Ok, so how do you serve as a Muslim?? I thought that Muslims were what the followers of Islam were called and you either ARE a Muslim, or you AREN'T.
So, how did he serve as a Muslim??
Or is the author not careful with his sentence structure??
Silly question... He murdered unarmed US soldiers on a military base, where interestingly enough, he was supposed to be unarmed. He went all "Jihadi" on our troops. Chris Rock put it pretty simply when he degenerated people who said the tiger who mauled Roy in Las Vegas "went crazy!" No, he said, "the tiger went tiger!"
Besides, I guess he must have missed those "No Guns Allowed" and "Don't Murder Our Troops" signs posted at Ft Hood.
Don’t you have better things to complain about? Sentence Structure? Didn’t you get any lately?