Posted on 11/12/2010 6:14:57 AM PST by PJ-Comix
Paging Head DUmmmie Skinner! Your Tombstoning services are required. Why? Because the DUmmies are REVOLTING. Yes, they are now revolting against the Obamassiah over the possibility he will approved an extension of the (GASP!) Bush tax cuts. And this idea has the DUmmies throwing mass fits as you can see in this THREAD, "White House Gives In On Bush Tax Cuts." So let us now watch the revolting DUmmies blow a gasket in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, enjoying the smell of DUmmie angst in the morning, is in the [barackets]:
White House Gives In On Bush Tax Cuts
[SNIFF! John Edwards would have never deceived us.]
Source: The Huffington Post
[Zsa Zsa speaks.]
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama's top adviser suggested to The Huffington Post late Wednesday that the administration was ready to accept an across-the-board continuation of steep Bush-era tax cuts, including those for the wealthiest taxpayers.
[How about on the wealthiest Trust Funds, William Rivers Pitt?]
That appears to be the only way, said David Axelrod, that middle-class taxpayers can keep their tax cuts, given the legislative and political realities facing Obama in the aftermath of last week's electoral defeat.
[Bow to painful REALITY you lowly DUmmie serfs!]
"We have to deal with the world as we find it," Axelrod said during an unusually candid and reflective 90-minute interview in his office, steps away from the Oval Office. "The world of what it takes to get this done."
[The problem is how to deal with the alternate world of DUmmieland. And now to the unreal DUmmies...]
But cutting social security will be just fine. Asshats. Motherf*ckers.
[Don't hold back. Tell us how you REALLY feel about the Bamster.]
I think it would be wise for us to slow down a bit, and not jump the gun. Whe White House is coming out with denials today. Let's just sit back for a while and watch how things turn out.
[Just sit back and enjoy the chloroform. The Bush tax cuts will be painlessly extended while you DUmmies are anesthetized.]
Tea Party wants to invade Iran and North Korea...maybe Canada... Can't touch the defense budget.
[We need that money in case we decide to invade Grand Fenwick.]
I hope every single soul who posted here worked hard and continues to work for something better. I can see a few posts here that are obvious psyops. The rest of you, minus one or two, appear to be behaving like lemmings.
[So they are either LOUSY FREEPER TROLLS or...DUmmies.]
Folks - we're in a death spiral here. There is no way out of this - if we continue on this path of financial ruin. This is just another one of those bubbles that will burst - and when this one bursts - it will probably be too late to recover. I'm really depressed this a.m. - can't you tell.
[However, the trust fund payments to WILLIAM RIVERS PITT should continue. Does that make you happier?]
Obama ALWAYS folds. He has a PATTERN AND PRACTICE of folding. A con is a con is a con.
[A con is a con is a Bev Harris.]
Axelrod repeated that the extension would not be "permanent" today. Which means they are caving on an extension. And down the road will there be another "temporary extension" on a tax cut that is already breaking this country and should never have happened in the first place?
[Feel better? The Bush tax cuts will be merely extended until 2013 when President Christie will make them permanent.]
A somewhat pathetic, spineless, naive man who seems to have given up any hope or desire to be reelected.
[Have FUn removing your Obama 2008 bumper sticker.]
I bought into his candidacy as much as anyone else. I probably bought into his life story a bit too much too. I'm sure his parents would both be proud that he became president, but would they be proud of the job he's done? I can't imagine they would. They both seemed like fighters.
[One of his parents was only a parent for just a few minutes.]
It makes perfect sense when you see all he is, is just another corporate tool. Remember when reports came out that he was lying about NAFTA during his campaign? That's exactly what he was doing, lying to us, and, now we can see he wasn't just lying about NAFTA.
[GASP! You mean the haloed Lightworker actually LIED to us?]
It's hopeless I'm afraid. I live in NJ, a so called "blue" state and 99% of the people I know support the Tea Bagger mentality.
[Could it have something to do with the SUCCESS of Governor Christie in cutting the NJ budget?]
Good Candidate. Poor President. For which America is now the poorer. Change ... where have you gone?
[Gone to India for some expensive dance lessons.]
But for me this is the point when I am about to tune out of politics for the sake of my own health.
[Please stay tuned in. We need the laughs.]
Seems To Me That "The DUDE" Has Become Nothing More That "A DUD!"
[LOL! And it makes for a GREAT tag line.]
You want that dude? then call madison ave. They were the ones that sold us that dude.
[And you DUmmies bought into it hook, line, and sinker.]
Maybe a Feingold / Grayson challenge in 2012 might bring back the change that we were promised.
[Loser/Loonie 2012.]
It's time to get someone in the White House who will stand up to Republicans, get rid of Bush's policies, and govern like a Democrat.
[John Edwards: Tanned, rested, and ready. Plus he has a great sex video out there.]
This is THE fight to have, the line to draw in the sand ...
[Or draw the line in your pizza cartons...]
This reminds me of what we went through with health care. At the end of it all, nothing for me. I still have no health care.
[Bev Harris is just $10 away from getting you health care.]
Really, this is it for me. If they let the wealthy have their tax cuts, I am through with politics forever. I will never vote again. This government and this administration is a farce.
[I'm already looking forward to some great DUFUs when the Bush tax cuts are extended!]
If this goes through, I am DONE.
[Will you exile yourself to Bukowski's?]
The problem with Obama is that, as his detractors said during the campaign, he really had no record, just talk, so we voted for what he said and wound up with something else.
[Gee, so maybe we were right when we said that experience counts...]
I thought Obama was a genuine progressive. We were duped.
[DUmmies DUped? So it ain't so, Joe!]
