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To: JosephJames
Welcome to the club Rev. Joseph Dwight!

You may be entertained by this youtube I made some 14 years ago, it was rather prescient looking back at it.  Youtube shadowbanned me within a few hours as it was sarcastic and humorous to the left.  To this day they have blurred my videos and shut off comments, it is still NOT searchable.  They have since have added their own BS lying comment.

Electric cars for dummies

3 posted on 10/11/2024 4:34:54 AM PDT by quantim
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To: quantim

Mas0nic Control of the New World 0rder

Since November 2013 I have been continually attacked by the hackers of the Freemason New World Order, beginning when I translated from Italian into English the article: “The Masonic Plan For The Destruction Of The Catholic Church”. When I published this document on Free Republic blog site (, within a few hours and after many comments, an administrator gave the message: “This thread has been locked, it will not receive new replies. This article will not be allowed on the Religion Forum because it mongers hatred much like the false Jesuit Oath:”

On September 18, 2015, I discovered for the first time that with the browser Explorer of Microsoft, there no longer appeared the contents of my two principle web sites which are the indexes of my more important articles in English and in Italian, but the contents of my two principle index web sites did appear using the web browsers Chrome of Google and Firefox of Mozilla.
As Our Lady of Good Success warned us more than four hundred years ago: “FREEMASONRY, which will then be in power…” (
Thus I have published these two principle web sites at other web addresses in order to facilitate access by people at least until even these new web sites might become blocked:

In Italian (in italiano):

Up until July 15, 2016, I could post on TWITTER.
On and after July 20, 2016, when I try to post on Twitter I receive the message:
Your account (@josephdwight) is currently suspended.

From the beginning of September 2017 Google (gmail) no longer allows me to send many emails together. I have discovered that many of my emails to you ended up in your SPAM! I would suggest that you copy any of my articles that you might want to save before they might be removed from the WEB by the NWO. I am discovering that more and more WEB sites that reveal what the Masons are doing behind the scenes are being removed from the WEB. One such site, which had many articles about what is going on at Santa Marta, where Bergoglio hangs out, and disappeared around March 7, 2018, is:

In January 2019, all of my more than 50 articles are no longer visible with Scribd.

In March 2019, I posted on many groups in Facebook the following:
Recently when I post or even comment with a reference to any of my articles in my Web Domain, “spir – food . blogspot . com”, Facebook gives me the message: “This link (specifically: “spir – food . blogspot . com” and “spir – food . blogspot . com” e “cibo – spir . blogspot . com) goes against our C0mmunity Standards”, that is the “C0mmunity Standards” of Masonry, of the New W0rld 0rder (NW0), which in the end will be much worse than the Hitler’s Third Reich at the world level!!! If, at a certain point, you no longer hear from me by email or on Facebook or my posts on Facebook disappear, you might have an idea of what has happened.

Those who control the world and the Internet today are clamping down more and more especially regarding articles that help people to realize where we are being covertly led and how we are being subtly brainwashed in a hidden way.I have succeeded in continuing to publish on the Web by launching my computer in “Try Ubuntu” mode from a closed memory card. But in 2018 some of my important web sites no longer worked with Firefox 2014. I installed Ubuntu 14 on the my hard disk and also on a memory card (open and thus modifiable) to be able to update Firefox, which is when the Masonic New World Order hackers wiped out my hard disk and memory card by reducing it from 160 GB to 255 MB – they did the same when I tried booting from an open 32 GB USB memory stick. After this destruction, I was unable to format this Hard Disk and the 32 GB USB memory stick with either Ubuntu or Windows 7. I discovered later a way to recover the 32 GB USB memory stick (with a digital camera) and also the Hard Disk by installing Ubuntu 14 on the whole disk. It took me a little bit to discover how to create a Persistent live bootable SD Card with Ubuntu (, updating Firefox, and then close the card and boot the computer with the card.

I posted “Toward the Synod, with the “blessing” of the WITCH DOCTOR” on Facebook in at least 30 Catholic groups on September 2, 2019 in the morning (even without any reference to my web domain”). The day after, right after I accepted to enter another group in Facebook, I suddenly received the message: “You’re temporarily restricted from joining and posting to groups that you do not manage until Friday at 13:01 AM.” I was restricted for three days! That means I am a very bad boy according to the NW0!?! When I tried to make a comment in one of the groups, I received the same message plus: “If you think this doesn’t go against our Community Standards let us know.” Behold the “Community Standards” of the Masonic New World Order!!! If you do not see any more activity of me, (“Joseph Dwight”) on Facebook, at least you will have an idea why!

I was recently blocked using a Persistent live bootable SD Card with Ubuntu 14. Thus I now boot the computer with Ubuntu 20, then hit TAB, type “live”, and hit enter. Due to continual attacks, you must attach the memory stick with the documents after the computer is booted. One can create this bootable USB memory stick with “Universal-USB-Installer”, and then close the memory stick so the hackers cannot modify and use the operating system against you. The hackers put viruses on my USB memory stick with my documents, so I must boot the computer without my USB memory stick with my documents inserted, as well as format and recopy the files on the stick every day. I also took out the Hard Disk of the Computer so when the computer is turned off, there is absolutely no memory left. Then, after the computer is booted, I insert my USB memory stick with my documents and I copy the whole folder “.mozilla”, with the cookies already copied and saved, into the Home folder of Ubuntu, and then I launch Firefox.
It is rather interesting that one can no longer do this with Ubuntu version 22 or 24!!! The elite of the world want to be able to oversee and control everyone!

5 posted on 10/12/2024 3:00:47 AM PDT by JosephJames (The Truth Shall Set You Free (Jn 8:32)!)
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