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To: Sean_Anthony

Stephen Covey wrote about our change from an agricultural outlook on life to a technological outlook on life and how that change has affected us.

This writer shows us some of these changes.

You couldn’t eat the bacon unless you watched the hog being slaughtered. Not a pretty sight and some might think it to be cruel to make a child watch this.

It’s not fun, but it gives the person an appreciation for life. The majority of homocides take place in cities where young men are not taught the importance of life.

I spent my summers on my Aunt and Uncle’s dry land wheat farm. We actually had Saturday Bath Night where the water was warmed on a stove and you bathed in a tub that you also carried vegetables in. And that was luxury compared to “The Place Up North”.

It is no fun to use an outhouse in the winter, but there were plenty of good lessons I learned on that farm.

5 posted on 01/10/2017 10:49:10 AM PST by blueunicorn6 ("A crack shot and a good dancer")
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To: blueunicorn6

In the 1950’s, we used an outhouse & wiped on pages from
the Sears & Roebuck catalog. Daddy always built us a good
toilet. He dug the pit, threw in a bit of powdered lime,
built a wooden seat over the hole, concreted the floor,
built the little “house” structure, painted it with a sort
of brick red paint with creosote. You got in and out in a
timely manner winter or summer. - We drank well water out of
a bucket with a dipper off a side table in the kitchen.
Took a bird bath out of a metal pan every day; once a week,
we took a bath in a fairly large metal tub. We were clean

10 posted on 01/10/2017 1:17:16 PM PST by Twinkie (John 3:16)
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