Let me guess.. she did nothing wrong. It’s all racism.
I’m kinda surprised the Illinois Attorney General is going after her. Maybe she didn’t give any kickbacks to him. He is black too.
Her charity is called “Wigs, hair and nail do-s, smokes, malt likka and bling bling fo Tiffany”
If I remember correctly from when she first hit the news a couple weeks ago, the community is something like 90% black. My
Black brothers and sisters: you don’t have to put up with this you have brains; use them. Sass and bling aren’t a basis for voting that will help you in the end. Vote for a black democrat if you must but there are some out there with integrity. Not many, but some. You can do better than this grifter
“Thousands of tax dollars have been funneled to the Tiffany Henyard Cares Foundation.”
Since when do taxpayer dollars get donated to charity? Who authorized this expenditure? Tiffany is obviously embezzling money.