Posted on 05/16/2013 12:43:34 PM PDT by MestaMachine
Bookmark! Looks like some interesting dots!! Will read and comment later after digesting it all.
How do we know the Nokoulas character is an FBI asset?... ‘Cause if he is, this is one huge false flag which has treasonous international overtones. In effect, this would be little barry bastard boy trying to overthrow the head of a foreign FRIENDLY government! I would put NOTHING past these treacherous democrips, but proof of the FBI asset assertion is key to this.
BTW, I made a quick copy, for the record, since this is so hot it might get zotted.
The future must not belong to those corrupt few who steal a countrys resources -- it must be won by the students and entrepreneurs, the workers and business owners who seek a broader prosperity for all people. Those are the women and men that America stands with; theirs is the vision we will support.
The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.
Im not saying I agree or disagree with the comment that this is an evil speech
. but context means everything when people speak.
Awesome work.
Holder went after the leaker to the AP in May of 2012.
Benghazi and the video excuse were 9/11/2012.
You were just 5 months off. Not bad for a typical conspiracy theory!
The orchestrated cover-up (just a small snippet):
Hillary Clinton Speaking at a press conference from the State Department on September 13, 2012
Let me state very clearly and I hope it is obvious that the United States Government had absolutely nothing to do with this video.
Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney Golden, CO, 9/13/12
As Secretary Clinton said today, the United States government had nothing to do with this movie.
Hillary Clinton Speaks at Ceremony as Bodies of Americans Killed in Libya Arrive in the US September 14, 2012
Weve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with.
White House spokesman Jay Carney held a press briefing September 14, 2012
The reason why theres unrest is because of the film. This is in response to the film
this is not a film that the United States government had anything to do with. We reject its message and its contents we find it both reprehensible.
U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice, goes on morning shows at NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX and CNN. September 16, 2012
Rice called the attack a direct result of a heinous and offensive video that was widely disseminated, that the U.S. government had nothing to do with.
Sept. 18: Obama was asked about the Benghazi attack on The Late Show with David Letterman.
As offensive as this video was and, obviously, weve denounced it and the United States government had nothing to do with it.
President Barack Obamas speech to the UN General Assembly full text September 25, 2012
That is what we saw play out the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video
Is it possible that Nakoula is being silenced by being kept in jail on bogus parole violation charges because it was the CIA or another agency that took his video and OVER DUBBED IT WITH ANTI-MOHAMMED LANGUAGE so they could then blame the YouTube video for Benghazi?
Is Nakoula a CIA operative? Is he just an innocent casualty in a gov't cover-up?
I'll read again.. Intense stuff.
P.S. I recall one of the actresses in this video said there was never any anti-Mohammed language in the movie script.
Please add me to the ping list. Thanks!
‘ll need to digest this more but I think you’re pretty much on target here.
The questions going through my head now are:
Has anyone laid eyes on Nakoula since he got locked up?
Has he been deposed?
Has he been ‘disappeared’?
Another thing still wandering loose in my head is the issue of whether Brennan was running his own op on behalf of the Troika - Obama, Axelrod, Jarrett - that Petreus didn’t have on his radar screen. I can believe Petreus was in on the arms deals but the hostage scheme would have been Brennan. I base this only on my feel for the characters of the two men.
Cover-up for a staged hostage-taking of Stevens, gone bad when the SEALs disobeyed orders to stand down.
There’s a huge hole in this theory. And that is that Obama would look good after a slaughter of our people in Benghazi and that the trading of the blind sheik would rectify that.
He would have lost the election if such a slaughter had occurred. Romney would have eaten him alive and the American people would have seen the truth.
Conspiracies just aren’t containable in regards to secrecy. I don’t doubt the gun running, and Stevens was a necessary casualty of keeping it secret. That explains the Turkish Embassador, and the Turkish Prime Minister being in DC now.
IMHO, it seems likely that elements of the US government were involved in video from its inception and through its use as PR / propaganda.
It’s just too plainly idiotic, the whole video scenario.
And if you really search contemporaneous news sources, I’m sure you’ll find the video being reported just too stinkin’ early on to not have been put out there by the government.
The government has an “ongoing investigation” into what happened for weeks, but the day of the attack and the demonstrations elsewhere, almost instantaneously the video was a topic of news reporting ? It stinks.
Context is important when HONEST people speak. But when you know someone lies to you repeatedly, then you do not give them the benefit of the doubt just because they may have included flowering sounding phrases amongst the lies. Little barry absatrd boy was spewing lies and false claims in that UN speech. Among those lies and decpetions he sprinkled a few flowery sounding phrases, probably meant to do just what it appears they have done, fool some into believing he is sincere and trying to bring equitable peace. He is in reality pushing the Caliphate.
Bent willie was not trying to assist the establishment of a Moose Slime Caliphate, whereas this devil in the White Hut IS under instructions to do just that!
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