‘the German Left persists in labeling anything not left-wing as “Nazi” or “fascist”, which tactic may be familiar to my Murkin Readers.’
Hmm, that tactic does seem familiar
Green policies have run up the cost of energy so high, Volkswagen can no longer afford to build cars in their own country. So much for “Energiewende.”
Thanks for posting.
The Germans cannot also be helped by the fact that a pipeline bringing them natural gas from Russia was destroyed.
One HAS to wonder when (IF?) we westerners will EVER learn that Moslem immigrants are violent and WILL NOT EVER assimilate into the “Kultur?”
Moslem immigrants are INVADERS! They are conquerors, WARRIORS for Islam! They have no desire to, nor are they going to EVER assimilate!
It’s probably over for Germany. They just seem terminally stupid. Last Kraut out shut off the lights.
Years ago when all this got started, I chatted with a German dood here in the states. Asked him about the invasion. His reply, “Yes, it is a challenge.” Pffffft.