Posted on 05/09/2020 7:17:30 AM PDT by Starman417
There was no precedent for a Kenyan/British subject/Indonesian being allowed into the Oval Office without anyone seeing any document to even ascertain he met the age qualification, let alone the natural born citizen requirement.
The jpg posted after pressure from Donald Trump (private citizen at the time) is a forgery.
We still don’t know who he is. Every Republican’s history was searched clear back to kindergarten.
Spikey Isikoff. Now there’s a shocker.
An esteemed Constitutional Law Professor at the University of Chicago.... ahem!
Well, just one pay grade above the UofChi diversity-hire instructor pool would have known how to distinguish immaterial statements solicited for entrapment, serving no investigative purpose, from "perjury."
And that's exactly what our guys ATTEMPT to do. Prove a negative. Instead of detailing what Soetoro, Schiff and Clinton did.
All we'll hear is, "There was no collusion. There was no collusion. There was no collusion."
Well, there WAS collusion. But it involved Soetoro, Clinton, Biden, et al. If our guys mention that at all, it will be in passing or they'll make some vague reference to it as the music comes up to take them to a break.
Carp. It's only 7:30 a.m. and I already need a drink.
The laughable collective known as the House Judiciary democrats have sent a letter to Michael Horowitz, the DOJ Inspector General, demanding an investigation into Attorney General William Barrs respect for the law and protection of the falsely accused.
“We still dont know who he is. Every Republicans history was searched clear back to kindergarten.”
Every four years millions of dollars are spent on “opposition research” which includes hundreds of private investigators combing the country and both public and private records for information. Friends and past acquaintances are interviewed and money is spread around. It is difficult to believe the McCain and Romney campaigns spent nothing to investigate both Obama Biden and collect every piece of information they could pertaining to the background of both candidates.
If McCain and Romney didn’t do a thorough research program, they were negligent and therefore were not competent to serve in office. If they did the research, and found nothing, then there is nothing. If they did the research, found damaging information, and didn’t use the information, they were either being blackmailed or again were incompetent.
Any deep research effort requires hundreds of people. Even if McCain and Romney decided not to out damaging information on Obama and Biden, it would be logical to assume at least one or two the hundreds of people involved in the program would leak the information if there was something salacious or extremely damaging. Yet we have silence.
Finally, there are government intelligence agency staff as well as dozens of investigative reporters whose loyalties do no lie with the Democrat machine. If there is verifiable information about Obama’s past, why hasn’t it been uncovered and released?
That DNA shows he's not Stanley Ann's son, nor BHO Sr.'s son! The truth about Barry's false and CIA-provided documentation has been very, very coercively and effectively suppressed by that same group onto all major media outlets.
But we do know. Those who know and have tried to disclose such information have been viciously attacked.
Panic? Hardly. Red meat.
Obama has no worries. Is he annoyed? You bet. Obama hates Flynn, and hates Trump. Anything that could be seen as a win for either is sure to upset Barry.
Panic? Why? I have a better chance of being elected President in 2024 than Obama has of facing ANY consequences.
Notice how Strzoks pal, Contreras, was able to recuse himself and slither back under his rock unnoticed? Whats his role in this?
The rule of law, democracy and the social contract are all in danger from Trump and the Republicans!
They will call for revolution next and an overthrow of the constitutional order.
They aren’t panicking.......he’s BLACK, so he’s UNTOUCHABLE.
Who is Contreas?? NEW NAME to me!
mark for later
"I'll take blackmail for $1000, Alex."
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out [which Deep State entities] you are not allowed to criticize." --Voltaire
(SotS, also check out this post.)
the invasion has just begun, they have back up plans to impeachment, virus step one maybe? what’s next all out war somewhere..that blames America..
the folks behind Obamma and Dims are ready..I expect it is China, Russia, and Iran
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