Roberts is his own man. He will make the right decision.
They are dog whistling to the deep state operatives that they sudpect/are sure are blackmailing Robert’s to tell them how they should command him.
Roberts has already shown that he can be bullied. Obama blackmailed him into rewriting Obamacare. I bet Roberts has Lolita Island skeletons.
You were being sarcastic, right?
That guy changed his “apparent” judicial philosophy on a dime.
He has been nothing but a HUGE unmitigated disaster of a pick to conservatives, as best I can tell.
Can’t prove it but I’d almost guarantee that sh!stack has some serious skeletons in his closet.
And the Shrub makes him Chief Justice. A newly appointed jurist becomes Chief justice outta the gate. Almost like the Clinton/Odumbo loving Bush knew Roberts was gonna do a left turn.
Wow how soon we forget, Roberts twisted himself into pretzels to make Obamacare into a tax to save it and blocked AZ from being allowed to arrest illegals in their state. Roberts is a deep state tool, you can the bet the he knows the wise Latina leaked Dodd and is protecting her. Politico Is nudging him because it will work.