Posted on 10/18/2018 9:22:03 PM PDT by Reno89519
I am almost 65. Have never had a flu shot. Rarely, if ever, have gotten flu symptoms. No thank you!
I have never had one. I’m 61 and haven’t missed a day of work in the last 15 years. I think it’s more related to having a good immune system, mostly genetics.
Vaxxers go directly for the Ad Hominem.
They do not know how to respond.
Then they want to MANDATE you inject stuff into your veins WITHOUT knowing why, without knowing arguments and counter arguments !!!
Wow !!
They cannot hold a conversation, but they want you to trust your life to it. Drive across this bridge. It looks like it might hold you and your car, but I cannot tell you why. Woah.
“Get a flu shot every year. Cant remember when I last had the flu.”
NEVER get a flu shot, cant remember when I last had the flu.
Will NEVER get one.
Stay away from people. People SUCK anyway.
“I guess that explains why millions of people (including American servicemen) died of the Spanish flu during WWI. “
That’s why I refuse to be in contact with anyone from WWI. /s
Stay away from “Spanish” people and BIRDS! /s
Vaccines aren’t drugs.
I have a theory. Since the world has become such a smaller place (intl. travel/commerce), humans have been exposed to all kinds of bugs, helping us to become immune or at least more tolerant of disease.
Humans of today are not as vulnerable as humans were during WWI or any time in the past.
Also being old, I have over my lifetime been exposed to many bugs and have survived. I don’t get sick. Why would I want to take a RISK on some vaccine they “tell me” is safe?
“TRUST” us, they say. Sorry Charlie! Silly rabbit! Beep Beep!
No shot or flu last year. In the years I got the shot, I had the flu sometimes but not severe. I don’t think there’s much correlation.
Don’t take vitamin F. That will give you the flu. Actually it is the flu.
Actually about 7,000 Americans die each winter month. About 6,400 die each summer month. The difference? Flu and other respiratory ailments, heart failure as cold weather constricts blood flow, etc. Even cancer deaths are a bit higher in winter.
HuffPo isn’t a reliable news source. It is a political fake news website.
Using third-grade terms like “vaxxers” says all we need to know of your level of intellect and education. I don’t take medical advice from elementary school dropouts.
Prove them wrong then.
That’s interesting information. I stopped getting flu shots about 20 years ago. Every year the injection site would get a worse and worse reaction. The last shot cause a huge painful and very hot lump on my arm that lasted a week. It was days where my arm was basically useless. My doctor’s response was that wasn’t supposed to happen and to put ice on it. I’ve had the flu twice since then and would rather have the flu than the shot side affects. I’m now wondering if Benadryl would have fixed it.
The internet conspiracy folks have really poisoned your mind. Would you want someone not vaccinated bringing their nastiness to your childs incubator?
I cannot imagine how some people think.
Vaccine reactions are not rare. My Grandson died 12-6-16 following a DTaP shot.
From Dr. Jim Meehan
October 17 at 9:09 PM
Frequently, those that take issue with my position on vaccines will use the fallacious argument of the majority. They assert that there are “countless” doctors whose opinions on vaccine safety are very different than my own, therefore, because I am (currently) in the minority, I must be wrong.
History is littered with tragedies resulting from mindless group think and mob rule. One day soon, the fraud and corruption of the vaccine industry will be fully exposed and it to will be relegated to the historical trash-heap of tragedies that persisted far too long because of those that coveted consensus above the courage to question the status quo.
Lest we forget, there were “countless” doctors prescribing Merck’s blockbuster drug, Vioxx...even as the body count grew and the evidence of harm became overwhelming. Eventually the inertia of ignorance was exceeded and Merck was found guilty of knowing their drug was deadly, had buried that evidence, attacked dissenters, published fraudulent scientific studies in fake medical journals and counted on their public deception to mislead the mob into buying and using the drug.
Merck paid $4.85 billion in damages to the families of more than 60,000 patients that died from Vioxx. “Countless” other patients were harmed. And yet, even after paying the largest damages settlement in history, they still profited over $10 billion dollars.
Consensus and “the mindless mob” is often wrong. Merck’s corruption and fraud with Vioxx killed more than 60,000 people because the consensus allowed the deaths to mount. We need more skeptics and dissenters to challenge the status quo because left unchallenged, the majority opinion is often biased, unoriginal, or false. It leads markets to crash, causes juries to convict innocent people, and can quite literally make people think blue is green. In the name of comity, we embrace stupidity. We can make better decisions by embracing dissent. Dissent forces us to question the status quo, consider more information, and engage in creative decision-making.
Vitamin F is very scary. We wont even get to it until lesson 12.
“Prove them wrong then.”
They don’t have the basic education, and it’s not my job to educate all the morons in the world.
Smart people know how to pick their battles.
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