Your Mom is a talented writer. So is my Mom, and she has written several books, one of them is about how to market your Christian book. She is a Freeper too, Holy Scroller.
Your Bear story reminded me of our trip to Glacier National Park. We had an old Colony Park station wagon. The rear row of seats faced backwards. Little brother and I were sitting back there and our three other siblings were in the middle row.
We came upon a section of road that was blocked by a bunch of cars that were stopped while the occupants fed the bears. A bear spied us, and came up for our offering. The rear (tailgate) window was down, and was controlled only by the driver. This bear decided he wanted to get into the car with us, and that tailgate window was just his size. Baby brother and I screamed, scrambled forward over our siblings and didn’t stop until we were sitting on our parents laps in the front row.
“What are you screaming about? Get back in your seats!” We looked back and saw that Dad had rolled the window up, and there was muddy bear paw prints on the glass.
My grandmother who I remember so clearly that as I was a child paid so much more attention to me than the others that they quite literally despised me was in a situation one day in the spring of 1956.
Her only daughter (my mom) was pregnant with me, to this day my real actual father is somewhat lost, I know who he was but thats not the story here. The story is widowed mom and only daughter who was raised in a Catholic School in San Fransisco were out driving the El Camino Hwy south of San Fransisco looking for a young man to hook her up with, as the story went mother would look over which hitchhiking young man looked the best, and at that time there were many a servicemean looking for a ride. And thus a hapless 17 year old from a dirt floor shack in rural Arkansas was zeroed in on and caught.
I’m not sure if dad was in uniform but was either recently in the Army and on leave or was based somewhere nearby and was just off base.
Now I really must back track a bit in history, my grandfather basically was the executive assistant of the era at the turn of the century with a man known as Gianinni, I recently saw a history channel show about how Gianinni the day after the 1906 SF earthquake was making business reconstruction loans from the back of a truck on wooded crates as the fires that engulfed the banks were so intense that the vaults could not be opened for many days or longer.
My grandfather was his partner. So John Giovanni Spigno from Italy made his place in history and then went on to becoming a prominent person with the Bank of Italy and then the Bank of America.
My grandmother Helen Lola Owens was mostly Irish and quite possibly the most beautiful woman of her day with a resemblance to Fay Wray. My cellphone wallpaper is her glamor picture taken in the early thities with her in a mink stole.
Grandfather died from a cerebral hemorrhage while man handling a girder up the stairway of the dockyard building a Liberty ship in 1944 after losing much of his fortune afere the big crash of 1930, grandmother herself however was well taken care of mostly due to her having a sizable amount of stock from some company called Hewlit Packard.
She worked for them I believe until 1973 or so, she herself was born in june of 1897. During the days just after WW2 my mom who was born in 1930 was a night club singer in SF, her mother a famous hair stylist.
I honestly hope to write a family novel about all of this, what I do here and now I might say is me just warming up to it, already I have planned on a 2 month trip down to CA with my 14 year old grandaughter who will be my personal assistant and photographer as that is what she wants to be.
Well enough for today, another day of driving a concrete mixer lies ahead up here in Alaska.