1 posted on
02/02/2018 6:26:29 AM PST by
To: NOBO2012
My only beef about her SOTU outfit is the highwater inseams.
Was she expecting the sprinklers to malfunction?
2 posted on
02/02/2018 6:32:31 AM PST by
(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either satire or opinion. Or both.)
To: NOBO2012
I wouldn’t concern myself with such ignorant low lifes. I am sure the Trumps don’t.
3 posted on
02/02/2018 6:35:05 AM PST by
To: NOBO2012
The media are nuts.....really, really nuts...
To: NOBO2012
I realize it’s Melania vs. Hillary, but the ivory looks so much nicer than the stark white.
5 posted on
02/02/2018 6:46:25 AM PST by
To: NOBO2012; governsleastgovernsbest
Subtle. I did not know she used ivory. (Whoops! That placing animals in danger!) Er, white.
(Whoops! That’s racist. Unless it is worn by democrats celebrating racism. ) Except when it is worn by democrats celebrating sexism. When worn by women of the approved race.
6 posted on
02/02/2018 6:50:31 AM PST by
Robert A Cook PE
(I can only donate monthly, but socialists' ABBCNNBCBS continue to lie every day!)
To: NOBO2012
7 posted on
02/02/2018 6:51:57 AM PST by
(Take a week off racist >;-)
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