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Should you get the flu shot? What to know about the 2018-19 flu season
Fox News ^ | October 18, 2018 | Madeline Farber

Posted on 10/18/2018 9:22:03 PM PDT by Reno89519

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To: Reno89519

Your anecdotal story about flu shots is dangerous.

I work at a hospital and the flu season is already in high gear. The respiratory beds are getting filled.

Last year was a huge year for flu deaths. Get a vaccine. It will probably reduce the degree of sick you get—at the worst.

Going onto national web sites and telling the world not to get a flu shot is a pretty dangerous thing to do.

61 posted on 10/19/2018 5:27:34 AM PDT by Vermont Lt
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To: Ragnar Danneskjöld

Maybe you should educate yourself, so you know what is getting injected.

Your comment is indicative of the reasons why people die of something like the flu.

62 posted on 10/19/2018 5:30:08 AM PDT by Vermont Lt
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To: Vermont Lt

WHY DON’T YOU REREAD MY POST AND THE THREAD COMMENTS? I have not and no one that I have seen are telling people to not get shots. My experience dangerous? It sure was to me! Take your misplaced indignation and...

63 posted on 10/19/2018 5:31:44 AM PDT by Reno89519 (No Amnesty! No Catch-and-Release! Just Say No to All Illegal Aliens! Arrest & Deport!y)
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I would love to know the ages and occupation of all of you that makes these claims of never having the flu.

My guess is that your occupation does not put you in contacts with the great unwashed masses of a modern urban setting.

My other guess is that a lot of you that “got sick” from the flu got the shot after your were already infected and you thought you would knock it down. Your immune system laughed at your ignorance.

Finally, if you are retired and spend time at home, you won’t get exposed.

Here is a reason medical workers are mandated to get the vaccine: To protect us from YOU bad mistakes.

64 posted on 10/19/2018 5:36:16 AM PDT by Vermont Lt
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To: Reno89519

Your statement was a pronouncement that the vaccines don’t work. Standing up and beating your chest that YOU don’t get sick is either trying make the vaccine sound ineffective or that you have this super immune system. Since your name is not Clark Kent, my guess is the former.

I am not indignant. I am trying to present and educated position that is in favor of getting the shot—even if you have a healthy immune system. Because the rest of the population are big warm bags of bacteria and viral spew that is exhaled with every breath.

65 posted on 10/19/2018 5:40:16 AM PDT by Vermont Lt
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To: Ektelon

If you got sick that many times, you probably DO have a built in immunity to many of the combination. But you should get a shot as a booster.

It’s important to remember, the flu is not a bad cold. Many people make that mistake. (I am not saying YOU—I don’t know you. I am addrsssing the general population.)

The flu will knock you down for at least a week. Down, in bed, and miserable. It’s a respiratory disease—not a stomach illness. If you miss a couple of days at did not have the flu.

66 posted on 10/19/2018 5:45:38 AM PDT by Vermont Lt
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To: EnquiringMind
I become very ill for 2-3 days from flu shots; also was very sick last year from the pneumonia shot, fever and all. Then several months later I got the flu. I’d rather have the flu than what I go through from the shots.

You might need to see an allergist. Your problem is not the flu or pneumonia shots, per say. Dead viruses cannot make you sick. You are allergic to something else that is common to both. If it were me, I would like to know exactly what that is so I can avoid it in my other walks of life.

67 posted on 10/19/2018 5:46:29 AM PDT by eastexsteve
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To: luvbach1

I’ve never had a flu shot, except for swine flu when I was ten.

The last time I really had the flu was about 35 years ago and I’m in the risk group. 55 with a slight amount of asthma

68 posted on 10/19/2018 5:48:24 AM PDT by cyclotic ( Democrats must be politically eviscerated, disemboweled and demolished.)
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To: TheNext
And now I will put up my strengthened immune system, over your artificially weakened, drug dependent immune system.

What an excellent doctor you must be to make that diagnosis of my immune system, and do it all over the internet without even laying your eyes on me!

69 posted on 10/19/2018 5:50:15 AM PDT by eastexsteve
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To: Gen.Blather
I looked up some stats. Roughly 6,000 people die each day in the US. Depending on the time of the year, one in ten of those is due to the flu or flu related illness like pneumonia. (Probably the majority of these are elderly people who would have died shortly of something else had the flu not gotten them first.)

I guess that explains why millions of people (including American servicemen) died of the Spanish flu during WWI.

