Posted on 10/04/2016 6:32:23 AM PDT by mainestategop
Liberals love the masses but hate people.
Conservatives hate the masses but love people.
It’s clear why mental health is in the state it’s in. The inmates are running the asylum.
What a waste of oxygen and skin ..
This would be laughable were it not for the fact that once they consolidate power, they fully intend to have us all committed (a la the USSR circa 1975).
The Gulags are a certainty if the Communist take control.
Whew! I must be the crazy one then!
Mr Diamond lives in a fantasy world. If this country is so horrible then why not move to a commie utopia - they still exist - Cuba, NorK, the various stans, several in Africa etc. Theres plenty of variety. I would challenge him to just take an extended vacation in one or several. Perhaps the reality of communism and the blight it is would challenge his ill held views. Ive seen first hand what communism wrought in E Europe. No one there is singing its praises for sure. Then again perhaps he enjoys the many freedoms he has here so he can complain about them. I think Mr Diamond should look to himself before he goes pointing fingers...
Most psychiatrists go into the mental health field in order to “try” to solve their own issues. This man is an example not an exception.
How can a man so intelligent have so little common sense?
Dr. David Diamond, MD practices medicine at Newton, Massachusetts and Boston, Massachusetts and specializes in addiction psychiatry, child & adolescent psychiatry, clinical neurophysiology, geriatrics physical therapy, pediatric nurse practitioner, pediatric urology, psychiatry, psychiatry & neurology behavioral neurology & neuropsychiatry, psychiatry & neurology diagnostic neuroimaging, psychiatry & neurology forensic psychiatry, psychiatry & neurology hospice and palliative medicine, psychiatry & neurology psychosomatic medicine, and psychiatry & neurology pain medicine.
I have a song for Mr. Nitwit and the rest of the heads up their can’s crowd.
It’s about a poor widdle Muzzie in the new Caliphate.
How much is that Dhimmi in the window?
The one with the splendid boobs.
How much is that Dhimmi in the window?
I do hope that Dhimmi’s for sale!
I’m lonely, my balls are so blue,
And this blonde chick for me will do,
To cope with my sexual emergency,
And maybe do some cooking too.
How much is that Dhimmi in the window?
I’d hit that right now if I could.
How much is that Dhimmi in the window?
Hey ... you know I think I beheaded her father last year...
Talk about awkward!
Meh, can just beat her around a bit if she resist....
Man I’d like to hit that!
Yes, there is a big difference. However, Dr. David Diamond, MD practices medicine at Newton, Massachusetts and Boston, Massachusetts and specializes in addiction psychiatry.
see post #12
Like discussed here:
Quite the “specialist” /s
Yup,I found that in my search.However,this piece specifically states that he has a practice in Dover,New Hampshire.Having searched the State of New Hampshire's Physician Licensing Board's website I've found that he's not licensed to practice medicine in that state.
I could be wrong but my guess is that "David Diamond" being a not-uncommon name we're talking about two different individuals.Or,perhaps,this piece was in error in having stated he practiced in NH.Perhaps he just lives there and practices in Newton.
Any wonder why they want to attach mental health to the 2nd Amendment? Won’t be long after they do that ALL libtards are labeling Conservatives as mentally ill.
“I’ve found that he’s not licensed to practice medicine in that state.”
I have known Dr’s to miss this registration. It is huge fines and they can lose their right to practice.
A DR in the Philadelphia area was having an affair with the wife of one of my friends. He hired a PI who found out that the DR was not licensed to practice medicine in PA. It ended up being a real big and expensive oops.. fines for this are very high.
Hey, you used the phrase “hit that” without pinging Laz!
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