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To: ransomnote; StormFlag; TEXOKIE; CPT Clay; buffaloguy; grey_whiskers; Wingy; bitt; Shady; ...

It was a very big day in FReeQtown. The long anticipated OIG report was released to the public. As expected, there was a reaction among the masses, both here and throughout social media and the MSM-13. Q made one post in response.

Here are some of the top stories the Oracle is following.

~~~ The reporters following the girth of Jerome Corsi were pulled off due to this being such an important news day. We can only assume that Corsi is still fat.

~~~The New York Attorney General wished President Donald J. Trump a happy birthday with a lawsuit against the Trump Foundation. No doubt this news was dropped today in anticipation of the IG report. The ARM/MSM-13/Deep State is nothing if not predictable. This, like the Russia collusion hoax, is a nothingburger and a desperation move.

~~~ Last night's Q pic of the plane and the SS car continued to be discussed and further details, as well as alternative readings emerged.

After some analysis, not only was a man with a beard in the driver's seat and a female in the passenger seat identified (well, not identified, but you get it), and the top of what appeared to be a man's cranium was seen in the reflection in the rear view mirror.

FReeQ Pocketdoor claimed that the plane was not a United Airlines commercial plane, but a U.S. Navy C-40 Clipper. He identified it by it's markings and spoke with some authority. If true, this lends credence to any theories that the plane may have contained a government witness under protection or maybe even somebody in government custody.

Others claim that, according to the "Q clock" this may have something to do with Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBD) (meeting with James Brennan regarding the Scalia seat [187]. That theory seems far=fetched to the Oracle, but there it is.

(Let it be noted that the Oracle is not a member of the Clock sect of Q nation, but it bears reportage.)

~~~ Now, an overview and brief analysis of the OIG report release. It would appear that Q was right and that the modified/redacted [RR] version of the report was released to the public, with confidential attachments released to Congress and Law Enforcement attachments withheld (if I have that right.)

~~~ Upon release, certain media reports were rushed to press and the lamentations of our women AND men began to rise. The general FR population went on the warpath and even the streets of FReeQtown and social media ran with blood. Reports came in that the nerds of 8chan were in a panic and ready to rise up. The anger was palpable and unmanageable. Even some of our most stout-hearted FReeQs seemed to have lost hope.

~~~ Anti-Q activist Jack Black created an FR thread which was overwhelmed by Anti-Q/Anti-Sessions activists. JB explained to them our reaction and reported to them our "mood" and that some of us were ready to turn our backs on Q and give up. He created a link there to the Q thread and invited the wailing giver-uppers to come and "check us out."

Shortly thereafter, we were inundated by a small batallion of Anti-Q activist trolls and the battle ensued.

~~~ As the night wore on, and details from the report filtered out, the people calmed. One by one, stalwart FReeQs stood up and spoke. They spoke of hope. They spoke of valiant battle and victories to come. Our own Mother of Dragons came forth among us and raised her voice. Some of the more notable FReeQs who rose to speak were KitJ, Lyby, Melian, CJ Wolf and Jocko Manning.

These bold patriots never lost heart and they rallied the dejected troops. As, one by one, these stalwarts raised voice, spirits began to lift and you could feel a change in the air. Before long, things were back to normal.

I have listed a few of the strong FReeQS, but the list is long. You know who you are. The Oracle wants you all to know how valuable your contributions this day were to the movement, the cause, and America. If Q were watching, he would be proud. You stood tall against the squall. Here is footage taken in the midst of our darkest hour.

Do you hear the people sing.

~~~ The OIG Report (Redacted and modified)

~~~ The report itself calls for little interpretation. This was, as Q pointed out, the whitewashed RR version. It was rife with tales of political bias by identified and unidentified agents tweets, emails, and instant messages on both private and company devices expressing hatred for Trump and support for Clinton.

A new Strzok/Page tweet was revealed that had Strzok responding to Page that "they" would not let Trump win the election.

There were findings that many agents accepted bribes from the media in return for illegal leaks.

After all that, and more, the summary of the report said that, while mistakes were made, no evidence of political bias was found that any FBI personnel action was colored by political bias.

The Office of the IG recommended that the FBI "consider" several "fixes" including training and banners on cellphones and computers reminding them not to be naughty.

The Oracle finds those findings and recommendations ridiculous. We believe that when the unredacted/unmodified facts are presented and compared to this report (maybe at Monday's Senate hearing?) then RR is doomed, as Q has indicated.

