Posted on 07/21/2010 12:24:42 PM PDT by BuckeyeTexan
The following 65 names are confirmed members of the now-defunct JournoList listserv.
1. Ezra Klein
2. Dave Weigel
3. Matthew Yglesias
4. David Dayen
5. Spencer Ackerman
6. Jeffrey Toobin
7. Eric Alterman
8. Paul Krugman
9. John Judis
10. Eve Fairbanks
11. Mike Allen
12. Ben Smith
13. Lisa Lerer
14. Joe Klein
15. Brad DeLong
16. Chris Hayes
17. Matt Duss
18. Jonathan Chait
19. Jesse Singal
20. Michael Cohen
21. Isaac Chotiner
22. Katha Pollitt
23. Alyssa Rosenberg
24. Rick Perlstein
25. Alex Rossmiller
26. Ed Kilgore
27. Walter Shapiro
28. Noam Scheiber
29. Michael Tomasky
30. Rich Yesels
31. Tim Fernholz
32. Dana Goldstein
33. Jonathan Cohn
34. Scott Winship
35. David Roberts
36. Luke Mitchell
37. John Blevins
38. Moira Whelan
39. Henry Farrell
40. Josh Bearman
41. Alec McGillis
42. Greg Anrig
43. Adele Stan
44. Steven Teles
45. Harold Pollack
46. Adam Serwer
47. Ryan Donmoyer
48. Seth Michaels
49. Kate Steadman
50. Matt Duss
51. Laura Rozen
52. Jesse Taylor
53. Michael Hirsh
54. Daniel Davies
55. Jonathan Zasloff
56. Richard Kim
57. Thomas Schaller
58. Jared Bernstein
59. Holly Yeager
60. Joe Conason
61. David Greenberg
62. Todd Gitlin
63. Mark Schmitt
64. Kevin Drum
65. Sarah Spitz
Nicely done!
It would be nice to see a WHC or Congressional correspondent from ABCCBSNBC - somebody who (allegedly) deals in so-called "straight news", although I think there are plenty of print reporters who are allegedly "unbiased" straight news reporters.
These reporters need to be black balled. Any media they work for tarnished as Progressive-Communists operatives. They should be selected for demonstrations and all tea party people should investigate them for any wrong doing, bribes, etc... They must be given the same treatment they would give to conservatives.
Yes. They are going around Eleanor Clift. She must have missed the invitation memo.
On the other hand, it may be mostly a happy boys club.
#58 Jared Bernstein-
Is he *this* Jared Bernstein?:
Current Position: Chief Economic Adviser to Vice President Joseph R. Biden
Oh my, potential great catch!
There are a few female names on the list.
And I hate to say it, but there seems to be a HIGHLY disproportionate percentage of Jewish people - or at least people with Jewish sounding names - on that list. Just an observation, not intended to be antisemitic in any way. Of course, I would imagine that if they are Jewish, they're probably JINOS - Jews in name only.
I’m working on adding their organizations after their names. Updates coming soon ...
Yes, absolutely it sure freaking is!
Yes, it's the same man. The Daily Caller highlighted this on Sunday or Monday, in one of their stories. He was a writer for a publication before he came to the WH. I can't remember which one.
From the list, one could conclude a very high percentage of Jewish ancestry find socialism attractive.
I wonder how this list stacks up against the Pravda Correspondance School of Journalism
Thank you.
I’m no expert on names, but I think I count about 22 jews on that list.
And yet they only make up 2% of our population.
Go figure...
If you are able to confirm, with source material, any names that I don’t have listed, please send them to me. I couldn’t find a comprehensive list anywhere, so ... we’ll do it here at Free Republic.
Just skimming it, I bet the number is north of 30 - at least I stopped counting at 30.
There's another group of similar nature but everybody is Italian or Sicilian ~ you just don't know about it ~ nor will you ever without some serious investigations.
BTW, for a variety of reasons i'm exceedingly familiar with the world of the nonprofit publishers ~ and lo and behold I didn't catch any of their people on this list. Doesn't mean they aren't on there, but they appear to not travel in these circles. Probably why they know me too!
Ben Smith and Paul Krugman.
“Yes, it’s the same man. The Daily Caller highlighted this on Sunday or Monday, in one of their stories. He was a writer for a publication before he came to the WH. I can’t remember which one.”
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