Posted on 12/03/2011 5:00:24 AM PST by Perdogg
The long stagnating Red Dawn remake looks set to finally see the light of day, with a designated release date on the horizon. According to Box Office Mojo, the film will hit screens on November 2, 2012 three years after filming wrapped.
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Red Yawn
The Reds have already taken Washington...
The Reds have the schools, the media, AND Washington...
They’ve changed them from the Chinese to the North Koreans. For real.
They changed from Red Chinese to North Koreans...can’t irritate our new overlords.
November second foretells a horrible movie. That week is a throwaway week—after the fall releases of slasher movies, and before the award winners and holiday blockbusters.
This is akin to when the networks burn episodes of a weak sitcom during the early summer months.
They might just as well send it directly to ITunes.
Awesome, dude! At “just the right” age, RED DAWN helped awaken me to the importance of bravery, vigilance, and firearms ownership. Let’s just pray there are no “global warming” themes running through the flick. And yes: the prospect of a North Korean invading army is just about as ludicrous as the prospect of a Cuban invading army, but what the heck. WOLVERINES!
Well...guess THIS coffee isn’t waking me up fast enough... :-)
Supposedly, this release was originally filmed with the Chinese (flags, text, etc.) but had to be "corrected" with CGI to show North Koreans. I expect this movie will only be interesting for finding mistakes in that correction to see how much Chinese stuff slips through. Get out the blu-ray player and the pause button.
They felt the need for a remake of this movie?
Another commie money pit for the capitalists to throw their cash in.
In the original the Red Army invaded the US through Alaska into the central US. The Cubans, backed by the Soviets, invaded through Texas. Maybe you need to watch the original again. Denver CO was under siege from the Red Army in the North and the Cuban/SA commies from the south. The USA was split just like the CSA in 1864.
My subtitle for the movie:
The Wolverines get diversity.
Love the original. Though I will admit that without Powers Boothe, Harry Dean Stanton, and Ben Johnson it would have gone off the rails. You need a few decent veteran actors to anchor the kids (though Swayze in that scene where he’s crying over the picture of his childhood buddy is awesome).
I’ve noticed in many TV programs and recent movies that the old school [KGB and mafia] Ruskies are the bad guys again.
And, of course, the mentally messed up, Bible thumping, anti-social loaners are frequent bad guys, as always.
Movie and TVLand just recycle the same ole scripts.
[The Charlie’s Angels remake and Wonder Woman remakes were such great hits [/s] that Hollywood is working on a remake of The Munsters. tsk tsk tsk]
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