Posted on 09/11/2012 5:21:04 AM PDT by NOBO2012
As is my tradition, we pause today to remember those who lost their lives in the Islamic terrorist attack on America and on American civilians September 11, 2001.
Celebrating today as a Day of Service hides the face of an evil as vile as any that has ever existed on this planet.
These hateful ideologues didnt just attack America on 9-11, they attacked the idea of America. They hate the very values that made America the great nation it is, the champion of freedom and the light of liberty in a very dark world.
In my wildest imagination I never dreamed that we would voluntarily surrender any of those sacred freedoms and liberties. Nor would I have ever believed...
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The US Congress awarded Islam freedom from ObamaCARE.
The same freedom Congress has itself, re: ObamaCARE.
And their staff.
Thanks, we must never forget. Candles lit, prayers being said for the families, flag out. I am especially sorry this year that the families have such a sorry excuse for a president, and that some of the attack planners are having a nice day at Gitmo playing soccer and enjoying their cats. May God’s justice come!
..don’t be surprised if the first couple decides it’s best that instead of praying for those who were lost and lighting a candle, that that money be sent to them for Odungo’s re-election. They wanted wedding gifts, family dining out money, so today is just another day, opportunity to raise cash.
NEVER,NEVER, NEVER forget 9-11-01 was a second strike. Never forget there have been more than 19,582 deadly Islamic terror attacks prosecuted since 9-11-01.Never forget Barry was -a Muslim-and as President has favored Islam over America.Never forget 9-11-01 was an Act of War more terrible than Pearl Harbor and the War is NOT over -Surrender is NOT an option!
Here, here! This “day of service” crap really burns me up! I never heard of Pearl Harbor day called that. Stinkin Liberals!
My “day of service” will be election day when the American people do a service to Free America by throwing nobama, the equal opportunity, affirmative action, anti-American loser, out of the White House. THAT is “service” to America.
On my day of service, I will help a Muslim pack. But it will be tomorrow. Today is a day of remembrance.
Well Barry has tried to turn Memorial Day into a day of servce also. Any day of commemoration is now a day of service. Nov 6th cannot get here soon enough.
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