1 posted on
05/07/2017 6:13:55 AM PDT by
To: NOBO2012
It’s not real Socialism.
That’s exactly what a dedicated Bernie supporter said when I brought up Venezuela.
2 posted on
05/07/2017 6:33:37 AM PDT by
Scrambler Bob
(Brought to you from Turtle Island, otherwise known as 'So-Called North America')
To: NOBO2012
From the headline I thought we’d read about Hillary’s chances for another run.
4 posted on
05/07/2017 6:59:11 AM PDT by
(#DeplorableMe #BitterClinger #HillNO! #cishet #MyPresident #MAGA #Winning)
To: NOBO2012
“Long decline in agriculture and manufacturing. “
Those are two sectors that the left always takes over and destroys, leading to poverty.
You need those to create money!
6 posted on
05/07/2017 7:29:06 AM PDT by
I want the USA back
(Liberalism is the denial of human nature.)
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