1 posted on
03/20/2017 8:01:27 AM PDT by
To: NOBO2012
Is There Anything This Man Cannot Do?” He hasn't stopped the flow of Islamic ‘refugees’ from flooding this country yet.
2 posted on
03/20/2017 8:05:29 AM PDT by
(Don't call it Trumpcare until he does!)
To: NOBO2012
To: NOBO2012
Now they know how I’ve felt for 35-40 years. It might be time to do a little soul-searching in regard to selfishness and thinking about others instead of yourself all of the time.
5 posted on
03/20/2017 8:10:21 AM PDT by
(Freedom is the freedom to discipline yourself so others don't have to do it for you.)
To: NOBO2012
Just setting off all those ticking time bombs that are inside every liberal’s head was pretty spectacular. Even if they had been thinking far enough forward to have wrapped their heads with duct tape, it would have only muffled the bursting of their skulls.
Victims are their own worst enemies, in that they are most often setting themselves up for failure, then maneuver into position where failure is imminent. But then, they would not be victims, would they?
6 posted on
03/20/2017 8:11:09 AM PDT by
(John Galt has chosen to take the job. This time, Atlas did NOT shrug.)
To: NOBO2012
The Left is suffering from a massive psychosis called by some (and I LOVE the term) Trump Unacceptance and Resistance Disorder (no need to figure out the acronuym!).
7 posted on
03/20/2017 8:45:38 AM PDT by
(FairTax: America's economic cure)
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