1 posted on
06/03/2015 4:53:08 AM PDT by
To: NOBO2012
When 0bama said that, he did not mean it in a nice way.
2 posted on
06/03/2015 4:56:05 AM PDT by
(I'd rather have Unequal Wealth than Equal Poverty.)
To: NOBO2012
Obama must think “Jew” means being a gay muzzie, because he is a Jew hating turd burglar.
3 posted on
06/03/2015 4:59:52 AM PDT by
King Moonracer
(Bad lighting and cheap fabric, that's how you sell clothing.....)
To: NOBO2012
It’s not the first Jew in office it is the openly sodomite bottom in office.
To: NOBO2012
Using the Democrat standard of Bill Clinton being the first Black president, why can’t bh0 be the first Jewish president?
6 posted on
06/03/2015 5:43:03 AM PDT by
(Spearhead - 3rd Armored Division 75-78 & 83-87)
To: NOBO2012
Wait till Hitler finds out Obola is a Jew.
8 posted on
06/03/2015 6:15:37 AM PDT by
Texas Eagle
(If it wasn't for double-standards, Liberals would have no standards at all -- Texas Eagle)
To: NOBO2012
No, no, no...you guys are getting it all wrong. Barry is being specific when he says “A” Jew. It's true if the Jew he was thinking of is George Soros!!!
9 posted on
06/03/2015 6:17:04 AM PDT by
(Give me freedom, not more government.)
To: NOBO2012
Already been done, Bammy... ferreal.
11 posted on
06/03/2015 6:24:38 AM PDT by
(The difference between a Humanist and a Satanist - the latter admits whom he's working for)
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