It appears that, with this report, RR and the Deepies are attempting to wall off the damage to the FBI and a few disposable individuals. He (they) are protecting the Obama DOJ, himself, and any connection to the Obama administration, Hillary, and Obama himself.

But there are voices that, later in the night, are starting the "snowball" that Q will speak of in this evening's post. Devin Nunez has said in interviews that the report has opened the can of worms on the Weiner laptop/Hillary Clinton child sex scandal and that now that is no longer confidential and can be investigated.

Other voices in media and social media are piping up that the report is not the "nothingburger" that the left media came out of the gate with.

The Oracle thinks the plan is working as intended. Trust the plan.

And this is what Q had to say about the report.

#1499- Q posted a tweet from The Donald dated June 5, 2018. The tweet talked about the delay in the IG report on Crooked Hillary and Slippery James Comey. He hoped that the report was not being changed or made weaker and called for transparency, saying the people have a right to know.

Q then reposted a previous Q post #1433 from 5-21-18.

May 21 2018

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 622a94 No.1497716 📁
May 21 2018 18:04:49 (EST)

Military OP.
General K [JFK]
Full Disclosure.
General Statement:
Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified'

information is finally revealed to House investigators,
DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated.
[RR] problems.
What was RR's Senate Conf Vote?
WRAY reports to RR [important fact].
Who do you TRUST?
[RR] recuse/fired who has direct oversight of Mueller?
Sessions un-recuse or #3 [until refill]?
Who is Rachel Brand?
Why was Rachel Brand dismissed?
Think timing.

"The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically." "Acting"📁

When does the clock run out?
Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?
TRUST (name).
These people are stupid.


Q then writes;

[[RR]] approved/signed FISA-warrant application(s) to extend surveillance on POTUS/others.
What evidence to support?
[[RR]] @ WH.
Why was Rachel Brand removed?
Critical thinking.

The relevant part of the reposts is in regards to RR's removal through firing or recusal and the succession in the Attorny General's Office to replace him.

Q refers in today's post to RR's participation in the FISA court debacle and leads us to believe that will be his undoing and that events may be "snowballing" in a D5 event that will result in RR's removal.

The Oracle hopes that we don't have to wait until the FISA/Spygate section of the IG report is released to take down RR, but we are willing to trust the plan with patience despite the howling of the weak and the gnashing of their teeth.

And that is all, sportsfans, on this frantic night. See ya round the popsicle stand. Same Q time. Same Q channel.

The Oracle leaves you with this ditty from the post- hysteria secret underground FReeQ meeting that took place in an undisclosed location. FReeQ KitJ stood up to lead us. (here's that bad link, kit.)

It is time for us all to decide who we are.


913 posted on 06/15/2018 3:58:04 AM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas.")
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To: bagster

YES! The Bagster Oracle!!

Clearest, most concise & highest detailed summary of “anything” on the Internet.

Nothing goes better every morning w/my 3rd big mug of strong Coffee.

914 posted on 06/15/2018 4:05:03 AM PDT by LiveFreeOrDie2001 ( Thank GOD Hillary didn't get elected!)
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To: bagster; Pocketdoor
Seeing as the C-40 is just a Boeing 737 I can see where someone would make the mistake, but you can clearly see (well I can sorry about the eyes bags) the United airlines livery, you can also clearly see the c-40 cargo door is not there.

Girl in a jacket

Girl in a jacket

Girl in a jacket

Girl in a jacket

932 posted on 06/15/2018 5:04:11 AM PDT by edzo4 ("Well I truly would be thrilled if all/most of the Q stuff turns out to be real")
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To: bagster

“The Oracle leaves you with this ditty from the post- ......

It is time for us all to decide who we are.”

I love that.

In response to the idiot FBI employees that said.....

“Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing. They probably didn’t watch the debates, aren’t fully educated on his policies, and are stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm.”

I say, oh yeah, that’s what you think. Just watch us.

946 posted on 06/15/2018 5:26:38 AM PDT by MagnoliaB (You can't always get what you want but if you try sometime you might find, you get what you need.)
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To: ransomnote; Steven W.; greeneyes; TEXOKIE; txhurl; saywhatagain; Swordmaker; MNDude; ptsal; ...

