Posted on 01/01/2021 7:36:15 AM PST by Godzilla
I’m interested, but never heard the term, “Goal it”, before.
Established in 2001 after the 9/11 attack on America, this thread is designed to identify threats to America, both internal and external, and evaluate the probability of those threats occurring and the extent of potential damage. Discussions may stray into ‘tinfoil’ territory, but the goal is to peel back and confirm information so we can make informed decisions and actions.
2020 was a dumpster fire. 2021 may have us looking to 2020 in a fond way, given the intensity and changing nature of the threats to our lives and freedoms.
Link for historical purposes to TM 2020;page=1#1
Hey, its the day after new years eve, give my tired fingers a break LOL
My intelligence priorities for 2021 and reasoning. If you have other areas, please recommend them and help by following them up in posts. Each region/subject area may be expanded as required over the course of the year to adjust to changing situations and scenarios.
REGION 1 - United States
Globalism - Efforts to place the world under one rule via the Great Reset. These will manifest through wuhan, economy and civil disturbance.
Wuhan Virus - I won’t be counting off numbers, they are too far compromised to be worth anything since just about any death is being counted as be wuhan caused. But I fully expect that this virus will continue to be used to intimidate, demoralize and condition the sheeple throughout the year - yes in spite of the vaccine.
Economy - The economy isn’t out of the woods, regardless of record stock market values at the end of the year. Newly instituted lockdowns in major states will kill what few smaller businesses that were able to eke out a chance to reopen. This will open our country to the “Great Reset”, a hybrid communistic remake of ‘capitalism’ with green new deal tossed in for chaotic measure. If Biden gets into the WH, expect this globalistic disaster to be pushed - hard.
2020 Election- We still have this month for the last of this dumpster fire to play out.
Key dates - House of Representatives officially counts electoral votes on Jan. 6. Inauguration is Jan 20.
Either something happens to be a massive game changer and Trump stays in office, or the constitution and this republic dies (see economy and CW2)
CW2/Civil Disturbances -
Two potential paths that will become clear after Jan 20th.
1. Trump retains the WH, all hell breaks loose in BLM/Antifa controlled urban regions and they will attempt to selectively target red areas for violence. Leftists will go to insurrection mode and CW mode when stopped by Patriots.
2. Biden takes the WH, slow burn commences. BLM/Antifa et al have just used the democrats as the frog in the old frog and scorpion story. They have no allegiance to democrats, only in the destruction of the current way of governing - meaning they will not stop until our constitutional republic is just another socialistic banana republic (btw, they’ve said that). This may delay the kinetic civil war stage, but expect a biden administration to try to strip citizen rights and in particularly the 1st and 2d amendment rights away first.
Regardless of the 20th, the US is on a trajectory of continued unrest and increasing crime. Data from 57 big city police departments, has the number of murders in those cities is up 36.7 percent compared to last year. In quite a few of those cities, new all-time records are being established in 2020, and many Americans are anticipating even more violence in 2021.
REGION 2 - International General
Strategic Developments /Deployments - Force projection by the US as indicators of potential actions or responses to regions considered critical to the US.
Cyber Warfare - Our country and world are increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks that can create grave damage if critical assets are exposed.
China - China is most dangerous superpower the US is facing. It crushed the Hong Kong independence movement with the assistance of the Wuhan virus and seeks to do same to Taiwan and the China sea region. Very high probability of some level of conflict this coming year. Under this will be the China/India standoff, Taiwan, South China Sea and Trade wars.
Russia - The bear may be old, but it isn’t fangless either. Putin’s days are numbered (health and age questions), their economy is severely distressed and it has become increasingly tied down in regions of the world facing off with an ascending Turkey (Syria, Libya and Armenian/Azerbaijan). In spite of this, Russia is attempting to maneuver itself to maintain a threat against the US both strategically (new weapons) and tactically (deployments).
N Korea - With NK walking away from Trump’s initiatives, NK is trying to regain momentum for strategic weapons - nuclear tipped ICBMs. Sanctions, wuhan and famine have ravaged its economy over the past year, making expenditures for its military a challenge. A biden administration may provide an opportunity for Kim to flex his muscles again in this realm.
REGION 3 - Middle East
Israel - By far the focus of most of the action today (as well as historically). It is facing its 4th election in 2 years, increasing threats from Hezbollah and Iran via Lebanon and Syria and its almost routine tit for tat with Hamas in Gaza. There is a high potential for conflict between Israel and Iran this year especially under a biden administration and disrupted government functioning due to elections.
Iran - Date to remember, January 3d - anniversary of the death of Soleimani. Iran continues to be the most dangerous element in the middle east. Sponsoring terrorism / proxy forces it has influences in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen/Saudi Arabia and even Venezuela here in the western hemisphere. During the Trump administration, wuhan, sanctions and low oil prices have hammered the Iranian economy. This has caused turmoil internally. The death of Soleimani last year threw Iran’s proxy wars into confusion as he was recognized for his leadership by these groups and his replacement hasn’t earned their full confidence. Constant hammering by Israel AF of munitions and factories in western Syria has cost Iran greatly in lost material and personnel. This has diverted resources away from other goals, such as quickly ramping up its nuclear program.
