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To: null and void; aragorn; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; BusterDog; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

We’ve entered December and I”m already processing the past years chaos to assess the trends of the last year and look into the crystal ball to see what those trends mean for 2022. I invite you to do the same.

Wuhan virus -

23 countries now reporting the detection of Omicron.

Omicron first strike - Dutch health authorities announced on Tuesday that they found the new Omicron variant of the coronavirus in cases dating back as long as 11 days, indicating that it was already spreading in western Europe before the first cases were identified in southern Africa. The RIVM health institute said it found Omicron in samples dating from November 19 and 23. Belgium and Germany have also said that sample tests confirm the variant was in those countries before South African health officials alerted the world on November 24 to its existence.

According to Jim Naismith, Director of the Rosalind Franklin Institute and Professor of Structural Biology at the University of Oxford, masks are largely pointless.
“The ONS survey results on prevalence shows that the Scottish and English approach to masking, although formally different since July, has made no meaningful difference to Delta,” writes Naismith.
“In both countries very high levels of prevalence have continued for months. Thus the new changes announced are unlikely to have much of an impact if Omicron does indeed spread rapidly,” he added.

OBSERVATION - Masks and their ineffectiveness in preventing the dissimulation of wuhan has been a topic since the start of this pandemic. Honest researchers with nearly two years of data to draw upon continue to undermine the wuhan narrative.

After telling the country not to get excited, the Biden administration is currently weighing whether to impose a 7-day quarantine for all travelers returning to the U.S. in order to curb the spread of the omicron COVID variant. Those who refuse might possibly be fined. Even a negative test or full vaccination would not exempt a traveler from the quarantine period, the Daily Mail reported. Biden is currently deliberating his winter COVID strategy and plans on announcing it Thursday.

OBSERVATION - The results of this will likely help push for a national wuhan vaccine passport that is synced to other global vaccine passports.

Judge Terry A. Doughty in the U.S. District Court Western District of Louisiana ruled in favor of a request from Republican Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry to block an emergency regulation issued Nov. 4 by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that required vaccines for nearly every full-time employee, part-time employee, volunteer, and contractor working at a wide range of healthcare facilities receiving Medicaid or Medicaid funding.


Globalism / Great Reset -

Redesigning organisms for other purposes is a new field of scientific endeavor known as synthetic biology. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, expect to see (and hear) more about it as scientists look to reset humanity’s future and the “bio-economy” on the back of coronavirus vaccine research.
The study was released Thursday by the Switzerland-based WEF, and proclaims a scientific human reset is near because “Synthetic biology lies at the intersection of an ageing population, climate change and environmental degradation.”
Synthetic biology, proponents say, holds the promise of reprogramming biology to be more powerful and then mass-producing the turbocharged cells to increase food production, fight disease, generate energy, purify water and devour carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, as the New York Times points out.
The aim is to follow computing, using biological information as coded in DNA, so it can be programmed — with the goal of redesigning organisms for what the WEF deems useful purposes.

OBSERVATION - Genetic engineering is a big component of the ‘Great Reset” of which the mRNA ‘vaccines fit into .

Fifteen state financial officers sent a letter to U.S. banks last week noting $600 billion in assets they pledge to take elsewhere if the financial institutions embrace corporate wokeism and prohibit financing to the fossil fuel industry.
Led by West Virginia Republican Treasurer Riley Moore, the group promised “collective action” in the form of an “economic boycott.”
“Just as each state represented in this letter is unique in its governing laws and economy, our actions will take different forms,” they wrote in the letter obtained by The Federalist. “However, the overarching objective of our actions will be the same – to protect our states’ economies, jobs, and energy independence from these unwarranted attacks on our critical industries.”
Signatories to the letter putting banks on notice include chief financial officers from Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, Alabama, Texas and Kentucky, in addition to West Virginia.
OBSERVATION - One of the back door methods the left has used are influencing banks (and credit cards) to deny credit and sales to unwoke, non globally endorse industries/businesses like firearms. The left has pushed the corporate control as an alternative to pushing legislation through congress - creating a high profile situation - preferring the lower profile bank initiated actions.