Another great edition of The Bagster Oracle. ThankQ, bagster! I rely on you to catch up! And to make me smile!

Re: disappointment, panic, dejection, doubt. Many of us have felt it. IMO it’s normal. Temporary burnout. We can’t be full throttle optimistic 24/7. Be aware that doubt happens and accept it. Use it to investigate and learn. Find evidence to back up or refute your fears/concerns. Think logically.

Oddly, I was at my lowest point BEFORE the IG report came out. I PM’d my concerns to a fellow FReeQ so as not to drag down the morale in all of FReeQtown. Many thanks, fellow FReeQ, for being an audience to my concerns. You know who you are!

If I ever became convinced that Q was a LARP or that Trump was evil, I would be all over this board explaining why. I still trust Trump/Q.

HERE IS ONE OF THE THINGS that reassured me.... Way back in November, Q predicted that Hitlery, Huma, et al would be arrested. Q was wrong!! So what was that all about? That was cover for the operation in SA where many evil princes were arrested. It was a necessary distraction to make the DS players who read/watch the Q board scramble and look elsewhere. Great tactic! It was disappointing to find out that there were no arrests, but the disinformation achieved a MUCH GREATER GOAL. (And, of course, it did not preclude arrests at a later time. It just didn’t happen in November. Remember, too, that when the DS players are running scared and watching their backs, they make mistakes. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making mistakes.)

Big things are happening, FReeQs!! The crappy IG report was a necessary step. I think of a lot of these steps as “giving the DS enough rope to hang themselves”. Or each other. (Or recently, giving them enough red scarves?) Mostly I mean that figuratively.

Trump has caused drastic changes in SA, then in NK, and we can already see the ball rolling in Iran, which he has told us will be next. If we open our eyes, we can see past the lack of arresting HRC, 0vomit, etc, and we can see that HUGE, YUGE changes are being made WORLDWIDE. WW ;-) The MSM is downplaying this, but this really is YUGE. In comparison, it almost makes HRC look like a bit player.

Remember Trump’s meeting with Xi/China? China and the CIA have been controlling NK. That meeting laid the groundwork for freeing NK from Chinese/CIA control. And perhaps he secretly met Kim then, too. Trump had to deal with China via trade/tariffs in order to exert pressure. I believe that he showed China and NK how they would both benefit if they cooperated and how they would be hurt if they didn’t. Art of the deal! How do you turn down a deal like that? A deal that leaves you better off!

Just like the Chinese/CIA controlled NK, the Russians/CIA control Iran. So Trump will probably have to meet with the Russians (if he hasn’t already) in order to handle the Iran situation. We should expect more cries of “Russia, Russia, Russia” as he handles this. And the MSM will be RIGHT for a change. Trump really will be meeting with the Russians. But NOT “colluding”. We’ll get a deal with Iran/Russia like we got with NK/China. Everyone will be better off as a result. The Iran/Russia situation is going to be tricky because of the way the media will jump all over it with their lies and spin. (Praying Medic discusses/explains NK and Iran in his excellent, highly recommended videos.)

Perhaps after Iran, Israel will be cleaned up. (Looks like Mossad has their DS players just like our agencies.) Maybe that is a necessary step before we start seeing arrests in the US? IDK. But I have decided to remain optimistic as long as I see these events continue to unfold. (Even if there are some hiccups.)

Q said there were unexpected events (sorry can’t find the post, but right after summit?). I believe that the Whidbey missile was an unexpected event that had to be dealt with. It was. But the DS still has considerable power. I wonder if this is the “missing” Argentine sub. I wonder if we will be told if it is found/captured/destroyed. Many more questions about that sub, but a topic for a post of its own. I also wonder who is covering up the missile launch and calling it a helicopter light. White hats or black hats?

Be of good cheer, dear FReeQ FRiends! There is much more work yet to be done, but we can see the signs that it is happening. I would not be surprised to see a major event this weekend. You know how Trump loves to do things on Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. But if not this weekend, then soon.

God bless you all!


967 posted on 06/15/2018 6:33:45 AM PDT by generally ( Don't be stupid. We have politicians for that.)
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To: bagster; MagnoliaB

Totally awesome Oracle - this publication is getting better and better with each issue. Many thankQs!

Please add MagnoliaB to the list of inspiring a** kickers.

