
12 posted on
09/26/2019 2:55:57 PM PDT by
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