“So, the President said earlier today that there haven’t been any recommendations to put in place domestic travel requirements. But what we saw with the Delta variant is that once it was already here, it spread rapidly across the country. So why not have any testing or vaccination requirements whatsoever for domestic air travel since people are, you know, going fairly openly across the country?” a reporter asked Psaki.
“Well, I think what you heard the President say […] was that he wasn’t taking any options off the table, but he’s going to rely on that advice of his health and medical experts,” Psaki responded.
OBSERVATION - Translation. biden has no problem implementing controls agains travel bans.

All members of the US National Guard must be vaccinated against COVID-19 or face a loss of pay, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Tuesday, according to NBC News.
OBSERVATION - Austin has also threatened to ‘decertify’ state guard units as well. Thus action serves to further reduce the combat capability of the US as the Pentagon relies heavily on Nat’l “Guard units in its global operations.

CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer on Monday urged President Joe Biden and his administration to require vaccination for all Americans to fight the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Cramer suggested the military should run the vaccination efforts and said those who don’t want to get vaccinated should “be ready to prove your conscientious objector status in court.”
“With the new Omicron variant sweeping the globe, how do we finally put an end to this pandemic? How do we save lives and get business back to normal so everybody can put dinner on the table? Simple: The federal government needs to require vaccines, including booster shots, for everyone in America by, say, January 1,” Cramer outlined.

OBSERVATION - While this arrogant ignoramus with delusions of adequacy is touting this idea, it is important to recognize that he is vocalizing the wishes and wants of the marxist / leftists propping up the biden administration. In a spoiler to my reading of the tea leaves for 2022, I see that this universal mandate to become a lead item in the biden administration. This will become the issue as the current mandates are facing judicial set backs and a substantially large portion of the population opposing them.

Economy -

Omicron fears caused the DOW to drop 652.22 points. It didn’t help that the Fed chief spoke to congress on reducing the pace of monthly bond buys at a quicker rate. This week will continue to be a rough ride.

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said that, in light of high inflation, the central bank might wind down its bond-purchasing program sooner. Powell, testifying before the Senate Banking Committee alongside Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, faced questions about inflation, which has been soaring all year. The Fed has insisted that inflation, which is running at 6.2% for the year ending in October, is “transitory” and will tamp down. On Tuesday, though, the chairman said that term might no longer be appropriate.
“I think the word ‘transitory’ has different meanings to different people. To many, it carries a sense of short-lived — we tend to use it to mean that it won’t leave a permanent mark in the form of higher inflation,” Powell told lawmakers. “I think it’s probably a good time to retire that word and try to explain more clearly what we mean.”
OBSERVATION - The “transitory” narrative has collapsed into a pile of poo. This discussion infers that inflation is not going away any time soon.

IN RELATED - There are economic analysts warning that even steeper inflation will hit the markets the first part of CY 2022.


Biden watch -

On Tuesday, biden signed four bills related to benefits for veterans. He didn’t know what they were. “Alright, here we go. Amend title—eh, I’m not gonna read it all. I’ll just sign it,” said Biden.
After signing the bills, Biden pulled his mask down to talk to someone across the room. As soon as Biden began rambling off script, the White House cut the audio and blasted music.

“Unlike Trump, I don’t shock our allies,” President Biden said on Tuesday, when asked whether he would coordinate with U.S. allies in the event he plans to announce further travel restrictions related to the new “omicron” variant of the coronavirus.
NOTE - One word - Afghanistan . . . . . .

CW2/Domestic violence -

So far protests at the USSC over the current abortion debate have been peaceful. See Sen Shaheen’s comments under Political Front. Antifa supports pro-abortion issues and may show up, but doubt that they will go beyond simple protest support to violence.


Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., issued a warning to the Supreme Court days before oral arguments in a potential landmark abortion case, claiming that a “revolution” will take place if the high court overturns existing precedent.
OBSERVATION - Abortion is one of those key culture conflict fronts the left holds as holy. I don’t think the senator is calling to arms, but it will result in a lot of pro abortion protests to kick in that other elements can exploit for other leftist causes.

Domestic Terror -

Authorities in New York’s Long Island are investigating a blast that left a crater and was felt miles away Sunday. Police are working with the FBI on the probe, to determine whether it could have been a prelude to something bigger.
The Suffolk County Police Department said the explosion occurred on Fox Island, off the coast of West Babylon, around 11:40 a.m. when a device was detonated. Authorities received nearly three dozen 911 calls, the department told Fox News.
The blast left a crater on the north side of the island that measured 4 feet wide and 2 feet deep. Authorities are seeking a boat seen leaving from the area at the time.
OBSERVATION - Not clear if terror related or a bunch of drunk rednecks playing with tannerite. But this was a big boom and the cause needs to be investigated.

