Posted on 12/23/2017 9:30:39 AM PST by Louis Foxwell
Front Page mag - A Project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center
Daniel Greenfield Ping List Notification of new articles.
I am posting Greenfield's articles from FrontPage and the Sultan Knish blog. FReepmail or drop me a comment to get on or off the Greenfield ping list.
The Point is a collection of short articles posted on FrontPageMag by Greenfield on current topics. I recommend an occasional look at the Sultan Knish blog. It is a rich source of materials, links and more from one of the preeminent writers of our age.
FrontPage is a basic resource for conservative thought.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.
To get on or off the Greenfield ping list please reply to this post or notify me by Freepmail.
When did the laws against treason and sedition get repealed?
just askin’.
"The diversity bus had taken a wrong turn on the road to Utopia and ended up in Nazi Germany. "
Intolerance of intolerance is the key. Value judgements must be made about the nature of the intolerance. If it is intolerance of Jews it must be ended. If it is intolerance of those who kill Jews it must be strengthened. We MUST be intolerant of those who praise the slaughter of innocents.
The laws against enemy treason and sedition got repealed when sorozNazi and obama got into USA
I have yet to have a single diversity-loving, jihad-enabling libtard to reconcile “religion of peace” with their continuous call to “kill all Jews”...
I guess so.
*slam is obviously not a religion. It is obsessed with killing Jews and Christians. It is a violent world-expansionist movement cleverly disguised as a religion.
They are letting their alligator mouths write checks that their hummingbird asses will not be able to cash.
So if I fly an American flag and someone is offended I could go to jail. If a mussulman calls for the death of Jews, he gets invited out by prominent politicians?
Looks that way.
Having spent enough time in various places populated by muzloids and governed by sharia, they are the disgusting scum of the earth.
The majority live like savages, the minority are wealthy savages. Money in the hands of a muzloid is like giving an AK-47 to a chimpanzee.
Greenfield is the best writer in journalism in our day, in my opinion. His columns nail the subject he addresses. This one is vintage Greenfield: honest, direct, nothing held back.
Islam claims to be a religion/political philosophy/ cultural system/ world view. Foundationally it is a death cult.
they died in 1953 after the rosenberg executions.
they died long before that. the last of the treason executions was the rosenbergs in 1953. they were communist spies for the old soviet union. after that the democrats conflated anti semitism with anti communism and then proceeded to become ever more communist providing cover for communist spies and communists so no one was executed and no one could figure out where exactly was the red line boundary of what was american and what was not.
The democrats support this islamic virus completely, as do many republicans.
The only real question here is will they destroy us before we destroy them, as such destruction will inevitably come forth.
“General Order 24 in two hours!”
I know. It is very disturbing.
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