Posted on 04/06/2024 8:56:28 PM PDT by SeekAndFind
I feel like I read this same article about six months ago.
My Doctor keeps pushing This .
Pretty comprehensive article.
I do D3 occasionally.
We work indoors. We live indoors. We mostly play indoors. We usually are wearing cloths. Fish isn’t the most common protein we consume.
I think it’s not hyperbole when vitamin D is stated as a common deficiency:
We don’t run around naked outside all day anymore. Where are you supposed to get this from if you live/work/play indoors and wear cloths? Assuming you don’t wear sunblock or a hat, the face and neck (areas often exposed to the sun) account for a mere 5.5% of our skins surface area. To me, it’s no surprise that ~ 1 in 5 people are vitamin D deficient.
You can't manage what you don't measure. It took the medical establishment a long time to recognize Vitamin D supplements as beneficial or even measuring Vitamin D levels as worthwhile. In a lot of older docs there is still resistance or worse. Medicine is an awful lot of opinioneering really and a lot of docs are not even remotely current in knowledge. Veterinary nutritionists have demonstrated and known the benefit of D3 in confined poultry for a very long time.
I know that for me Vitamin D makes a difference especially in my working years when I was in an office most of the time. Natural Vitamin D generation requires continuous exposure to natural sunlight and we don't get it between the house, car and office most days.
Touch wood, at 70 I am still seldom sick and it does not linger long when I am sick. I pray it stays that way.
The VA tests and orders supplement when the ng number is under 35. This is their standard procedure. They don’t mess around with the issue. Older vets need it.
Low cost, simple/easy fix, with a potential health benefit.
Just see what your blood values are. That way instead of feeling pushed you have an argument one way or the other.
Everything you ever wanted to know about Vitamin D, but were afraid to ask!
Which Vitamin D are they talking about?
D3? (from sunshine)
Where we currently live we get about four months of the year when we can get enough D from the sun alone.
I know the body does store it but not enough to keep you going eight months.
Yeah, that would be a good argument to cover up: bits freezing and falling off. Hahaha
Tablets makes me quezzy and they said spray-—
I’ll try it.
Good Points
You can get D3 in liquid form...but remember to take Vit K too..possible hardening of arteries issues...
I have a cold today...not a bad one...but its really the first sickness I've had since before the official vid scam started....
I blame it on my vitamins, esp D....
Also vitamin d deficiency was linked heavily to severe covid problems.
I cut down my Vitamin D supplement from daily during Covid to about twice a week for the last year or so.
I take 1000 IU of D3 daily and have for years if not decades. Believe in prevention. I’ve lived here 15 years, had a cold that lasted 5 days maybe 7 years ago.
Nice to get D from the sun, but it should be early morning sun. Cold climate here and I don’t get up early anyway. I’ll be 88 in June. In great health, weigh 116.
Exposure to sunlight only provides this when the UV index is high enough - during winter unless you are in the far south, you must to get it from other sources.
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