China -

China’s factory activity fell back into contraction in November as subdued demand, shrinking employment and elevated prices weighed on manufacturers, a business survey showed on Wednesday.
The Caixin/Markit Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) fell to 49.9 in November from 50.6 the month before, versus analyst expectations of 50.5 in a Reuters poll. The 50-mark separates growth from contraction on a monthly basis. (Reuters)

OBSERVATION - I’ve noted numerous times, wuhan has hit China;’s economy of many levels. This has forced Xi to try to wall paper over domestic issues like this so he can continue his efforts to force Chinese control of the S China sea and related areas like Taiwan. What is missing from the report is the impact of electrical shortages have had on manufacturing sector as well.

North Korea -

Been pretty quiet lately but things continue. As reported numerous times, famine has gripped the country since the start of the wuhan epidemic. Current reopening of the border with China and resumption of food imports have not been sufficient to reverse the trend. Analysts are noting that a growing number of North Korean soldiers sent to the Chinese border to increase security have become a threat to civilians living nearby. The government has not been able to maintain food supplies for these troops, and many of them are now receiving half their normal food supplies. What food the troops do get is of lower quality. Even the secret police, whose job includes monitoring the performance of soldiers and police and punishing misbehavior, complain of the lower quality food they are receiving. But at least they aren’t getting visibly thinner like the border security troops. This is visible from the Chinese side of the border and often recorded on cell phone photos that eventually reach South Korea.
OBSERVATION - These are Kim’s enforcers, you can’t keep your strong arms fed and happy, then you better start watching back as he has elements in his govt that could exploit this and replace him.

Russia -

See Europe general, Ukraine and Polish discussions.

Ukraine -

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday sternly warned NATO against deploying its troops and weapons to Ukraine, saying it represents a red line for Russia and would trigger a strong response.
Commenting on Western concerns about Russia’s alleged intention to invade Ukraine, he said that Moscow is equally worried about NATO drills near its borders.
“The emergence of such threats represents a ‘red line’ for us,” Putin said. “I hope that it will not get to that and common sense and responsibility for their own countries and the global community will eventually prevail.”
Russia proposes to start substantive negotiations to achieve legal guarantees of NATO’s non-expansion to the East

Russian Foreign Ministry: Ukraine has deployed 125 thousand servicemen in Eastern Ukraine

Europe General -

Latvia needs a permanent U.S. military presence to deter Russia and wants to boost its defences with U.S. Patriot missiles, Defence Minister Artis Pabriks said on Monday as NATO’s chief visited allied troops in the Baltic country. “We need additional international assistance,” Pabriks told Reuters. “We would like to have a permanent United States (military) presence in our country. And sea and air defence means basically going down to such systems as Patriot (surface-to-air missiles).”

The Baltic states are seen as NATO’s most vulnerable flank as they are linked to the alliance’s main territory only by a land corridor of around 60 km (37 miles) between Poland and Lithuania known as the Suwalki gap.
Military experts warn that Russia, via Belarus, might capture the gap, gaining a land corridor to its heavily fortified exclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea.

OBSERVATION - The Baltic states are increasingly threatened by Russian expansionism. Along with Poland, they’ve been facing the deliberately directed flow of islamic “migrants’ coming thru Belarus. During the Soviet Union era, these countries also suffer a lot of oppression at the hands of Russians, an experience they don’t want to repeat. The high percentage of ethnic Russians in those countries keeps Moscow’s eyes on the region.

Israel -

Lifting sanctions on Iran could lead to military action by Israel, officials in Jerusalem warned world powers, as negotiations to curb the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program continued on Tuesday.
If the US lifts sanctions – along with international sanctions soon to be lifted under the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal – Iran could reach the nuclear threshold within six months, Israel has warned.
OBSERVATION - Close watch necessary on these negotiations to bring Iran back to the nuclear control agreements. Israel recognizes that the removal of sanctions will be interpreted as weakness in the west by Iran and just encourage it to accelerate its nuclear program.

Iran -

Heavy clashes reported between Taliban and Iranian border guards along the border in Nimruz.
OBSERVATION - This is a key border crossing on the Iran/Afghanistan border.