1,011 posted on 06/15/2018 7:28:19 AM PDT by little jeremiah (Half the truth is often a great lie. B. Franklin)
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To: bagster

Wonderful Oracle!

Even when you know the blow is coming, it still hurts when it lands. We were hurt for our President, our land, our way of life, and for all those who’ve worked so hard for justice.

We must keep fighting against election fraud and for transparency in government. Let’s give our President the tools he needs to win!

1,021 posted on 06/15/2018 7:45:58 AM PDT by Melian (Patriots fight!)
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To: bagster


1,041 posted on 06/15/2018 8:13:07 AM PDT by MileHi (Liberalism is an ideology of parasites, hypocrites, grievance mongers, victikms, and control freaks.)
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To: bagster


1,055 posted on 06/15/2018 8:41:12 AM PDT by CJ Wolf (Free)
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To: bagster; generally

Thank you again Mr. Bagster Sir for your all seeing, well telling Oracle.

Thank you also Sir Generally for additional update on the tone ‘o the day for Flag Day/POTUS’ Birthday.

I remain 24 hours behind you all in this battle, it appears now some 800 posts behind. You will probably be on a new thread when I catch up to you again but those troll posts go by fast. I trust you’ve killed all the trolls so I can jump right over them.

An apt analogy perhaps for now, we are in the battle for Middle Earth. We in Q’s army need to keep fighting the battles against the orcs of Sauron and Saruman. Frodo and Samwise are over in Mordor carrying that accused DS ring into the bowels of Orodruin. If it’s our part to draw Sauron’s eye and keep it off the halflings, then we must give our all to our battle so the real heros can win the war.

Ok, I must go now. Before leaving for work this morning Celeborn insisted I get to WalMart today because he’s out of deoderant.

1,064 posted on 06/15/2018 9:04:02 AM PDT by Wneighbor (Weaponize your cell phone! Call your legislators every week.)
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To: bagster

good oracle! thanks!

1,179 posted on 06/15/2018 11:36:54 AM PDT by bitt (t\\)
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To: bagster

Great report!

If you haven’t seen this yet it is very interesting.

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1. Those of you thinking that this public, written IG Report raises more questions than it answers, are EXACTLY on the money.

That’s the entire point of it. Some observations.

2. You’ll notice that I used the word ‘public’.

That’s because this ISN’T the complete, unredacted report.

This investigation & report occurs during multiple, ongoing DOJ investigations and GJ/ criminal hearings. Not to mention a highly polarized & politicized environment.

3. IMO this ‘public’ report likely excludes evidence, that’s currently needed by DOJ in criminal cases.

It only includes what has been permitted to be made public.

POTUS, as well as other select individuals, have the OTHER, unredacted, unclassified report.

4. I also used the word ‘written’.

That’s because the OIG Report has a written component (today’s report) and an oral component (Horowitz testimony on 18th).

For me, this isn’t the end of the report and much will be clarified on the 18th.

House Judiciary and Oversight Committees to Hold Hearing on IG Report Examining DOJ and FBI Actions in 2016 - United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Washington, DC – On Tuesday, June 19, 2018 at 10:00 a.m., the House Committees on the Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform will hold a joint hearing on “Oversight of the FBI and DOJ Actions …

5. Another thing. Unlike most IG Reports, this isn’t a stand alone, isolated report.

Apart from criminal investigations ongoing, this is the 2nd of 3/4 OIG Reports to land, emanating from the original scope of Jan 12, 2017.

The Inspector General’s Encompassing Investigation
Devin Nunes was on with Maria Bartiromo on March 25, 2018. Nunes is refreshingly candid which makes his interviews worthwhile. While much was covered, there was one short comment by Nunes that specif…

6. Keep in mind something else.

The report has been designed to protect those who have flipped. The same people appear in each report, in relation to different events.

An example - Priestap seems almost marginal to events, when we know in fact that he was probably central.

7. Also, stay focussed on the SCOPE of this report.

The report is NOT about whether Clinton broke the law with her server (she did), but about the FBI exoneration of her.

The two are different. Although it was nice to see Crooked get a mention (tweet 10, below).

8. Last, note the FUNCTION of the OIG.

Most have seen the exec summary & recommendations, differ from the body.

Liberals, being ignorant, see the recommendations as the end of the matter.

They don’t understand what the OIG does, let alone the context, explained above.

