Posted on 03/14/2020 11:17:24 AM PDT by re_tail20
Well hell so many, including folks here are in such an incredible panic that I guess they didn’t see this as the next logical dem step when you LOSE YOUR MIND over a situation instead of keeping a clear head.
Sacrificing freedom for safety or security. How’s that worked in the past?
Well, if we were Lefties we could quickly find a judge to put a stay on this. But, alas, the Judiciary of this country considers us the enemy...
Filthy liberal college town would elect a freak like Frank.
Illegal executive order. It will not be enforced. People will go out of Champain area to buy at least ammunition.
According to gun-grabbers, Biden is very dangerous. He owns a 10 gauge shotgun, and was caught on film demonstrating how to shoot it.
I heard this virus was a bad mammajamma but I had no idea it would shoot at me.
When guns are outlawed, only coronaviruses will have guns
ah yes............just as panic headlines scream that there will be no one to protect us first when the police simultaneously fall ill, and the lede on Drudge right now warning people that Coronavirus mask wearing thugs will come to your house....
“Robberies by suspects wearing medical masks reported in multiple states “
With all the irrational fear being stoked up, Id argue that I need a gun now more than ever.
Can she countermand the Constitution?
The right to bear arms “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”
Any municipal executive order which is unconstitutional on its face, does NOT have to be obeyed.It is an individual right , guaranteed by the 2nd amendment.It cannot be regulated out of existence.
Just ignore it . Buy all you want, and get the dealers to sell all they want according to federal law, which has precedence.
Yes, Debbie ( I can't bear to post her pic), is just a symptom; the disease is the voting majority in places like Champaign.
i don’t think folks here are in a panic- panics lead to riots- so far everyone is calm, and using caution at this point- preparing for something that ‘could become a serious deadly issue’ shouldn’t be dissuaded- even it doesn’t come to such a serious issue, it’s better to have something and not need it than to need it and not have it- We’ve all been kinda caught off guard by this- and yes, some folks are going perhaps a bit overboard buying htigns they think might run out during a crisis- but it’s a learning experience I think- none of us have ever been through something like this really- on such a global scale i mean- (well we have, we just haven’t been so informed about it before)
The great thing about this site is that most people here do keep a clear mind- and offer sound advice- Things are going to get ugly, infact they are in some places already- folks here are preparing for that- and giving good advice- always advisable to prepare- even if it turns out it’s not needed i n the end- most folks on this site know this- we’re kinda the ‘level headed preppers’ who can see the writing on the wall and prepare as needed- Folks outside this community of folks are the ones stabbing others over grocery items-
I have read a lot of these threads- i don’t see folks in an ‘incredible panic’ - i do see folks in my neighborhood though ‘panic buying’ - shelves are bare- but so far it’s been ‘civil’- but that coudl change0-
What a wanna-be Hitler bitch. Bang Bang, not going to work that way.
The liberals are going to start finding the 400,000,000 firearms in civilian hands,one at a time and muzzle first.
Ray Nagin tried that.
Are people in Chicago trying to shoot at it?
Does the town’s law even allow her to do such a thing?
I suspect she is trying to make a mockery of Presidential EO’s.
Banning kissing would seem to be more effective.
Does the mayor want to take away the people’s guns so she can take away their toilet paper and hand sanitizer later?
Citizens response to EO: FO
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