Saudi Arabia -

Saudi-led coalition is continuing to carrying out airstrikes on military sites in Sana’a.

Poland -

See Russia above.

Belarus -

EU ambassadors have just given green light to the EU’s 5th sanctions package on Belarus. 17 people and 11 entities. to be published in the EU official journal tomorrow. Work on a sixth package has started but premature to talk numbers now. might be ready Jan/Feb.response

OBSERVATION - These sanctions began over claims that the Belarus elections earlier this year were corrupt and that the Russian supporting government is not legitimate. It has grown particularly in

739 posted on 12/01/2021 6:57:09 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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To: Godzilla

From your report:

“Judge Terry A. Doughty in the U.S. District Court Western District of Louisiana ruled in favor of a request from Republican Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry to block an emergency regulation issued Nov. 4 by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that required vaccines for nearly every full-time employee, part-time employee, volunteer, and contractor working at a wide range of healthcare facilities receiving Medicaid or Medicaid funding.”


Does this ruling apply nationwide?

Similar to past rulings, where one fed judge could rule on an issue and have it apply nationwide.

740 posted on 12/01/2021 7:12:15 AM PST by WildHighlander57 ((The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.) )
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To: null and void; aragorn; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; BusterDog; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..


Wuhan virus -

Omicron mania is increasing almost exponentially for a variant little is known about.

biden is scheduled to speak on his plans to combat this new variant. Although biden tried to quell alarm over the omicron variant, saying it was a cause for concern but “not a cause for panic.” his minions are doing just the opposite. One leaked item is that the Biden administration will extend requirements for travelers to wear masks on airplanes, trains and buses and at airports and train stations through mid-March, sources briefed on the matter told Reuters, amid concerns about a new COVID-19 variant.Biden plans to discuss the U.S. strategy for fighting COVID-19 this winter.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is ordering airlines to turn over the names of passengers who have recently been in any of eight southern African countries where the COVID-19 Omicron variant is known to be spreading. It requires all airlines to collect and turn over names and contact information for all travelers who have been to Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa or Zimbabwe in the past 14 days. The CDC is also looking to increase its “surveillance” at airports. Identified airports for increased surveillance measures will be implemented at the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City, Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey, and San Francisco International Airport.

However, these ‘efforts’ are too late as a “fully vaccinated” individual in Kalifornia reportedly is the first known case in the US. The person was a traveler who returned from South Africa on Nov. 22 and tested positive Nov. 29.

In a recent interview Dr. Fauci called for testing of everyone coming into the country within 24 hours of their entry — except illegal aliens.

OMICRON OBSERVATIONS - Incredible hype that hasn’t been reflected in public opinions IIRC. It would seem that biden is hiding behind his machine to preserve his ‘ratings’ and letting the minions run rampant. Democrat globalist/leftists need to keep fear high to justify further restrictions and controls. This may be a first run attempt to use a variant as a tool to override elections reforms instituted after the 2019 elections.

A panel of U.S. health advisers on Tuesday narrowly backed a closely watched COVID-19 pill from Merck, setting the stage for a likely authorization of the first drug that Americans could take at home to treat the coronavirus.
The Food and Drug Administration panel voted 13-10 that the antiviral drug’s benefits outweigh its risks, including potential birth defects if used during pregnancy.
NOTE last sentence - there are serious risks, yet they will try to force this on us.

More court losses - Montana Department of Justice. - “U.S. District Court Judge granted Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen’s request for a preliminary injunction against the COVID-19 CMS vaccine mandate, which was set to take effect Monday, December 6, 2021,” the Montana DOJ wrote. “The vaccine mandate is now stayed in Montana and all other states.”


Globalism / Great Reset -

The Canadian federal government announced that it will pump millions more into its “voluntary” COVID isolation site program to “help” temporary foreign workers forced to isolate as well build a new virus camp. Canadian Minister of Health Jean-Yves Duclos said in a press release last Friday that more than $5 million will be provided for COVID sites and programs in the province of British Columbia through “Canada’s Safe Voluntary Isolation Sites Program.”

