This guy is ON THE MONEY!! After the 2010 election Obama and his cronies knew they had a problem. Their solution was two-fold: 1) use the levers of power (IRS) to clamp down on the opposition’s funds and ability to campaign; and 2) stir up the base with class warfare, hence was born “Occupy Wall Street” and the 1%.
Here we are again. Another election shellacking and the strategy for nullifying the election is two fold: 1) simply replace the voters with new one’s by importing a foreign country who will vote for you by executive amnesty; and 2) Occupy Wall Street Part II, the version that adds the racial component.
Anything and everything to distract from the failed policies that have lead us here is in play. Welcome to the prelude to the soon to arrive civil war.
Stringing this dirtbag up by his testes (or at least where they should be!) and flaying him with hedge scythes would be too good for him. He doesn't deserve that compassionate a form of treatment...
The Sheriff was impressive. Sadly the most common sense I’ve heard from a black man on television in quite a long time.