70 posted on 10/19/2018 5:54:33 AM PDT by eastexsteve
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To: umgud

***Other than colds, I’ve probably only had the real flu just a few times. ***

I’m glad you said it that way. I have lots of family and friends that say they got the flu, when what they really got was a cold. They aren’t the same thing.

When I worked as a retail as a cashier, I used to get the shot because I handled so much money, and was around a lot of people. I don’t have that job anymore, and I’m not around as many people now as I used to be.

I don’t like to get the flu shot because it’s a cocktail of who knows what. For me, I’m not sure the benefits outweigh the risks. I’m in very good health.

So for right now, I’m staying put. No vaccine unless I hear something that changes that benefit/risk ratio.

71 posted on 10/19/2018 5:57:41 AM PDT by FamiliarFace
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To: so_real

I do take the K2 with the D3.

But, I don’t take the D3 levels at such a high dosage as suggested in the one paper. Usually I am at taking D3 and K2 at 3,000 IU levels most days. They are more expensive than straight up D3.

72 posted on 10/19/2018 6:02:29 AM PDT by hawkaw
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To: iowamark

Actually, many thousands don’t die from the flu every year. According to this article, per the US Bureau of vital statistics, in 2010 only 500 died of flu. In 2001, there were only 18 positive flu related deaths.

The 36,000 number is always kicked around but it seems more that that’s the orthodoxy number, not based on facts and history.

This article, posted in January 2018 highlights 20 deaths. It said California, particularly high hit had 27 deaths so far. California has 12% of the US population. If 36000 was the real death toll from flu, there would have been 4300 flu deaths in California, not 27.

73 posted on 10/19/2018 6:02:39 AM PDT by cyclotic ( Democrats must be politically eviscerated, disemboweled and demolished.)
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To: so_real

Also, I do take the flu shot every year and do recommend taking it if you are allowed too.

It seems to help me, FWIW.

74 posted on 10/19/2018 6:06:27 AM PDT by hawkaw
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To: Vermont Lt

Real reason medical personnel are mandated..? $$$$$

75 posted on 10/19/2018 6:07:15 AM PDT by who knows what evil? (Yehovah saved more animals than people on the
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To: Georgia Girl 2

Elderberry? A great reminder to grab some Sambucol BEFORE it disappears from the store shelves again...just like last year!

76 posted on 10/19/2018 6:14:44 AM PDT by who knows what evil? (Yehovah saved more animals than people on the
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To: Reno89519

Never had a flu shot, never had the flu. Mom and her sister always got a flu shot and were always sick afterwards. Doctors this year are really pushing the shot and don’t like it when I decline.

77 posted on 10/19/2018 6:33:02 AM PDT by Fast Moving Angel (It is no more than a dream remembered, a Civilization gone with the wind.)
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To: Reno89519
... the worst in decades, killing an estimated 80,000 Americans...

Oh, for the love of pete... 80,000 people died last year from the flu? Come on.

It's more likely these people died from global warming.

But seriously, must everything now become ridiculously sensational hyperbole? 80,000 people died from the flu last year!!! The coming storm will be the worst in a millennia!! Global warming will destroy everything... and reduce the supply of beer!!!

I'm certain only the elitists and globalists will be the only ones who will be able to save us. If only we submit everything to them and mindlessly obey them because they know everything.

And yet, I'm sure people will be stampeded into getting a dubious flu shot, whether or not the manufacturer has correctly guessed (about 10% chance) about the strain.


78 posted on 10/19/2018 6:38:15 AM PDT by Obadiah
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To: Georgia Girl 2
And the number one way to avoid the flu is stay out of Walmart. 😀
79 posted on 10/19/2018 6:50:36 AM PDT by Georgia Girl 2 (The only purpose of a pistol is to fight yourr way back to the rifle you should never have dropped)
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To: Vermont Lt

“The flu will knock you down for at least a week. Down, in bed, and miserable. It’s a respiratory disease—not a stomach illness. If you miss a couple of days at did not have the flu.”

I’ve tried to convince people of this. I had the flu ONCE. Doctor gave me steroid pills and steroid breathing treatments, I was THIS close to being in an oxygen tent. Missed 10 days of work, was the sickest I ever remember being.

Since then, I get a flu shot every year. I’ve had a couple of colds since, but no flu, thank You, Lord!

80 posted on 10/19/2018 7:05:27 AM PDT by FrogMom (Time marches on...)
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