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To: sickoflibs
Yes, Donald Trump the man with all the answers to the nation’s problems, in fact the only one with them, abandoned us for a TV show contract.

Trump never had any answers to the nations problems. He was just using the Republican base to promote himself. Trump has done this before to generate attention for himself and you can bet he will probably do it again (and some suckers will keep falling for it).

Trump is a clown. He is not a conservative. He is a northeastern liberal with a caricature in his mind of what conservative primary voters wanted to hear - and then he tossed out piles of red meat to excite them. Sadly, it worked on some people who were fooled by him - particularly the birther types who are so wound up in this conspiracy theory that practically anyone that speaks to it will have their support.

Donald was never going to make a serious run for the presidency because he is not a serious person when it comes to politics. The most he could have done was make a mockery of the GOP primary or maybe launch a vanity indie bid to siphon off some of the anti-Hussein vote and help ensure Obama remains in office. Either way, Trump is a nothingburger and the people who were backing him should feel entirely embarrassed and humiliated for having done so.

6 posted on 05/19/2011 8:13:18 AM PDT by Longbow1969
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To: Longbow1969
Yes, Trump served them up a CROW burger - but they keep insisting it is 100% pure beef - and strangely enough - seem unwilling to take a BITE!
7 posted on 05/19/2011 8:16:05 AM PDT by allmendream (Tea Party did not send the GOP to D.C. to negotiate the terms of our surrender to socialism.)
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