Iraq - Essentially dominated by Iran via its supported militias, Iraq is an intermediary in the struggle between Iran and US/Israel. Over the past couple years, though, the iranian backed militias have been losing the hearts of Iranians in general due to their aggressiveness and domineering. Any Iranian/western conflict will see Iraq as a major hot spot.
Lebanon - Essentially controlled by Iran via Hezbollah, the country is just a shell of its former self. As a rocket base, Hezbollah has established its self in areas surrounded by civilian facilities. However, the prolonged Syrian civil war and the loss of fighters in it PLUS significant decreases in funding from Iran have served to limit some of its aggressiveness. But make no mistake - should Israel and Iran get into a direct war, missiles in Lebanon will rain over most of Israel.
Saudi Arabia - Regional opponent of Iran, stuck in the civil war in Yemen against the Houthi’s supported by Iran. Oil superpower drives a lot of the economic push in the region.
Syria - By itself, still caught up in a long running civil war against separatists (mostly in Idlib Provence) and remnants of ISIS. Caught in a proxy war against Israel by Iran and Hezbollah is hit on a regular basis by Israeli forces.
Afghanistan - Still an unstable region with the Taliban attempting to regain ascendency in the county. US trying to draw down forces and leave the country
REGION 4 - Western Asia / Europe
Turkey - Turkey is on the ascent in the region and quickly burning bridges with NATO. It has been directly involved in Syria, Libya and the Armenian/Azerbaijan conflict. It has gotten close to get into a shooting situation with Greek and French military forces in the Mediterranean Sea. Turkey’s intermediate goals are to control oil/gas production and transmission in the region with the ultimate goal of reestablishing the Ottoman empire.
Also monitoring BREXIT, France, Greece, Libya and other for blowups that could ripple over to the US.
Black Swans - This is maintained because of the unexpected/unforeseen. Last year it was wuhan. This year it could be one of many things, such as smaller wars getting out of hand, or major natural disasters that threaten to upset power balances.
Interesting. My goal to my posts here (and this isn’t just about me, i’m just carrying the tradition forward) is to stir my old intel skills up and analyze the information where I can as well as screen out tinfoil and internet fables that just cloud the picture.
The Constitution dies on January 20, 2021. The weeping and wailing and shedding of tears begin in 2022 when the sheep begin to realize that the judas goats were blowing smoke up their asses and there will be no do over in 2022. But by then it will be all over but the crying.
Thanks for the ping. I think We are in the midst of undeclared warfare-involving many areas of our lives-using any means possible to destroy the USA without triggering a nuclear retaliatory response.
And the government is rife with people that are far too friendly to our enemies. So I really appreciate this review that you post.
Regarding Globalism/Economy:
I’m posting a link to an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts. She explains the Globalism/Economy/Reset that the Davos Crowd is planning on forcing on the world. She explains financial plans in simple everyday language.
[c] before [d]
and perhaps (given rod serling left months ago)....
2. [c]ongress for biden (1/6)] before [d]eclass] ~1/7+
yielding utter in blackhats -> FF
by ChInA and msm+ <= eo + i-act + ]NG,mil,sf,marsh,goodLEO[
The constitution has been functionally dead since January 2009, but now the plug will be pulled from its life support.
I agree with you.
Thanks, Godzilla!
Appreciate the thread and remember it back in the old days.
As dark as 911 was, compared to today - my how we have fallen as a nation.
Foriegn enemies are far less of a problem than domestic enemies...
Thank you and Happy New Year!
The new year has started out at a sprint.
REGION 1 - United States
Wuhan Virus -
Fauci, who has been appointed as the chief medical advisor to biden, has said that states will be able to restrict citizens rights and access it they don’t accept the wuhan vaccine. He doesn’t expect to see Federal govt mandates (but he lies like a rug - so be ready) He has also stated not to expect any normality until fall 2021.
Across the world, health professionals in hospitals are increasingly reluctant to receive the vaccine, based largely on potential side effects and uncertainties about its effectiveness. WHO is on record saying the vaccine won’t prevent infections, only reduce the severity.
The more highly contagious strain of wuhan has been reported to now have been detected in Florida. Colorado and California already reporting its presence.
States are falling behind in the vaccination effort. One of the worst is NY which is sit-in on 2/3rds of its vaccine. Fed Govt met its goals to distribute the vaccine, states - particularly blue states - are failing epically from lack of detailed planning and preparation. Perhaps they believed their own propaganda that project “warp speed” wouldn’t meet its deadlines.
Economy -
Congress has ended its session without approving $2000/person stimulus. Democrat senators object the payments being tied in a bill with voter fraud investigations and elimination of section 230.
2020 Election-
Federal judge dismissed Rep Gohmert’s election lawsuit against VP Pence.
There are currently about 140 republicans in congress ready to object to the Electoral College vote. Objections like this have occurred in the past, with nothing but hot air as a result. Nothing stopped the confirmation in the past and most observers don’t think that this will changed this time, except the potential to have evidence of fraud brought to the forefront for a short time. MSM will sculpt its narrative to hid most of that.
