The problem with the Tea Partyas well as its strengthis that there is no central leadership.
The TEA Party is a grassroots movement and certainly does not need a central leadership. Leadership stems from the local citizens who volunteer their time in their communities, although there are several TEA organizations that seem to occasionally get on TV.
We don’t need a third political party. We need to ensure that the Republicans increase their members in the House and secure a veto-proof majority in the Senate. ...Then, even if Obama does gain a second term he will be hog-tied! (Just as Bush was in his last two years and Clinton was in his last six years)
The Dem pundits keep talking about how Clinton handed Bush a great economy but don’t mention that it was the Rep Legislature that did so, and the Dems talk about how Bush gave Obama a deficit but don’t admit that they ruled Congress his last two years and caused the deficit that was far beyond the war costs.
“Then, even if Obama does gain a second term he will be hog-tied! (Just as Bush was in his last two years and Clinton was in his last six years)”
NO, he will NOT be! The fatal mistake many (even here) make is in assuming that BHO is like any other President we’ve seen in our lifetimes. More attention needs to be paid to how he’s not only said he’ll just go around Congress to do what he “needs to do”, but how he’s already doing so - through frightening EO’s, radical Czars and cabinet heads (HHS, EPA, DHS and many more), SCOTUS appointments (which the gutless R’s didn’t stop), under-the-radar, back-door international agreements, etc. And that’s just what he’s doing during THIS term, when running for re-election.
A second term would be completely unfettered and many can’t begin to imagine how horrific. But it would be, and it would also be the end of our republic.
B. Hussein Obama, for so many reasons, hates America and he hates us.