Posted on 08/14/2010 12:41:20 AM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
I predict that the judge will say that Obama's eligibility is irrelevant to Lakin's case and therefore the discovery request for Obama's birth certificate will be denied. His orders are presumed lawful and valid and that's what the military told him when he refused deployment.
Not saying it's right, just saying it's what's going to happen.
This will go nowhere fast! POOF!
Anyone taking bets on how long it will be before the .gov drops all the charges?
Let there be light!
I can. The judge wants his military retirement, so he will take the government's position.
Sad ending for a brave solider.
didn’t I just see another article earlier where some man is being charged for impersonating a military officer???
Some joe blow can claim he is a US army officer or whatever, and go to jail for it....
But Obama can impersonate the highest official position in the united states illegitimately, and everyone demanding to see his badge goes to jail.
then it should be time for the Army IG to get to work on this case.....some of these "Generals" need to get some cajones..... that, IMO, is the problem today, they are more worried about THEIR job, than THE job.....bunch of friggin FAT CAT wussies with a bunch of shiny stars, if you ask me....hey, I praise the Army IG for his work on the Arlington Cemetary situation....but he has much more important fish to fry...particularly if your scenario plays out...
Sorry to say that there is much to see here but the courts will say move along... Too bad, it would be interesting to open that packet of information that seems to be so secretive.
I am not so sure about his past, but his reluctance to disclose it makes me very suspicious.
The Army tried to get LTC Lakin kicked out first to avoid a trial. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
Sure hope something comes of this...
But Obama can impersonate the highest official position in the united states illegitimately, and everyone demanding to see his badge goes to jail.
The smoking gun is the feeble effort to 'bamboozle' America with the phony birth document (Certification of Live Birth) he put up on his web site. That should have brought an FBI visit for forging a birth certificate.
The Ceritification of Live Birth form is not definitive.
He and his administration think Americans are idiots. They know that you are waiting for the piss-stream media to tell the truth but it ain't ever going to happen.
For now the Leftists own the courts, but this will not be the case much longer.
Then every secret thing will be exposed concerning Obama’s real name, birth place and date of birth for all the world to see.
didnt I just see another article earlier where some man is being charged for impersonating a military officer???Some joe blow can claim he is a US army officer or whatever, and go to jail for it....
But Obama can impersonate the highest official position in the united states illegitimately, and everyone demanding to see his badge goes to jail.
Safrguns - FreeRepublic - 8-14-2010
"No man is above the law and no man is below it: nor do we ask any man's permission when we ask him to obey it."
Theodore Roosevelt
Shazam America!”
Gomer provided much of the comic relief during his two-year stint on The Andy Griffith Show. He was often awestruck by the simplest of things, resulting in the exclamation of his catchphrases, “Shazam!”, “Gaaw-aawl-ly” and “Surprise, surprise, surprise!”.
hmph..”Bammy’s impersonating an American citizen...and Howard Dean is accessory to fraud.
The Officer’s Oath plainly mentions the orders of the President of the United States. An officer has the duty to not follow any orders he believes are unlawful, e.g., from an unlawful source.
“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”
Demanding? lol
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