The chief of the European Commission has said EU nations should consider making Covid-19 vaccinations mandatory because too many people still refuse to have them voluntarily. German chancellor-designate Olaf Scholz said he would back a proposal to mandate coronavirus vaccines for all next year.
The EU-wide vaccination rate is 66%, and unexpectedly high case surges in much of the 27-nation bloc have led many member countries to renew mask and testing requirements, and to take other steps to curb infections.
“It is understandable and appropriate to lead this discussion now – how we can encourage and potentially think about mandatory vaccination within the European Union,” Ursula von der Leyen said. Health policy remains a national prerogative in the EU, and making jabs mandatory remains a controversial issue.

Greece Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced in a televised statement that the COVID-19 jab will now be required by law for people aged 60 and over. The prime minister said that for every month citizens 60-years and up go without a coronavirus vaccine, they will be slapped with a 100-euro ($114) fine.

Eighty House Republicans voted with Democrats on Tuesday to pass the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act, which if passed by the Senate and signed into law would fund a federal vaccination database.
According to the bill, also called H. R. 550, the government would provide $400 million in taxpayer dollars to fund “immunization system data modernization and expansion,” a system otherwise defined as “a confidential, population-based, computerized database that records immunization doses administered by any health care provider to persons within the geographic area covered by that database.”
OBSERVATION - Another step closer to a national wuhan passport.

OVERALL OBSERVATIONS - More countries are continuing to increase the tyrannical policies towards the unvaxxed. These countries should be viewed as examples of what the biden globalists eventually want to put into place here. First step now is the 7 day quarantine for certain travelers for Omicron.

Economy -

The Govt is facing a shut down this Friday. There are rumors that an agreement has been made to avoid this. Watch for details.

DOW flipped around 700 points on the announcement that Omicron has reached the US. Buckle up for more bumps.

Invasion of Illegals -

The biden administration is withholding the annual Entry/Exit Overstay Report, which covers the number of illegal aliens who remain in the United States after their visas expire. The public release of this report isn’t optional, but its delivery to congress is mandated by law

Hundreds of illegal aliens congregated in recent days under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas, according to reports. Just a couple months ago thousands packed in the area. Most of the migrants hailed from Cuba, Venezuela, and Guatemala, authorities told KENS 5.

Biden watch -

A recent poll released by the Trafalgar Group has revealed that Biden’s approval rating in November has continued to fall, landing at 36.3 percent.
NOTE - Poll numbers vary from polling firm to polling firm. Trend is the key in all of them and they all are pointing down, down, down.

CW2/Domestic violence -

Americans continue to arm to the teeth. On Black Friday, the FBI conducted 187,585 National Instant Criminal Background System (NICS) checks on gun sales, according to reports. According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), Black Friday 2021 NICS checks surpassed those of 2020, which was 186,645.

Capitol Police arrested dozens of abortion rights supporters who sat down in a crosswalk near the courthouse, obstructing traffic, as hundreds staged dueling rallies in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday.

Another day, another trial. Officer Kim Potter is on trial for the shooting of Daunte Wright. Wright attempted to flee from officers during a traffic stop due to outstanding arrest warrants and was shot and killed by Potter after he crashed in to a concrete barrier. Potter is charged with First and Second-Degree Manslaughter.
On Tuesday night in Minneapolis at a BLM protest against the jury selection for the Kim Potter trial, rioters swarmed & attacked a vehicle. They tried to open the doors to pull the driver out.
Daunte Wright has an extensive criminal history. He was charged with carrying an illegal .45 Ruger, skipping his initial court date before being stopped by police officers in April of 2021. In the wake of the shooting, his social media showed him flashing gang signs and using drugs.
In the days following the incident, nearly a hundred people were arrested as they tried to break in to the Brooklyn Center Police Department and threw projectiles at officers.

OBSERVATION - This trial has the potential for serious violence if an acquittal is the outcome.


Three senior aids to VP harris have quit in the past two weeks.

19 democrat congress critters have announced they will not run for reelection next year and retire
NOTE - They won’t get their pension if voted out. They are taking our money and running.

China -

The World Tennis Association has cancelled and pulled out of China due to China’s treatment of Peng Shuai. While this will cost the WTA millions, the insult to China is significant and may provide more leverage to boycott the Olympics.

China and the US are preparing for a meeting between their top military officials amid rising tensions over Taiwan and an arms race over the most lethal hypersonic weapons.