I’m not reporting the intense amount of RUMINT concerning VP Pence. I see little collaboration from other sources and I do see volumes of misinformation. I’m working to find collaboration or sources to clear up his status.
CW2/Civil Disturbances -
Nancy Pelosi’s house in San Francisco was vandalized with spray paint, fake blood and a pig head. The vandal wrote “Cancel rent!” and “We want everything!” in black spray paint on Pelosi’s garage. They left a pig head on the ground in front of the garage and spilled fake blood, according to Kron 4. Some think the vandalism is in response to receiving only $600 and not $2000. As I’ve been saying, the BLM/Antifa wing of the progressive left will not quietly go into its corner with a biden administration.
BLM/Antifa also vandalized St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC early new year’s day. In Philadelphia, they vandalized at least two federal building. In Portland, BLM/Antifa ransacked and looted businesses, started fires on the street, assaulted law enforcement, and tried to break into the Justice Center. NOTE - these are not at the level seen this summer, but are indicative of the core maintaining their focus to keep pressure up on cities and politicians to comply with their demands.
Internet rumors that BLM/Antifa is planning to infiltrate the Jan 6th Trump rally. Leftists being encouraged to wear specific MAGA clothing apparel, but in a special manner that permits leftist to recognize each other. One report says to wear the caps backwards and wear camouflaged short pants. Infiltration has been a common practice by these leftists in past pro-Trump events.
Domestic Terror -
Soleimani”s replacement, Gen Esmail Ghaani, warned that “freedom seekers” in the US could retaliate for the attack (the death of Soleimani), telling the US that “inside hour own home, there might be those who want to respond to the crime that you committed”. Iranian infiltration of agents is a common tactic of theirs, particularly that of Qods force that Ghanni leads. Such infiltration into the US would be very easy and could have occurred many years ago with sleeper cells.
REGION 2 - International General
Strategic Developments /Deployments -
In a move that surprised some given the current tension with Iran, the USN has called the Nimitz CSG back to its base harbor. This is the only carrier in the Indian Ocean region that can rapidly respond to any Iranian threat/attack. No carrier has been identified to replace it on station. Makin Island Amphibious Ready Group, consisting of USS Makin Island (LHD-8), USS Somerset (LPD-25), USS San Diego (LPD-22), and embarked 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit; and USS Hershel ‘Woody’ Williams (ESB-4) will remain in the Indian Ocean region.
“Pentagon officials said they had sent additional land-based fighter and attack jets, as well as refueling planes, to Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries to offset the loss of the Nimitz’s firepower.” If you recall, last week there was substantially higher levels of air refueling tanker activity in the region. (NYT) These aircraft including F22 and F35s, are more capable than the Nimitz’s F18 and are believed to be present in greater numbers than a carrier can produce. This also removes a potential high value target out of Iranian range, forcing it to attack other sovereign nations to get at USAF assets.
China -
Jack Ma has vanished from his own TV talent show, and appears to be trying to run away from Chinese authorities following criticism of the regime. CCP will not allow criticism from “rock star” Ma, setting up an interesting showdown.
REGION 3 - Middle East
Iran - Date to remember, January 3d - anniversary of the death of Soleimani.
US forces in the middle east region are at a higher alert status with anniversary of Soleimani’s killing. Iranian leadership has made some big claims about reprisals - even going as far as threatening the life of President Trump. See also Terror and Strategic Developments.
Heads of various Iranian-backed Iraqi Shia militias are inside Iran now- today at the grave of Soleimani.
They include:
-Kateab Hezbollah head Ahmad al-Hamidawi
-Head of the Badr Organisation Hadi Al-Amiri
-PMU head Falih Al-Fayyadh
Potential precursors of action - readiness of some Iranian maritime forces in the Persian Gulf are not believed to be associated with training or the “usual” maneuvers observed in the past. This could be either a defensive or offensive measure, or both.
Finally, Iran told the IAEA that they will start enriching uranium to 20%, a step shy of weapons grade. There is no specific date as to when this processing is slated to begin. Uranium enriched to 20% is far below the 90% needed to construct nuclear bombs, but the jump from 20% to 90% is actually rather quick compared to the work needed to move from 4% to 20%.
MY ANALYSIS - Iran’s leaders have painted themselves into a corner, again. With this rhetoric comes the need to meaningfully act - or lose face on both a domestic and international level. Between its proxies and internal forces it has many potential ways to strike American assets and personnel. Something is going to happen in the next few days, the question is will it be severe enough to trigger a massive retaliation by the US? My thoughts based on President Trump’s past actions against islamic attacks is that at this stage of his presidency he wants and may very well pull the trigger in a counter response - bigly.
Iraq -
The Green Zone, in Bagdad, Iraq is currently being/or is now sealed off by Iraqi Security Forces in accordance with precautionary measures ahead of the Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis Anniversary on Sunday and the planned gatherings.
Yertle the Turd-le strikes again.
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