I watched the entire SOTU address, and marveled at the vitality and youthfulness of Our President, who is 5 years older than I.
Then yesterday, I walked into my sister’s living room and saw Al Pacino in an OLD movie on TV.
Man did he look OLD! And that was several YEARS ago.
Aging has a lot to do with what’s INSIDE rather than outward appearance.
For example, compere the radiant smile of Mother Teresa with the wicked grimace of Helen Thomas. Both are deceased now, but back when they were both in the news, their age had given both women a LOT of wrinkles.
Ergo...it is not youth, smooth skin, or an expert make-up artist that gives beauty, but something that shines from within.
As long as it leads to their untimely deaths by (of course) natural causes, I’ll call it any name you want. :’)
Thanks NOBO2012.
Had people age poorly. Just look at the comparisons of libtards and conservative people. Of course, it has a physiological component, social virii mucking about your dna and loads of alcohol and drugs dont help it.