Posted on 11/16/2016 2:34:17 PM PST by Darth Airborne
Translation, please?
I’ll be back after I find a 10 foot pole.
Have you met the Viking kitties yet?
Cut him some slack it’s really tough to text or type when you’re wearing a straitjacket and have to touch the keys with your nose
Please take the meds they gave you. Your vote wouldn’t make any difference.
1: Find a lawyer admitted in NY who specializes in, yes, Civil Rights. You may have an action against the hospital or others.
2: If you can’t find a lawyer, call, of all people, the ACLU. They will give you a good referral. (Just don’t tell anyone who you would have voted for!)
3: You will probably have to call multiple lawyers to get someone to take the case. The problem is, even of you establish liability, what were your monetary damages?
4: Ignore all legal advice here or anywhere else on the net.
So you couldn’t go vote because they wouldn’t release you? You do know you are not a prisoner in a hospital, unless law enforcement took you there after roughing you up. So why didn’t you walk out on your own? I don’t think you have a case, and besides that unless you can prove that they did the same for millions of others that wanted to vote, your 1 vote would have not made a difference.
I can HELP YOU with
ALL your PROBLEMS I have backline NUMBERS to everyone
YOU need to REACH
SEND me an autopay authorization AND I will connect YOU
with ANYONE you wish to SPEAK TO hit me up with money
Crazy people are entitled to vote too. Just look at all the post-election Clinton Crybabies.
You’re still drawing air?
I don’t understand...
Dragon Naturally Speaking solved that problem for me.
You should have requested an absentee ballot. The hospital is under NO obligation to get you to the polls
No lefit lawyer will take this case
This is curious because I use to live in Queens as well and saw quite a few shenanigans when it came to election day, such as the 1996 election with the Clinton goons INSIDE the polling place intimidating people, putting leaflets in their hands demanding the vote for the rapist. That one I called the cops on. I hate New York city with an absolute passion and I grew up there, it is literally the liberal cesspool of the country. mean my God, now they have a blatant hardcore commie as Mayor and the area I grew up in Sunnyside/ Woodside is completely taken over by illegals now, just miles and miles of them
While any lawyer may take the case this plaintiff has no standing. Hospitals have NO obligation to transport you anywhere except to another health facility
He has standing if he is a legally registered voter in NY.
If lack of transport is his complaint, he has neither cause of action nor monetary damages.
He is still SOL.
re: 14: No one should ever post before the Thorazine kicks in.
STOP the mock
You are not PRIVVY the DIRERCTION needed for every one
with over 50 S.S./CIA/ Etc. Guardswhereever YOU & YOUR Family goes?? DA Cathc ya OUR CaTHETERS r painless.
I wonder if any keys have been stolen off his computer keyboard?
Or attempted poisonings in the family...?
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