If global warming was really a life and death issue for the planet, and CO2 emissions were the primary contributor to global warming, wouldn’t someone who is really serious about doing something about global warming go after the greatest CO2 emitter (i.e. China) instead of exempting it from global guidelines.
Here’s a proposal for our progressive friends. Let’s immediately levy a 50% tariff on all goods imported from China to punish them for the CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere. We can call the tariff an “import carbon tax.” The tariff would have the following impacts:
1) Export driven Chinese factories would have to raise prices to cover the cost of the tariffs. Many would become uncompetitive and go out of business. When a factory shuts down, it no longer pollutes or contributes to the demand for electrical power from coal fueled central electrical power plants. Less demand for electricity equals less coal fueled power generation in China. This equals less CO2 and less climate change. What’s not to like if you are a climate change advocate?
2) Dramatically higher prices for imported products would increase demand for domestically produced equivalent products. US electrical power plants are cleaner than Chinese power plants so incremental demand for energy would be produced in the US with less emission of greenhouse gases. Again, big win for the climate change advocates!
3) More domestic manufacturing equals more middle class jobs, lower unemployment and more tax revenue to government at all levels in the US. It also results in a lower trade deficit for the US. Unions should love this.
4) Factory closures in China result in unemployment and social unrest as well as reduced tax revenue to fund the current massive military buildup. To the degree China is forced to reduce military spending due to lower exports, the national security of the United States is improved without US taxpayers having to spend another dime on the defense budget.
Progressives should be demanding higher tariffs on Chinese imports to fight global warming. Conservatives should be demanding higher tariffs on Chinese imports for national security reasons as well as for job creation at home. Why aren’t the climate change progressives demanding reduction of CO2 emissions by China and advocating taxing imports to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
And why doesn’t The Government ever go after BIG COLA!!
Don’t they know they actually ADD CO2 TO THEIR PRODUCT ON PURPOSE!!
(hint: BIG COLA are huge democrap supporters)