Oh well, another few decades squandered. It is beginning to look like I will not live long enough to see real change that I can believe in.
[So sad. You won't live to see the Bolshevik revolution.]
Its almost criminal to have given so many hurting people a renewed sense of ' Hope ' and that REAL HISTORICAL CHANGE had finally arrived only to see it fragment and whittle away at every turn.
[So you gonna do a citizen's arrest on the Bamster?]
I don't think I can believe him anymore. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
[Fool you thrice, hello DUmmie!]
He's pretty much lied about absolutely everything. I have never been so disappointed with a politician in my life.
[Good news! John Edwards could stage a comeback.]
Unreal is right. I told all my kids about Obama and what he stood for and Bush, and...what he stood for. They're little kids, you try to show them examples in the world of people, people who you think can really make a difference. People who will hopefully (collectively) inspire your children to realize they can change the world. Nah, looks like Dad was just taken in by a big fat f*cking line of bullshit.
[You never should have given up your belief in John Edwards.]
The thing is, he's NOT dealing with it. He's just standing there letting it blow past him.
[Can you think of a better way to keep your Oval Office desk completely clear of annoying paperwork?]
This is the biggest disappointment coming from this administration - a continued "spinelessness" and sense of purpose as a democrat. I have lost all hope and faith in this administration!
[Speaketh the DUmmie walking aimlessly among the empty pizza boxes.]
Presumably Obama has read the New Testament.
[Nope. Didn't you hear? He slept in church for 20 years while Rev. Wright delivered his Hate Whitey sermons.]
Someone needs to start an American Labor Party.
[Why hold back? Go all the way with American Communist Party.]
I'm hoping that this isn't true but I'm planning on considering my chances on whether to emigrate to the Netherlands or somewhere in Scandinavia if this is true.
[Try Sweden where you can mooch off the folks at the Henrickson Family Estate.]
New Zealand looks nice.
[And North Korea is a really yummie workers paradise.]
the world as I find it at this point really sucks
[Have you checked out the alternate universe?]
I don't believe Obama will go back on his word on the tax cuts to the wealthy.
HOPE! Hope we all realize we've been DUPED. Obama is NOT getting my vote in 2012. He's NOT the progressive we were falsely sold during the 2008 election. He's a FRAUD. F'em.
[John Edwards would never have DUPED you.]
Not sure if more time would have made a difference. He spent a good number of years in the Illinois legislature. When the most controversial issues were up for a vote (e.g., a woman's reproductive rights), he usually voted "present" (and sometimes he was physically absent).
[Actually he was "present" but "present" at the golf links.]
Brilliant f*cking opening gambit. In no form of n-dimensional chess, is it prudent to give away your queen as an opening move.
[Goodbye Barney Frank.]
...for almost being rational! :)
Haven’t read you in a while—great job!
It seems like the Dummies are stuck in an endless loop of hope and disillusionment. They kind of remind me of hamsters running around the wheel.
I had a liberal father, you know, a big fan of FDR. About forty years I sat him down and explained to him that Social Security was a Ponzi scheme as his buddy FDR was a slimy con artist—got him off the hamster wheel.
Extreme Freudenschade!
OK, DUmmie, show me the verses that support massive tax rates. Or, show me the verses that support massive tax cuts.
Hint: You won't find either. YOU, DUmmie, YOU are directed to help the poor, not the king, the Romans or the Democratic Party. YOU, out of YOUR pocket and me out of mine.
Hey, hey, wait a minute! When it was time to ensure the continued legality of leaving children to die alone on the shelves of a soiuled utility room, he was there! You can't take that away from him! He's a fighter!
man you couldn’t be more right. It’s the number one reason I hate that hunk of crap - because that was the one stance that the Community “Organizer” had to take. Scum.
Yeah, I am often heard to refer to him as “President Soiled Utility Room.”
Is this a reference to having a JOB, or working for "something better" than the Obozo? Bad news for DUmmies, either way.
Great meltdown today and over a tax cut! Republicans should use all these statements against them in 2012, O’s own sheeple saying he’s not qualified!
I guess the Brainiacs on DU have forgotten they’re allowed to send the fed as much money as they’d like. If its such a big deal they should start flooding DC w/ checks/MOS and cash. Oh, time out I almost forgot this is liberal-babble for everyone else needs to send in more so they can leach. Silly me...never mind...LOL!!!
DUmmies are truely sick, envious people. Look at them cry like little babies because “the rich” didn’t have their taxes increased. The DUmmies should be the ones paying more taxes since they seem to love them so much. Sick!
“That appears to be the only way, said David Axelrod, that middle-class taxpayers can keep their tax cuts, given the legislative and political realities facing Obama in the aftermath of last week’s electoral defeat.”
Hey Axelwad, it isn’t like he had control of both houses with overwhelming majorities and could have prevented increasing taxes on all incomes.
“This reminds me of what we went through with health care. At the end of it all, nothing for me. I still have no health care.”
Don’t you worry to much DUmmie, my health care cost has gone up and my coverage was reduced. At the same time I have to plan for my HSA to become illegal. So, the health care “gap” has been closed between us. That is all that matters right?
“People who will hopefully (collectively) inspire your children to realize they can change the world.”
Wow, I can’t imagine teaching children to be slothfull, envious thieves! This DUmmy is an abuser of children.
I enjoyed the red excerpts probably more than I should have. Thanks for mining some 24 caret DU gold.
But look, he's got BIDEN on his A-team! That must give you SOME consolation!
His life story?? What life story? We weren't even told all of his life story.
I'm sure his parents would both be proud. . . .
Which ones? We're pretty sure Stanley Ann was the mom, but if you want to find out who the daddy was, call Maury Povich.
With a capital DU!
The DUd abides.
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