1 posted on
10/30/2024 7:29:20 PM PDT by
To: null and void; aragorn; EnigmaticAnomaly; kalee; Kale; AZ .44 MAG; Baynative; bgill; bitt; ...
2 posted on
10/30/2024 7:29:31 PM PDT by
(<img src=' 'width=30%>)
To: bitt
Smart gal, and if this isn’t part of 911 operator training, it should be!
3 posted on
10/30/2024 7:32:51 PM PDT by
null and void
(If the government won't protect the vote, the border, the citizens, then why have that government?)
To: bitt
Smart - she called for help before she couldn’t.
4 posted on
10/30/2024 7:34:12 PM PDT by
(Socialism denies people the right to the fruits of their labor, and is as abhorrent as slavery)
To: bitt
5 posted on
10/30/2024 7:36:17 PM PDT by
("A Republic, if you can keep it.")
To: bitt
illegal ALIEN
7 posted on
10/30/2024 7:54:31 PM PDT by
A strike
(death to taggers)
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