9. Put simply, OIG does investigation, DOJ does criminal probes & law enforcement.

The OIG could say that Comey was a martian, who should be criminally referred for jaywalking. Or it can make zero criminal referrals.

It matters little.

10. The DOJ isn’t bound by the OIG. It calls the shots on indictments & investigations.

What matters most to the DOJ? FACTS. Period.

And in this report alone, they are DAMNING.

Take just TEN (of many more):

11. #1 - FBI Director Comey was insubordinate & incompetent.

That’s huge. Why?

Trump’s decision to fire him is now fully vindicated. Any potential ‘muh obstruction of justice charge’ is now null & void.

12. Also, Comey’s credibility as a witness has been shredded. A prosecutor could try and use him, of course. But a good defense attorney would tear him apart.

Remember, there’s a mountain of incriminating evidence against him, outside this report.

13. #2 - New Strzok & Page comms give more credibility to the existence of a scheme to remove Trump. For example, ‘brushing up’ on Watergate, 5 days AFTER the election:

Er, OK. FBI agents talk like that all the time, right?

14. #3 - Peter Strzok & Lisa Page show clear animus, bias and intent to ‘get Trump’ BEFORE he was elected.

OIG: (pp 420/1): ‘not only indicative of a biased state of mind but, even more seriously, implies a willingness to/..

15. /...take official action to impact the presidential candidate’s electoral prospects’

That’s a mind-boggling finding, right there.

They weren’t acting alone, either.

16. #4 - Page & Strzok appear to have deliberately by-passed official channels in their effort to exonerate Clinton, (working with DOJ attorneys and McCabe/Kadzic).

17. #5 - Also, 13 anonymous Obama officials were communicating via private email (footnote, p89).

NOTE: Obama (POTUS) & Clinton (a private citizen, when candidate) appear to have been emailing with each other, DURING THE ELECTION.

WTF? That is massive, in and of itself.

18. Oh, just another small thing.

#6 - Foreign actors appear to have compromized Clinton’s email account.

IMO they could have just put that in and it would have been a bombshell, in itself.

19. #7 - The FBI was leaking like a sieve to reporters.

The annexed tables show a disturbing network of corruption between FBI agents and reporters.

This will require further investigation and is a likely h/t to the many ongoing leak investigations.

20. #8 - Senior FBI officials who were recused from/ not involved in MYE (eg McCabe/Kadzic) were trying to influence/involve themselves into the investigation.

That would be ‘Andy’ McCabe, currently under criminal referral.

21. #9- The FBI appears to have been concealing incriminating texts (and other evidence about MYE) from Congress, then lying about why they did so.

22. AND #10 - Comey & Co sat on the evidence in the Weiner laptop, for as long as they could, knowing the connection between Abedin and HRC.

Until they said it was a nothingburger, just days before the election. A decision that remains unexplained.

23. There are MANY other damaging facts in the report. I chose just 10.

But back to context.

The OIG doesn’t have the same power as a Special Counsel, or AAG like Huber. It also admits (page 5) that it was unable to consider the full span of events exhaustively.

24. And that’s the point. This report is NOT designed to nail people to the wall.

The objective is to raise questions and to PROMPT further investigation.

Just the ten facts I raised are damning. They DEMAND FURTHER INVESTIGATION.

25. Which I predict will now happen. By the the DOJ, or a body set up under DOJ oversight. With criminal jurisdiction & law enforcement powers. NOTE:

Starting to see what comes next? It’s a process, folks, part of a bigger picture.

26. People who want Horowitz to be like some ‘fire and brimstone’ preacher, delivering justice, are missing the point.

He doesn’t have the power. Nor is it his style.

But it’s also GOOD that he’s fact-finding and ‘dull’. Why?

27. Horowitz has OTHER reports coming. Arguably FAR more explosive than this one, as well.

He needs to maintain total impartiality and independence.

America’s deranged TDS libs will demand his removal at the drop of a hat, if they sniff any supposed partisanship.

28. Last thing - notice that amid all the noise, one person has been TOTALLY silent?

POTUS Donald J Trump.

29. And that’s ALWAYS ominous.

After all, sometimes silence can be the most deafening sound of all.


The end.

1,247 posted on 06/15/2018 2:10:16 PM PDT by COUNTrecount (If only Harvey Weinstein's bathrobe could talk.)
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