“When did it become OK to openly and publicly hate Jews in this country?”.
These are the same people who will call Trump Hitler and “a danger to our democracy.”
For a hundred dollars a day and a coach ride into town. These kids will do/say anything they’re told. They can whip up 10,000 of them for a million dollars a day with almost zero notice. They have no idea what they’re advocating, no concept of the historical significance of their slogans. They do it because they’re told to do it. You get one of them out of the crowd and ask them where israel is on the map and they have no idea. They think jews are nazi’s, in fact... they think anyone’s a nazi that doesnt nod ignorantly in agreement with anything they say.
It’s a sad state of affairs. It’s broken beyond repair. Two or three generations of children are afflicted with this strong deception. Only God can fix this. So pray for your country, pray for your leaders.