China told Indonesia to stop drilling for oil and natural gas in maritime territory that both countries regard as their own during a months-long standoff in the South China Sea earlier this year, four sources told Reuters

North Korea -

The U.S. and the Republic of Korea are expected to announce this week they will begin writing a new war plan for North Korea that takes into account Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile launch advances, two U.S. senior defense officials said Tuesday.
At their annual Security Consultative Meeting in Seoul on Thursday, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Republic of Korea Defense Minister Suh Wook will announce new strategic planning guidance “to start the process of developing a new operational war plan,” said one of the officials, who briefed reporters traveling with Austin to Seoul. “The DPRK has advanced its capabilities. The strategic environment has changed over the past few years,” the official said. “It’s appropriate and necessary that we have an OPLAN that is updated.” The officials noted that the current war plan for North Korea is around 10 years old.

Russia -

See related discussion under Ukraine

Ukraine -

UK Foreign Secretary has just held a meeting with her Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in Stockholm amid growing concern among western allies over a build up of Russian troops around Ukraine and the potential for another invasion.

Putin made very specific demands this week: No additional eastern expansion of NATO & legal guarantees of same, no foreign long range missiles in Ukraine, no foreign military basing in Ukraine.

Observers have noted that the current build up has exceeded the one this past spring. Blinken said yesterday it is unclear whether Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine, but said that “he’s putting in place the capacity to do so on short order, should he so decide.” “by evidence that Russia has made plans for significant aggressive moves against Ukraine,” including “efforts to destabilize Ukraine from within, as well as large scale military operations.”

There are reports of Ukranian armored units moving eastward.

PM Lukashenka at the meeting with head of Russian State Duma Volodin: “we have an understanding of the need to preserve that civilization that existed at our joint Fatherland”, “joint Fatherland is Belarus and Russia”, - he explained, also hopes Ukraine will join this “joint Fatherland”

OVERALL OBSERVATIONS - Situation has gotten more serious. Putin is taking an increasingly harder line looking to leverage the fact that he has the forces on the ground to accomplish what he wants and a shut down of natural gas to Europe in his back pocket. He may be close to painting himself into a corner and have to launch some kind of attack. NATO is partially hamstrung in that Ukraine is not a NATO member, but is petitioning to become one. As I’ve noted, Putin sees Europe/NATO as a strategic threat. He covertly tried to get a Russian friendly government installed like in Belarus, but failed, initiating his capture of Crimea and eastern provinces of Ukraine under the guise of a separatist rebellion.
Absent US ‘backbone’ Europe is struggling to respond but resistance to Putin is stiffening. Putin is threatening but so far Ukraine and NATO haven’t taken the bait to initiate actions. I think Putin may do something limited if NATO forces move into Ukraine.
A very dangerous game of chicken is developing.

Israel -

Israel PM Bennett told US Secretary of State Blinken in a phone call: Iran is carrying out “nuclear blackmail” - there should be an immediate halt to negotiations and harsh measures by the powers

Iran -

Iran gives European nuclear deal parties drafts on sanctions removal, nuclear issues. according to state media. A European diplomat confirmed it, according to Reuters

Andrea Stricker, a research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and an expert on the Iran nuclear program, told JNS that “if Iran comes to talks with maximalist demands for sanctions relief and refuses to resume discussing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the P5+1 will quickly realize that Tehran’s game is one of extortion, and they could pivot to a united pressure front.”
OBSERVATION - Iran is pursuing maximalist demands.

AEA boss Rafael Mgrossi “I confirmed that Iran increased production capacity at its enrichment plant in Fordow. It’s very important they give unfettered access to my inspectors. If they limit access, then we do have a problem”

Black Swans -

The GPS meter in Grímsvötn shows that the ice cap continues to descend and it has sunk almost 9.87 m (32.4 feet) since it was measured highest on November 24, 2021, the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) reports.
Running water has now appeared in Gígjukvísl and the water level there has risen gradually yesterday and last night.
According to Benedikt Gunnar Ófeigsson, deformation scientist at the IMO, there is every indication that the Grímsvötn volcano is ready to erupt. The last eruption of this volcano took place in 2011 — it was a large and powerful VEI 4 eruption.

OBSERVATION - as noted earlier, major eruptions have followed these melting episodes. Such eruptions have shut down air travel in the UK and even portions of Europe. Such would impact the economies of these countries and may even worsen the current excessive cold weather being experienced due to sunlight blockage.

744 posted on 12/02/2021 6:51:28 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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